373 lines
11 KiB
373 lines
11 KiB
// This code is part of the Fungus library (https://github.com/snozbot/fungus) |
// It is released for free under the MIT open source license (https://github.com/snozbot/fungus/blob/master/LICENSE) |
using NUnit.Framework; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Linq; |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace Fungus.Tests |
{ |
[TestFixture] |
/// <summary> |
/// It should be no surprise that all of these work, but it is worth confirming there isn't |
/// a silly mistake somewhere |
/// </summary> |
public class CollectionTests |
{ |
private Fungus.GameObjectCollection goCol; |
private Fungus.IntCollection intColA, intColB; |
[Test] |
public void AddRemove() |
{ |
Assert.NotNull(intColA); |
Assert.NotNull(intColB); |
const int Items = 10; |
const int ItemIndexToRemove = 3; |
const int ValueToRemove = 1; |
const int ValueToAddUnique = ValueToRemove; |
const int ValueToAddDups = ValueToAddUnique; |
const int MinBVal = 7; |
const int SizeAAfterBRem = Items - (Items - MinBVal); |
//add items ensure indicies match |
for (int i = 0; i < Items; i++) |
{ |
//added at expected index |
Assert.AreEqual(i, intColA.Add(i)); |
//value at index matches expected value |
Assert.AreEqual(i, intColA.Get(i)); |
} |
//ensure count matches items added |
Assert.AreEqual(Items, intColA.Count); |
var valAtRemoveIndex = intColA.GetSafe(ItemIndexToRemove); |
intColA.RemoveAt(ItemIndexToRemove); |
Assert.AreEqual(Items - 1, intColA.Count); |
intColA.Insert(ItemIndexToRemove, valAtRemoveIndex); |
Assert.AreEqual(valAtRemoveIndex, intColA.GetSafe(ItemIndexToRemove)); |
intColA.Remove(ValueToRemove); |
Assert.AreEqual(Items - 1, intColA.Count); |
//multiple calls to add unique to get back the value we removed and ensure unique works |
for (int i = 0; i < Items; i++) |
{ |
intColA.AddUnique(ValueToAddUnique); |
} |
Assert.AreEqual(Items, intColA.Count); |
//now add a bunch of dups, so we can remove all of them |
for (int i = 0; i < Items; i++) |
{ |
intColA.Add(ValueToAddDups); |
} |
intColA.RemoveAll(ValueToAddDups); |
Assert.AreEqual(Items - 1, intColA.Count); |
//put it back |
intColA.Add(ValueToAddDups); |
//now add a bunch of items to the colB and remove all of them from colA |
for (int i = MinBVal; i < Items; i++) |
{ |
intColB.Add(i); |
} |
intColA.RemoveAll(intColB); |
Assert.AreEqual(intColA.Count, SizeAAfterBRem);// all of b should be gone |
intColA.Add(intColB.Get(0)); |
intColA.AddUnique(intColB);//ensure intColB[0] doesn't double |
Assert.AreEqual(intColA.Count, Items);// all of b should be back in there now |
intColA.Add(intColB); |
intColA.Unique(); |
Assert.IsTrue(intColA.Count == Items); |
intColA.RemoveAll(intColA);//should be equiv to clear |
intColB.Clear(); |
Assert.AreEqual(intColA.Count, 0); |
Assert.AreEqual(intColB.Count, 0); |
intColA.Clear(); |
intColB.Clear(); |
} |
[Test] |
public void Compat() |
{ |
Assert.IsTrue(intColA.IsElementCompatible(7)); |
Assert.IsTrue(intColA.IsCollectionCompatible(intColB)); |
Assert.IsTrue(intColA.IsCollectionCompatible(new int[] { 1 })); |
Assert.IsTrue(intColA.IsCollectionCompatible(new List<int>())); |
Assert.IsTrue(intColA.IsCollectionCompatible(new List<Fungus.IntegerVariable>())); |
Assert.IsFalse(intColA.IsElementCompatible(Vector3.up)); |
Assert.IsFalse(intColA.IsCollectionCompatible(goCol)); |
Assert.IsFalse(intColA.IsCollectionCompatible(new Color[] { Color.white })); |
Assert.IsFalse(intColA.IsCollectionCompatible(new List<Material>())); |
Assert.IsFalse(intColA.IsCollectionCompatible(new List<Fungus.StringVariable>())); |
} |
[Test] |
public void Copy() |
{ |
const int Items = 10; |
for (int i = 0; i < Items; i++) |
{ |
intColA.Add(i); |
} |
intColB.CopyFrom(intColA); |
for (int i = 0; i < intColA.Count; i++) |
{ |
Assert.AreEqual(intColA[i], intColB[i]); |
} |
//test enumerator |
var enumer = intColA.GetEnumerator(); |
var index = 0; |
while (enumer.MoveNext()) |
{ |
Assert.AreEqual(enumer.Current, intColB[index++]); |
} |
intColB.Clear(); |
intColB.Add(intColA); |
for (int i = 0; i < intColA.Count; i++) |
{ |
Assert.AreEqual(intColA[i], intColB[i]); |
} |
intColB.Clear(); |
int[] copyDest = new int[intColA.Count]; |
intColA.CopyTo(copyDest, 0); |
for (int i = 0; i < intColA.Count; i++) |
{ |
Assert.AreEqual(intColA[i], copyDest[i]); |
} |
//now back again |
intColA.Clear(); |
intColA.CopyFrom(copyDest); |
