An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games and more.

379 lines
13 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace UnityTest
public class AssertionComponent : MonoBehaviour, IAssertionComponentConfigurator
[SerializeField] public float checkAfterTime = 1f;
[SerializeField] public bool repeatCheckTime = true;
[SerializeField] public float repeatEveryTime = 1f;
[SerializeField] public int checkAfterFrames = 1;
[SerializeField] public bool repeatCheckFrame = true;
[SerializeField] public int repeatEveryFrame = 1;
[SerializeField] public bool hasFailed;
[SerializeField] public CheckMethod checkMethods = CheckMethod.Start;
[SerializeField] private ActionBase m_ActionBase;
[SerializeField] public int checksPerformed = 0;
private int m_CheckOnFrame;
private string m_CreatedInFilePath = "";
private int m_CreatedInFileLine = -1;
public ActionBase Action
get { return m_ActionBase; }
m_ActionBase = value;
m_ActionBase.go = gameObject;
public Object GetFailureReferenceObject()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_CreatedInFilePath))
return UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(m_CreatedInFilePath, typeof(Object));
return this;
public string GetCreationLocation()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_CreatedInFilePath))
var idx = m_CreatedInFilePath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1;
return string.Format("{0}, line {1} ({2})", m_CreatedInFilePath.Substring(idx), m_CreatedInFileLine, m_CreatedInFilePath);
return "";
public void Awake()
if (!Debug.isDebugBuild)
public void OnValidate()
if (Application.isEditor)
private void OnComponentCopy()
if (m_ActionBase == null) return;
var oldActionList = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(AssertionComponent)).Where(o => ((AssertionComponent)o).m_ActionBase == m_ActionBase && o != this);
// if it's not a copy but a new component don't do anything
if (!oldActionList.Any()) return;
if (oldActionList.Count() > 1)
Debug.LogWarning("More than one refence to comparer found. This shouldn't happen");
var oldAction = oldActionList.First() as AssertionComponent;
m_ActionBase = oldAction.m_ActionBase.CreateCopy(oldAction.gameObject, gameObject);
public void Start()
if (IsCheckMethodSelected(CheckMethod.AfterPeriodOfTime))
if (IsCheckMethodSelected(CheckMethod.Update))
m_CheckOnFrame = Time.frameCount + checkAfterFrames;
public IEnumerator CheckPeriodically()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(checkAfterTime);
while (repeatCheckTime)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(repeatEveryTime);
public bool ShouldCheckOnFrame()
if (Time.frameCount > m_CheckOnFrame)
if (repeatCheckFrame)
m_CheckOnFrame += repeatEveryFrame;
m_CheckOnFrame = Int32.MaxValue;
return true;
return false;
public void OnDisable()
public void OnEnable()
public void OnDestroy()
public void Update()
if (IsCheckMethodSelected(CheckMethod.Update) && ShouldCheckOnFrame())
public void FixedUpdate()
public void LateUpdate()
public void OnControllerColliderHit()
public void OnParticleCollision()
public void OnJointBreak()
public void OnBecameInvisible()
public void OnBecameVisible()
public void OnTriggerEnter()
public void OnTriggerExit()
public void OnTriggerStay()
public void OnCollisionEnter()
public void OnCollisionExit()
public void OnCollisionStay()
public void OnTriggerEnter2D()
public void OnTriggerExit2D()
public void OnTriggerStay2D()
public void OnCollisionEnter2D()
public void OnCollisionExit2D()
public void OnCollisionStay2D()
private void CheckAssertionFor(CheckMethod checkMethod)
if (IsCheckMethodSelected(checkMethod))
public bool IsCheckMethodSelected(CheckMethod method)
return method == (checkMethods & method);
#region Assertion Component create methods
public static T Create<T>(CheckMethod checkOnMethods, GameObject gameObject, string propertyPath) where T : ActionBase
IAssertionComponentConfigurator configurator;
return Create<T>(out configurator, checkOnMethods, gameObject, propertyPath);
public static T Create<T>(out IAssertionComponentConfigurator configurator, CheckMethod checkOnMethods, GameObject gameObject, string propertyPath) where T : ActionBase
return CreateAssertionComponent<T>(out configurator, checkOnMethods, gameObject, propertyPath);
