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This page explains how to download and install Unity and %Fungus.
Video Tutorial
How do I install Fungus?
- Install the latest version of Unity.
- Launch Unity and create a new Project by selecting File > New Project.
- Select 'Use Defaults for 2D' when creating the new project.
To install %Fungus from the Asset Store (recommended):
- Open the Asset Store window in Unity
- Search for %Fungus on the Asset Store
- Download and import %Fungus to your project using the Asset Store window.
To install %Fungus from the latest release on Github:
- Download the latest %Fungus .unitypackage from Github
- Import %Fungus into the new project by selecting Assets > Import Package > Custom Package.
First steps
- Display the Flowchart editor window by selecting Window > Tools > %Fungus > Flowchart Window.
- For convenience, you should dock the Flowchart window somewhere in the editor window.
- In the project window, open The Hunter example scene (FungusExamples > TheHunter > TheHunter.unity).
- Press play and click through the example game.
Try playing the other example scenes and watch how the gameplay is controlled by the flowchart in the %Fungus Script window.
How do I upgrade?
To upgrade an existing project to the latest version of %Fungus.
- Take a backup of your project. No really, do it!
- We recommend updating to the latest version of Unity.
- Delete the %Fungus and FungusExamples folders from your project.
- Download and import the latest version of %Fungus.
We try to maintain backwards compatibility between releases but sometimes breaking changes are necessary. If you're having trouble upgrading your project just ask for assistance on the forum.
System Requirements
- We recommend installing the latest version of Unity.
- %Fungus requires at least Unity 5.0 and is not compatible with Unity 4.x or earlier.
- %Fungus works with both the PC & Mac versions of Unity
- %Fungus works with both the free Personal and Professional editions of Unity
- Official Unity list of system requirements.