An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games and more.

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UI commands


Fade UI

Fades a UI object

Defined in Fungus.FadeUI

Property Type Description
Target Objects System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.GameObject] List of objects to be affected by the tween
Tween Type LeanTweenType Type of tween easing to apply
Wait Until Finished Fungus.BooleanData Wait until this command completes before continuing execution
Duration Fungus.FloatData Time for the tween to complete

Get Text

Gets the text property from a UI Text object and stores it in a string variable.

Defined in Fungus.GetText

Property Type Description
Target Text Object UnityEngine.GameObject Text object to get text value from
String Variable Fungus.StringVariable String variable to store the text value in

Get Toggle State

Gets the state of a toggle UI object and stores it in a boolean variable.

Defined in Fungus.GetToggleState

Property Type Description
Toggle UnityEngine.UI.Toggle Target toggle object to get the value from
Toggle State Fungus.BooleanVariable Boolean variable to store the state of the toggle value in.

Set Interactable

Set the interactable state of selectable objects.

Defined in Fungus.SetInteractable

Property Type Description
Target Objects System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.GameObject] List of objects to be affected by the command
Interactable State Fungus.BooleanData Controls if the selectable UI object be interactable or not

Set Slider Value

Sets the value property of a slider object

Defined in Fungus.SetSliderValue

Property Type Description
Slider UnityEngine.UI.Slider Target slider object to set the value on
Value Fungus.FloatData Float value to set the slider value to.

Set Text

Sets the text property on a UI Text object and/or an Input Field object.

Defined in Fungus.SetText

Property Type Description
Target Text Object UnityEngine.GameObject Text object to set text on. Can be a UI Text, Text Field or Text Mesh object.
Text Fungus.StringDataMulti String value to assign to the text object
Description System.String Notes about this story text for other authors, localization, etc.

Set Toggle State

Sets the state of a toggle UI object

Defined in Fungus.SetToggleState

Property Type Description
Toggle UnityEngine.UI.Toggle Target toggle object to set the state on
Value Fungus.BooleanData Boolean value to set the toggle state to.


Writes content to a UI Text or Text Mesh object.

Defined in Fungus.Write

Property Type Description
Text Object UnityEngine.GameObject Text object to set text on. Text, Input Field and Text Mesh objects are supported.
Text Fungus.StringDataMulti String value to assign to the text object
Description System.String Notes about this story text for other authors, localization, etc.
Clear Text System.Boolean Clear existing text before writing new text
Wait Until Finished System.Boolean Wait until this command finishes before executing the next command
Text Color Fungus.TextColor Color mode to apply to the text.
Set Alpha Fungus.FloatData Alpha to apply to the text.
Set Color Fungus.ColorData Color to apply to the text.