An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games and more.

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MonoBehaviour Events

See Unity MonoBehaviour Messages for more context.



The block will execute on the selected OnAnimator messages from Unity.

Defined in Fungus.AnimatorState

Property Type Description
FireOn System.Enum OnAnimatorIK, OnAnimatorMove. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire.
IKLayer System.Int32 IK layer to trigger on. Negative is all.


The block will execute on the selected OnApplication messages from Unity.

Defined in Fungus.ApplicationState

Property Type Description
FireOn System.Enum OnApplicationGetFocus, OnApplicationLoseFocus, OnApplicationPause, OnApplicationResume, OnApplicationQuit. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire.


The block will execute on the OnControllerColliderHit messages from Unity & tags pass tests.

Defined in Fungus.CharacterControllerCollide

Property Type Description
tagFilter System.String[] Array of strings, if this is empty then tag comparing is ignored. Otherwise as long as 1 of the tags within matches the incoming tag to test it will pass. Think of it like a big chain of 'or's.


The block will execute on the OnCollision related messages from Unity & tags pass tests. Used for the 3D physics system, see the collision detection occurs section for more info.

Defined in Fungus.Collision

Property Type Description
tagFilter System.String[] Array of strings, if this is empty then tag comparing is ignored. Otherwise as long as 1 of the tags within matches the incoming tag to test it will pass. Think of it like a big chain of 'or's.
FireOn System.Enum Enter, Stay, Exit. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire.


The block will execute on the OnCollision related messages from Unity & tags pass tests. Used for the 2D physics system, see the collision detection occurs section for more info.

Defined in Fungus.Collision2D

Property Type Description
tagFilter System.String[] Array of strings, if this is empty then tag comparing is ignored. Otherwise as long as 1 of the tags within matches the incoming tag to test it will pass. Think of it like a big chain of 'or's.
FireOn System.Enum Enter, Stay, Exit. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire.


The block will execute on the selected OnMouse messages from Unity.

Defined in Fungus.Mouse

Property Type Description
FireOn System.Enum OnMouseDown, OnMouseDrag, OnMouseEnter, OnMouseExit, OnMouseOver, OnMouseUp, OnMouseUpAsButton. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire.


The block will execute on the OnParticle related messages from Unity & tags pass tests.

Defined in Fungus.Particle

Property Type Description
tagFilter System.String[] Array of strings, if this is empty then tag comparing is ignored. Otherwise as long as 1 of the tags within matches the incoming tag to test it will pass. Think of it like a big chain of 'or's.
FireOn System.Enum OnParticleCollision, OnParticleTrigger. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. OnParticleCollision uses the tag filter, OnParticleTrigger has no parameters provided by Unity.


The block will execute on the selected On*Render messages from Unity.

Defined in Fungus.Render

Property Type Description
FireOn System.Enum OnPostRender, OnPreCull, OnPreRender, OnRenderObject, OnWillRenderObject, OnBecameInvisible, OnBecameVisible. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire.


The block will execute on the selected transform changed messages from Unity.

Defined in Fungus.TransformChanged

Property Type Description
FireOn System.Enum OnTransformChildrenChanged, OnTransformParentChanged. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire.


The block will execute on the OnTrigger related messages from Unity & tags pass tests. Used for the 3D physics system, see the trigger messages sent upon section for more info.

Defined in Fungus.Trigger

Property Type Description
tagFilter System.String[] Array of strings, if this is empty then tag comparing is ignored. Otherwise as long as 1 of the tags within matches the incoming tag to test it will pass. Think of it like a big chain of 'or's.
FireOn System.Enum Enter, Stay, Exit. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire.


The block will execute on the OnTrigger*2D related messages from Unity & tags pass tests. Used for the 2D physics system, see the trigger messages sent upon section for more info.

Defined in Fungus.Trigger2D

Property Type Description
tagFilter System.String[] Array of strings, if this is empty then tag comparing is ignored. Otherwise as long as 1 of the tags within matches the incoming tag to test it will pass. Think of it like a big chain of 'or's.
FireOn System.Enum Enter, Stay, Exit. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire.


The block will execute on the selected update messages from Unity.

Defined in Fungus.UpdateTick

Property Type Description
FireOn System.Enum Update, FixedUpdate, LateUpdate. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire.