An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games and more.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

475 lines
13 KiB

using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Fungus
* A rectangular screen area for rendering story text.
* Rooms may contain any number of Pages.
* If a Page is a child of a View, then transitioning to that View will automatically activate the Page.
public class Page : MonoBehaviour
/// Rectangular bounds used to display page text
public Bounds pageBounds = new Bounds(, new Vector3(0.25f, 0.25f, 0f));
/// Page position within bounds when display height is less than bounds height
public enum VerticalAlign
public VerticalAlign verticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Middle;
string titleText = "";
string originalStoryText = "";
string displayedStoryText = "";
Action deferredAction;
Action continueAction;
public enum Mode
Mode mode = Mode.Idle;
class Option
public string optionText;
public Action optionAction;
public Option(string _optionText, Action _optionAction)
optionText = _optionText;
optionAction = _optionAction;
List<Option> options = new List<Option>();
float quickContinueTimer;
public virtual void Update()
if (quickContinueTimer > 0)
quickContinueTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
quickContinueTimer = Mathf.Max(quickContinueTimer, 0f);
public void SetTitle(string _titleText)
titleText = _titleText;
public void Say(string sayText, Action sayAction)
mode = Mode.Say;
StringTable stringTable = Game.GetInstance().stringTable;
string subbedText = stringTable.SubstituteStrings(sayText);
continueAction = sayAction;
public void AddOption(string optionText, Action optionAction)
StringTable stringTable = Game.GetInstance().stringTable;
string subbedText = stringTable.FormatLinkText(stringTable.SubstituteStrings(optionText));
options.Add(new Option(subbedText, optionAction));
public void Choose(string _chooseText)
mode = Mode.Choose;
StringTable stringTable = Game.GetInstance().stringTable;
string subbedText = stringTable.SubstituteStrings(_chooseText);
void WriteStory(string storyText)
PageStyle pageStyle = Game.GetInstance().activePageStyle;
if (pageStyle == null)
GUIStyle sayStyle = pageStyle.GetScaledSayStyle();
// Disable quick continue for a short period to prevent accidental taps
quickContinueTimer = 0.8f;
// Hack to avoid displaying partial color tag text
if (storyText.Contains("<"))
originalStoryText = storyText;
displayedStoryText = storyText;
float textWidth = CalcInnerRect(GetScreenRect()).width;
originalStoryText = InsertLineBreaks(storyText, sayStyle, textWidth);
displayedStoryText = "";
// Use a coroutine to write the story text out over time
// Coroutine to write story text out over a period of time
IEnumerator WriteStoryInternal()
int charactersPerSecond = Game.GetInstance().charactersPerSecond;
// Zero CPS means write instantly
if (charactersPerSecond <= 0)
displayedStoryText = originalStoryText;
yield break;
displayedStoryText = "";
float writeDelay = 1f / (float)charactersPerSecond;
float timeAccumulator = 0f;
while (displayedStoryText.Length < originalStoryText.Length)
timeAccumulator += Time.deltaTime;
while (timeAccumulator > 0f)
timeAccumulator -= writeDelay;
if (displayedStoryText.Length < originalStoryText.Length)
displayedStoryText += originalStoryText.Substring(displayedStoryText.Length, 1);
yield return null;
displayedStoryText = originalStoryText;
public virtual void OnGUI()
if (mode == Mode.Idle)
PageStyle pageStyle = Game.GetInstance().activePageStyle;
if (pageStyle == null)
GUIStyle boxStyle = pageStyle.boxStyle;
GUIStyle titleStyle = pageStyle.GetScaledTitleStyle();
GUIStyle sayStyle = pageStyle.GetScaledSayStyle();
GUIStyle optionStyle = pageStyle.GetScaledOptionStyle();
GUIStyle optionAlternateStyle = pageStyle.GetScaledOptionAlternateStyle();
GUIStyle continueStyle = pageStyle.GetScaledContinueStyle();
Rect pageRect = GetScreenRect();
Rect outerRect = pageRect;
Rect innerRect = CalcInnerRect(outerRect);
// Calculate height of each section
float titleHeight = CalcTitleHeight(innerRect.width);
float storyHeight = CalcStoryHeight(innerRect.width);
float optionsHeight = CalcOptionsHeight(innerRect.width);
float contentHeight = titleHeight + storyHeight + optionsHeight;
// Adjust outer rect position based on alignment settings
switch (verticalAlign)
case VerticalAlign.Top:
outerRect.height = contentHeight + ( + boxStyle.padding.bottom);
outerRect.y = pageRect.yMin;
case VerticalAlign.Middle:
outerRect.height = contentHeight + ( + boxStyle.padding.bottom);
outerRect.y = - outerRect.height / 2;
case VerticalAlign.Bottom:
outerRect.height = contentHeight + ( + boxStyle.padding.bottom);
outerRect.y = pageRect.yMax - outerRect.height;
// Force outer rect to always be on-screen
// If the rect is bigger than the screen, then the top-left corner will always be visible
outerRect.x = Mathf.Min(outerRect.x, Screen.width - outerRect.width);
outerRect.y = Mathf.Min(outerRect.y, Screen.height - outerRect.height);
outerRect.x = Mathf.Max(0, outerRect.x);
outerRect.y = Mathf.Max(0, outerRect.y);
innerRect = CalcInnerRect(outerRect);
// Draw box
Rect boxRect = outerRect;
boxRect.height = contentHeight + ( + boxStyle.padding.bottom);
GUI.Box(boxRect, "", boxStyle);
// Draw title label
Rect titleRect = innerRect;
titleRect.height = titleHeight;
GUI.Label(titleRect, titleText, titleStyle);
// Draw say label
Rect storyRect = innerRect;
storyRect.y += titleHeight;
storyRect.height = storyHeight;
GUI.Label(storyRect, displayedStoryText, sayStyle);
bool finishedWriting = (displayedStoryText.Length == originalStoryText.Length);
if (!finishedWriting)
if (mode == Mode.Say)
Rect continueRect = CalcContinueRect(outerRect);
GUI.Button(continueRect, new GUIContent(Game.GetInstance().continueText), continueStyle);
// Player can continue by clicking anywhere
if (quickContinueTimer == 0 &&
(Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) || Input.anyKeyDown) &&
continueAction != null)
deferredAction = continueAction;
else if (mode == Mode.Choose)
// Draw option buttons
Rect buttonRect = innerRect;
buttonRect.y += titleHeight + storyHeight;
bool alternateRow = false;
foreach (Option option in options)
GUIContent buttonContent = new GUIContent(option.optionText);
buttonRect.height = optionStyle.CalcHeight(buttonContent, innerRect.width);
// Select style for odd/even colored rows
GUIStyle style;
if (alternateRow)
style = optionAlternateStyle;
style = optionStyle;
alternateRow = !alternateRow;
if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, buttonContent, style))
if (option.optionAction != null)
// We can't execute the option action yet because OnGUI
// may be called multiple times during a frame, and it's
// not permitted to modify GUI elements within a frame.