for (int i = 0; i < intColA.Count; i++) |
{ |
Assert.AreEqual(intColA[i], copyDest[i]); |
} |
//now lists |
intColA.Clear(); |
intColA.CopyFrom(copyDest.ToList()); |
for (int i = 0; i < intColA.Count; i++) |
{ |
Assert.AreEqual(intColA[i], copyDest[i]); |
} |
intColA.Clear(); |
intColB.Clear(); |
} |
[OneTimeTearDown] |
public void DestroyTestObjects() |
{ |
Object.DestroyImmediate(intColA.gameObject); |
Object.DestroyImmediate(intColB.gameObject); |
Object.DestroyImmediate(goCol.gameObject); |
} |
[Test] |
public void Exclusive() |
{ |
const int Items = 10; |
const int Step = 5; |
for (int i = 0; i < Items; i++) |
{ |
intColA.Add(i); |
intColB.Add(i + Step); |
} |
intColA.Exclusive(intColB); |
for (int i = 0; i < intColA.Count; i++) |
{ |
Assert.IsTrue(intColA.GetSafe(i) < Step || intColA.GetSafe(i) >= Items); |
} |
Assert.AreEqual(intColA.Count, Items); |
intColA.Clear(); |
intColB.Clear(); |
} |
[Test] |
public void Finds() |
{ |
const int Items = 10; |
const int TargetItemValue = 5; |
const int TargetItemIndex = 5; |
const int BItems = 3; |
for (int i = 0; i < Items; i++) |
{ |
intColA.Add(i); |
} |
//add a dup, test first and last, remove dup |
intColA.Add(TargetItemValue); |
Assert.AreEqual(intColA.IndexOf(TargetItemValue), TargetItemIndex); |
Assert.IsTrue(intColA.Contains(TargetItemValue)); |
Assert.AreEqual(intColA.Occurrences(TargetItemValue), 2); |
Assert.AreEqual(intColA.LastIndexOf(TargetItemValue), intColA.Count - 1); |
intColA.RemoveAt(intColA.Count - 1); |
//any of, put some in colb |
for (int i = 0; i < BItems; i++) |
{ |
intColB.Add(i); |
} |
Assert.IsTrue(intColA.ContainsAnyOf(intColB)); |
//clear be, put all of in col b |
intColB.Clear(); |
intColB.Add(intColA); |
//contain ordered |
Assert.IsTrue(intColA.ContainsAllOfOrdered(intColB)); |
//shuffle |
EnsureShuffledDifferent(intColB); |
//contain ordered must fail |
Assert.IsFalse(intColA.ContainsAllOfOrdered(intColB)); |
//contain all of must true |
Assert.IsTrue(intColA.ContainsAllOf(intColB)); |
intColA.Clear(); |
intColB.Clear(); |
} |
[Test] |
public void GetSet() |
{ |
const int ValueA = 1, ValueB = 2; |
intColA.Add(ValueA); |
Assert.AreEqual(ValueA, intColA[0]); |
Assert.AreEqual(ValueA, intColA.Get(0)); |
Assert.AreEqual(ValueA, intColA.GetSafe(0)); |
intColA.Set(0, ValueB); |
Assert.AreEqual(ValueB, intColA[0]); |
intColA[0] = ValueA; |
Assert.AreEqual(ValueA, intColA[0]); |
intColA.Clear(); |
intColB.Clear(); |
} |
[OneTimeSetUp] |
public void InitTestObjects() |
{ |
intColA = new GameObject().AddComponent<Fungus.IntCollection>(); |
intColB = new GameObject().AddComponent<Fungus.IntCollection>(); |
goCol = new GameObject().AddComponent<Fungus.GameObjectCollection>(); |
} |
[Test] |
public void Intersection() |
{ |
const int Items = 10; |
const int Step = 5; |
for (int i = 0; i < Items; i++) |
{ |
intColA.Add(i); |
intColB.Add(i + Step); |
} |
intColA.Intersection(intColB); |
for (int i = 0; i < intColA.Count; i++) |
{ |
Assert.IsTrue(intColA.GetSafe(i) >= Step || intColA.GetSafe(i) < Items); |
} |
Assert.AreEqual(intColA.Count, Step); |
intColA.Clear(); |
intColB.Clear(); |
} |
[Test] |
public void Size() |
{ |
intColA.Capacity = 10; |
var startCap = intColA.Capacity; |
var startCount = intColA.Count; |
intColA.Capacity *= 10; |
Assert.Greater(intColA.Capacity, startCap); |
startCap = intColA.Capacity; |
Assert.AreEqual(startCount, intColA.Count); |
intColA.Reserve(intColA.Capacity * 10); |
Assert.Greater(intColA.Capacity, startCap); |
intColA.Resize(startCount + 10); |
Assert.AreEqual(startCount + 10, intColA.Count); |
intColA.Clear(); |
intColB.Clear(); |
} |
[Test] |
public void Sort() |
{ |
const int Items = 10; |
for (int i = 0; i < Items; i++) |
{ |
intColA.Add(i); |
} |
//other tests ensure that all actually works |
EnsureShuffledDifferent(intColA); |
intColA.Sort(); |
for (int i = 0; i < Items; i++) |
{ |
Assert.AreEqual(i, intColA[i]); |
} |
//are they now mirrored |
intColA.Reverse(); |
for (int i = 0; i < Items; i++) |
{ |
Assert.AreEqual(i, intColA[Items - i - 1]); |
} |
intColA.Clear(); |
intColB.Clear(); |
} |
private void EnsureShuffledDifferent(Fungus.IntCollection col) |
{ |
var startval = col.GetSafe(0); |
col.Shuffle(); |
//don't let shuffle result in the same seq |
if (col.GetSafe(0) == startval) |
{ |
col[0] = col[col.Count - 1]; |
col[col.Count - 1] = startval; |
} |
} |
} |
} |