public static T Create<T>(CheckMethod checkOnMethods, GameObject gameObject, string propertyPath, GameObject gameObject2, string propertyPath2) where T : ComparerBase
IAssertionComponentConfigurator configurator;
return Create<T>(out configurator, checkOnMethods, gameObject, propertyPath, gameObject2, propertyPath2);
public static T Create<T>(out IAssertionComponentConfigurator configurator, CheckMethod checkOnMethods, GameObject gameObject, string propertyPath, GameObject gameObject2, string propertyPath2) where T : ComparerBase
var comparer = CreateAssertionComponent<T>(out configurator, checkOnMethods, gameObject, propertyPath);
comparer.compareToType = ComparerBase.CompareToType.CompareToObject;
comparer.other = gameObject2;
comparer.otherPropertyPath = propertyPath2;
return comparer;
public static T Create<T>(CheckMethod checkOnMethods, GameObject gameObject, string propertyPath, object constValue) where T : ComparerBase
IAssertionComponentConfigurator configurator;
return Create<T>(out configurator, checkOnMethods, gameObject, propertyPath, constValue);
public static T Create<T>(out IAssertionComponentConfigurator configurator, CheckMethod checkOnMethods, GameObject gameObject, string propertyPath, object constValue) where T : ComparerBase
var comparer = CreateAssertionComponent<T>(out configurator, checkOnMethods, gameObject, propertyPath);
if (constValue == null)
comparer.compareToType = ComparerBase.CompareToType.CompareToNull;
return comparer;
comparer.compareToType = ComparerBase.CompareToType.CompareToConstantValue;
comparer.ConstValue = constValue;
return comparer;
private static T CreateAssertionComponent<T>(out IAssertionComponentConfigurator configurator, CheckMethod checkOnMethods, GameObject gameObject, string propertyPath) where T : ActionBase
var ac = gameObject.AddComponent<AssertionComponent>();
ac.checkMethods = checkOnMethods;
var comparer = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<T>();
ac.Action = comparer;
ac.Action.go = gameObject;
ac.Action.thisPropertyPath = propertyPath;
configurator = ac;
var stackTrace = new StackTrace(true);
var thisFileName = stackTrace.GetFrame(0).GetFileName();
for (int i = 1; i < stackTrace.FrameCount; i++)
var stackFrame = stackTrace.GetFrame(i);
if (stackFrame.GetFileName() != thisFileName)
string filePath = stackFrame.GetFileName().Substring(Application.dataPath.Length - "Assets".Length);
ac.m_CreatedInFilePath = filePath;
ac.m_CreatedInFileLine = stackFrame.GetFileLineNumber();
#endif // if !UNITY_METRO
return comparer;
#region AssertionComponentConfigurator
public int UpdateCheckStartOnFrame { set { checkAfterFrames = value; } }
public int UpdateCheckRepeatFrequency { set { repeatEveryFrame = value; } }
public bool UpdateCheckRepeat { set { repeatCheckFrame = value; } }
public float TimeCheckStartAfter { set { checkAfterTime = value; } }
public float TimeCheckRepeatFrequency { set { repeatEveryTime = value; } }
public bool TimeCheckRepeat { set { repeatCheckTime = value; } }
public AssertionComponent Component { get { return this; } }
public interface IAssertionComponentConfigurator
/// <summary>
/// If the assertion is evaluated in Update, after how many frame should the evaluation start. Deafult is 1 (first frame)
/// </summary>
int UpdateCheckStartOnFrame { set; }
/// <summary>
/// If the assertion is evaluated in Update and UpdateCheckRepeat is true, how many frame should pass between evaluations
/// </summary>
int UpdateCheckRepeatFrequency { set; }
/// <summary>
/// If the assertion is evaluated in Update, should the evaluation be repeated after UpdateCheckRepeatFrequency frames
/// </summary>
bool UpdateCheckRepeat { set; }
/// <summary>
/// If the assertion is evaluated after a period of time, after how many seconds the first evaluation should be done
/// </summary>
float TimeCheckStartAfter { set; }
/// <summary>
/// If the assertion is evaluated after a period of time and TimeCheckRepeat is true, after how many seconds should the next evaluation happen
/// </summary>
float TimeCheckRepeatFrequency { set; }
/// <summary>
/// If the assertion is evaluated after a period, should the evaluation happen again after TimeCheckRepeatFrequency seconds
/// </summary>
bool TimeCheckRepeat { set; }
AssertionComponent Component { get; }