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Unity Test Tools
If you are using the Unity Test Tools, FungusLua is a powerful and fast way to create integration tests using Lua scripting.
- Create a new test in the scene.
- Add a Lua object (Tools > Fungus > Create > Lua) as a child of the test object.
- In the LuaScript component, use the check() function to assert whatever conditions you need for the test. At the end, call pass().
Example test script:
-- Check a condition, and output a reason if it fails
check( myvar < 40, "My var is too big")
-- Just check a condition
check( myvar > 20 )
-- Test will exit successfully
If any of the checks fail, then the test fails immediately.
Lua Functions
-- Checks if a condition is true
-- Lua has a built in assert function, so we called this check to avoid conflicting.
check(c, reason)
-- Pass an integration test
-- Fail an integration test
-- reason: Optional string explaining why the test failed.