An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games and more.
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace Fungus
* Attach this component to a sprite object to apply a simple parallax scrolling effect.
* The parallax offset is calculated based on the distance from the camera to the position of the parent Room.
public class Parallax : MonoBehaviour
* Scale factor for calculating the parallax offset.
public Vector2 parallaxScale = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f);
Vector3 startPosition;
Room parentRoom;
void Start ()
// Store the starting position of the sprite object
startPosition = transform.position;
// Store a reference to the parent Room object
Transform ancestor = transform.parent;
while (ancestor != null)
Room room = ancestor.GetComponent<Room>();
if (room != null)
parentRoom = room;
ancestor = ancestor.transform.parent;
void Update ()
if (parentRoom == null)
// Don't apply offset if the sprite is not a child of a Room
if (Game.GetInstance().activeRoom != parentRoom)
// Early out if this sprite is not in the currently active Room
Vector3 offset = Game.GetInstance().GetParallaxOffset(parallaxScale);
// Set new position for sprite
transform.position = startPosition + offset;