An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games and more.

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Coding Tips


This is a collection of quick tips for scripting %Fungus from code.

Executing Blocks

You first need to get a reference to your flowchart object. Add a public Flowchart property to your component and set it to reference your flowchart in the inspector.

using UnityEngine;
using Fungus;

class MyComponent : public MonoBehaviour
	public Flowchart flowchart;

To execute a named Block in the Flowchart:


To start execution at a specific command index:

flowchart.ExecuteBlock("BlockName", 3);

To tell if a Flowchart has any executing Blocks:

if (flowchart.HasExecutingBlocks())
	// Do something

Block Signals

You can use the BlockSignals class to listen for events from the Block execution system.

using Fungus;

public MyComponent : MonoBehaviour
    void OnEnable() 
    	// Register as listener for Block events
        BlockSignals.OnBlockStart += OnBlockStart;

    void OnDisable()
    	// Unregister as listener for Block events
        BlockSignals.OnBlockStart -= OnBlockStart;

    void OnBlockStart(Block block)
    	Debug.Log("Block started " + block.BlockName);

Writer Signals

You can use the WriterSignals class to listen for a variety of events from the text writing system.

using Fungus;

public MyComponent : MonoBehaviour
    void OnEnable() 
    	// Register as listener for Writer state change events
        WriterSignals.OnWriterState += OnWriterState;

    void OnDisable()
    	// Unregister as listener for Writer state change events
        WriterSignals.OnWriterState -= OnWriterState;

    void OnWriterState(Writer writer, WriterState writerState)
    	if (writerState == WriterState.Start)
    		Debug.Log("Writing started");