// We defer executing the action until OnGUI has completed.
deferredAction = option.optionAction;
buttonRect.y += buttonRect.height;
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
if (deferredAction != null)
Action tempAction = deferredAction;
displayedStoryText = "";
originalStoryText = "";
deferredAction = null;
if (mode == Mode.Choose)
// Reset to idle, but calling action may set this again
mode = Mode.Idle;
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
else if (mode == Mode.Say )
// Reset to idle, but calling action may set this again
mode = Mode.Idle;
// Execute next command
float CalcTitleHeight(float boxWidth)
PageStyle pageStyle = Game.GetInstance().activePageStyle;
if (pageStyle == null ||
mode == Mode.Idle ||
titleText.Length == 0)
return 0;
GUIStyle titleStyle = pageStyle.GetScaledTitleStyle();
GUIContent titleContent = new GUIContent(titleText);
return titleStyle.CalcHeight(titleContent, boxWidth);
float CalcStoryHeight(float boxWidth)
PageStyle pageStyle = Game.GetInstance().activePageStyle;
GUIStyle sayStyle = pageStyle.GetScaledSayStyle();
if (pageStyle == null ||
mode == Mode.Idle ||
originalStoryText.Length == 0)
// Allow a space for story even if there's no text
return sayStyle.lineHeight;
GUIContent storyContent = new GUIContent(originalStoryText + "\n");
return sayStyle.CalcHeight(storyContent, boxWidth);
float CalcOptionsHeight(float boxWidth)
PageStyle pageStyle = Game.GetInstance().activePageStyle;
if (pageStyle == null ||
mode == Mode.Idle ||
options.Count == 0)
return 0;
// This assumes that the alternate option style is the same height as the regular style
GUIStyle optionStyle = pageStyle.GetScaledOptionStyle();
float totalHeight = 0;
foreach (Option option in options)
GUIContent optionContent = new GUIContent(option.optionText);
float optionHeight = optionStyle.CalcHeight(optionContent, boxWidth);
totalHeight += optionHeight;
// Add space at bottom
GUIStyle sayStyle = pageStyle.GetScaledSayStyle();
totalHeight += sayStyle.lineHeight;
return totalHeight;
// Returns smaller internal box rect with padding style applied
Rect CalcInnerRect(Rect outerRect)
PageStyle pageStyle = Game.GetInstance().activePageStyle;
if (pageStyle == null)
return new Rect();
GUIStyle boxStyle = pageStyle.boxStyle;
return new Rect(outerRect.x + boxStyle.padding.left,
outerRect.y +,
outerRect.width - (boxStyle.padding.left + boxStyle.padding.right),
outerRect.height - ( + boxStyle.padding.bottom));
Rect CalcContinueRect(Rect outerRect)
PageStyle pageStyle = Game.GetInstance().activePageStyle;
if (pageStyle == null)
return new Rect();
GUIStyle continueStyle = pageStyle.GetScaledContinueStyle();
GUIContent content = new GUIContent(Game.GetInstance().continueText);
float width = continueStyle.CalcSize(content).x;
float height = continueStyle.lineHeight;
float x = outerRect.xMin + (outerRect.width) - (width) - pageStyle.boxStyle.padding.right;
float y = outerRect.yMax - height / 2f;
return new Rect(x, y, width, height);
// Returns the page rect in screen space coords
Rect GetScreenRect()
// Y decreases up the screen in GUI space, so top left is rect origin
Vector3 topLeft = transform.position +;
topLeft.x -= pageBounds.extents.x;
topLeft.y += pageBounds.extents.y;
Vector3 bottomRight = transform.position +;
bottomRight.x += pageBounds.extents.x;
bottomRight.y -= pageBounds.extents.y;
Camera mainCamera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").camera;
Vector2 tl = mainCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(topLeft);
Vector2 br = mainCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(bottomRight);
return new Rect(tl.x, Screen.height - tl.y, br.x - tl.x, tl.y - br.y);
// Inserts extra line breaks to avoid partial words 'jumping' to next line due to word wrap
string InsertLineBreaks(string text, GUIStyle style, float maxWidth)
string output = "";
string[] parts = Regex.Split(text, @"(?=\s)");
foreach (string word in parts)
float oldHeight = style.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(output), maxWidth);
float newHeight = style.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(output + word), maxWidth);
if (oldHeight > 0 &&
newHeight > oldHeight)
output += "\n" + word.TrimStart();
output += word;
return output;