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= \"Fred\"\nsubbed = sub(\"{$globalname}\")\ncheck (subbed == \"Fred\")\n\n-- |
Test English string table entry\nsubbed = sub(\"{$hello}\")\ncheck(subbed == \"Hi |
there\")\n\n-- Test French string table entry\nsetlanguage(\"fr\")\nsubbed = sub(\"{$hello}\")\ncheck(subbed |
== \"Bonjour\")\n\n-- Global \n\npass()\n" |
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--- !u!114 &791892757 |
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1. Private variable in this Flowchart. |
2. Public variable in another Flowchart. |
3. Global variable in a LuaEnvironment |
' |
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commentText: Wait a little to ensure the LuaScript has executed |
--- !u!1 &951347107 |
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--- !u!4 &982964957 |
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local v = sub("{$s1}") |
check(v == "A B C") |
-- Test 3 levels of recursion using flowchart variables |
-- Also pulls in strings from string table |
runblock(flowchart, "DoTest") |
check(text.text == "A B C D E F") |
pass()' |
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--- !u!114 &1153383145 |
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-- Private variable should not substitute |
subbed = sub("{$StringVarA}") |
check(subbed == "{$StringVarA}") |
-- Public variable should substitute |
subbed = sub("{$StringVarB}") |
check (subbed == "Ok") |
pass()' |
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--- !u!114 &1249712162 |
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--- !u!114 &1563984266 |
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--- !u!114 &1627631717 |
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--- !u!4 &1627631718 |
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--- !u!1 &1818190873 |
GameObject: |
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--- !u!4 &1818190874 |
Transform: |
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--- !u!114 &1818190876 |
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--- !u!114 &1818190880 |
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description: 'Test substituting variables in a Write command. |
One variable is a private variable in this Flowchart. |
The other variable is a global variable in a LuaEnvironment' |
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--- !u!1001 &1967693978 |
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objectReference: {fileID: 0} |
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--- !u!1 &2035584478 |
GameObject: |
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--- !u!4 &2035584479 |
Transform: |
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--- !u!114 &2035584480 |
MonoBehaviour: |
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luaEnvironment: {fileID: 0} |
luaFile: {fileID: 0} |
luaScript: 'globalvar="C" |
-- Wait for the Write command to complete |
wait(0.5) |
check(text.text == "ABC") |
pass()' |
runAsCoroutine: 1 |
--- !u!114 &2035584481 |
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repeatEveryTime: 1 |
executeAfterFrames: 1 |
repeatExecuteFrame: 1 |
repeatEveryFrame: 1 |
hasFailed: 0 |
executeMethods: 2 |
executeMethodName: OnExecute |
--- !u!1 &2064973741 |
GameObject: |
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m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 |
m_IsActive: 1 |
--- !u!4 &2064973742 |
Transform: |
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--- !u!114 &2064973743 |
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errorMessage: |
indentLevel: 0 |
targetTextObject: {fileID: 270131671} |
text: |
stringRef: {fileID: 0} |
stringVal: '{$StringVarA}' |
description: |
_textObjectObsolete: {fileID: 0} |
--- !u!114 &2064973744 |
MonoBehaviour: |
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m_EditorClassIdentifier: |
scope: 1 |
key: StringVarB |
value: E {$StringVarC} |
--- !u!114 &2064973745 |
MonoBehaviour: |
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m_Name: |
m_EditorClassIdentifier: |
scope: 1 |
key: StringVarA |
value: '{$s1} D {$StringVarB}' |
--- !u!114 &2064973747 |
MonoBehaviour: |
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description: |
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commandList: |
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--- !u!114 &2064973748 |
MonoBehaviour: |
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selectedCommands: [] |
variables: |
- {fileID: 2064973745} |
- {fileID: 2064973744} |
- {fileID: 2064973749} |
description: "Tests embedding a string key inside the replacement \nstring. This |
can be done in Flowchart string variables \nand in Lua string table entries. " |
stepPause: 0 |
colorCommands: 1 |
hideComponents: 1 |
saveSelection: 1 |
localizationId: |
showLineNumbers: 0 |
hideCommands: [] |
--- !u!114 &2064973749 |
MonoBehaviour: |
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m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0} |
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0} |
m_GameObject: {fileID: 2064973741} |
m_Enabled: 1 |
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m_Name: |
m_EditorClassIdentifier: |
scope: 1 |
key: StringVarC |
value: F |
--- !u!1 &2135590527 |
GameObject: |
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m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 |
m_IsActive: 1 |
--- !u!81 &2135590528 |
AudioListener: |
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m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0} |
m_GameObject: {fileID: 2135590527} |
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--- !u!124 &2135590529 |
Behaviour: |
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--- !u!92 &2135590530 |
Behaviour: |
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m_GameObject: {fileID: 2135590527} |
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--- !u!20 &2135590531 |
Camera: |
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m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0} |
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field of view: 60 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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m_OcclusionCulling: 1 |
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m_StereoSeparation: 0.022 |
m_StereoMirrorMode: 0 |
--- !u!4 &2135590532 |
Transform: |
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m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} |
m_Children: [] |
m_Father: {fileID: 0} |
m_RootOrder: 1