An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games and more.
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using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace Fungus
* This class gives easy static access to every scripting command available in Fungus.
public class GameController : MonoBehaviour
#region General Methods
* Clears the command queue.
public static void Clear()
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
* Executes the commadns in the command queue.
public static void Execute()
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.Execute ();
* Transitions from the current Room to another Room.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param room The Room to transition to.
public static void MoveToRoom(Room room)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.MoveToRoom(room));
* Wait for a period of time before executing the next command.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param duration The wait duration in seconds
public static void Wait(float duration)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Wait(duration));
* Wait until player taps, clicks or presses a key before executing the next command.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
public static void WaitForInput()
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.WaitForInput());
* Call a delegate method provided by the client.
* Used to queue the execution of arbitrary code as part of a command sequeunce.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param callAction The Action delegate method to be called when the command executes.
public static void Call(Action callAction)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call(callAction));
#region View Methods
* Sets the currently active View immediately.
* The main camera snaps to the new active View.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param view The View object to make active
public static void SetView(View view)
PanToView(view, 0);
* Pans the camera to the target View over a period of time.
* The pan starts at the current camera position and performs a smoothed linear pan to the target View.
* Command execution blocks until the pan completes.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param targetView The View to pan the camera to.
* @param duration The length of time in seconds needed to complete the pan.
public static void PanToView(View targetView, float duration)
PanToPosition(targetView.transform.position, targetView.viewSize, duration);
* Pans the camera to the target position and size over a period of time.
* The pan starts at the current camera position and performs a smoothed linear pan to the target.
* Command execution blocks until the pan completes.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param targetView The View to pan the camera to.
* @param duration The length of time in seconds needed to complete the pan.
public static void PanToPosition(Vector3 targetPosition, float targetSize, float duration)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.PanToPosition(targetPosition, targetSize, duration));
* Pans the camera through a sequence of target Views over a period of time.
* The pan starts at the current camera position and performs a smooth pan through all Views in the list.
* Command execution blocks until the pan completes.
* If more control is required over the camera path then you should instead use an Animator component to precisely control the Camera path.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param duration The length of time in seconds needed to complete the pan.
* @param targetViews A parameter list of views to visit during the pan.
public static void PanToPath(float duration, params View[] targetViews)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.PanToPath(targetViews, duration));
* Fades out the current camera View, and fades in again using the target View.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param targetView The View object to fade to.
* @param duration The length of time in seconds needed to complete the pan.
public static void FadeToView(View targetView, float duration)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.FadeToView(targetView, duration));
* Activates swipe panning mode.
* The camera first pans to the nearest point between the two views over a period of time.
* The player can then pan around the rectangular area defined between viewA & viewB.
* Swipe panning remains active until a StopSwipePan, SetView, PanToView, FadeToPath or FadeToView command is executed.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param viewA View object which defines one extreme of the pan area.
* @param viewB View object which defines the other extreme of the pan area.
public static void StartSwipePan(View viewA, View viewB, float duration = 1f)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.StartSwipePan(viewA, viewB, duration));
* Deactivates swipe panning mode.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
public static void StopSwipePan()
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.StopSwipePan());
* Stores the current camera view using a name.
* You can later use PanToStoredView() to pan back to this stored position by name.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param viewName Name to associate with the stored camera view.
public static void StoreView(string viewName = "")
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.StoreView(viewName));
* Moves camera from the current position to a previously stored view over a period of time.
* @param duration Time needed for pan to complete.
* @param viewName Name of a camera view that was previously stored using StoreView().
public static void PanToStoredView(float duration, string viewName = "")
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.PanToStoredView(viewName, duration));
#region Page Methods
* Sets the screen space rectangle used to display the story text using a Page object.
* PageBounds objects can be edited visually in the Unity editor which is useful for accurate placement.
* The actual screen space rect used is based on both the PageBounds values and the camera transform at the time the command is executed.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param page A Page object which defines the screen rect to use when rendering story text.
public static void SetPage(Page page, PageController.Layout pageLayout = PageController.Layout.FullSize)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.SetPage(page, pageLayout));
* Sets the screen space rectangle used to display the story text using a ScreenRect object.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param screenRect A ScreenRect object which defines a rect in normalized screen space coordinates.
public static void SetPageRect(PageController.ScreenRect screenRect, PageController.Layout pageLayout = PageController.Layout.FullSize)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.SetPageRect(screenRect, pageLayout));
* Sets the screen space rectangle used to display the story text.
* The rectangle coordinates are in normalized screen space. e.g. x1 = 0 (left), y1 = 0 (top) x2 = 1 (right) y2 = 1 (bottom).
* The origin is at the top left of the screen.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param x1 Page rect left coordinate in normalized screen space coords [0..1]
* @param y1 Page rect top coordinate in normalized screen space coords [0..1
* @param x2 Page rect right coordinate in normalized screen space coords [0..1]
* @param y2 Page rect bottom coordinate in normalized screen space coords [0..1]
* @param pageLayout Layout mode for positioning page within the rect.
public static void SetPageRect(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, PageController.Layout pageLayout = PageController.Layout.FullSize)
PageController.ScreenRect screenRect = new PageController.ScreenRect();
screenRect.x1 = x1;
screenRect.y1 = y1;
screenRect.x2 = x2;
screenRect.y2 = y2;
SetPageRect(screenRect, pageLayout);
* Display story page at the top of the screen.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param scaleX Scales the width of the Page [0..1]. 1 = full screen width.
* @param scaleY Scales the height of the Page [0..1]. 1 = full screen height.
* @param pageLayout Controls how the Page is positioned and sized based on the displayed content.
public static void SetPageTop(float scaleX, float scaleY, PageController.Layout pageLayout)
PageController.ScreenRect screenRect = PageController.CalcScreenRect(new Vector2(scaleX, scaleY), PageController.PagePosition.Top);
SetPageRect(screenRect, pageLayout);
* Display story page at the top of the screen.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
public static void SetPageTop()
Vector2 pageScale = Game.GetInstance().defaultPageScale;
SetPageTop(pageScale.x, pageScale.y, PageController.Layout.FullSize);
* Display story page at the middle of the screen.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param scaleX Scales the width of the Page [0..1]. 1 = full screen width.
* @param scaleY Scales the height of the Page [0..1]. 1 = full screen height.
* @param pageLayout Controls how the Page is positioned and sized based on the displayed content.
public static void SetPageMiddle(float scaleX, float scaleY, PageController.Layout pageLayout)
PageController.ScreenRect screenRect = PageController.CalcScreenRect(new Vector2(scaleX, scaleY), PageController.PagePosition.Middle);
SetPageRect(screenRect, pageLayout);
* Display story page at the middle of the screen.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
public static void SetPageMiddle()
Vector2 pageScale = Game.GetInstance().defaultPageScale;
SetPageMiddle(pageScale.x, pageScale.y, PageController.Layout.FitToMiddle);
* Display story page at the bottom of the screen.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param scaleX Scales the width of the Page [0..1]. 1 = full screen width.
* @param scaleY Scales the height of the Page [0..1]. 1 = full screen height.
* @param pageLayout Controls how the Page is positioned and sized based on the displayed content.
public static void SetPageBottom(float scaleX, float scaleY, PageController.Layout pageLayout)
PageController.ScreenRect screenRect = PageController.CalcScreenRect(new Vector2(scaleX, scaleY), PageController.PagePosition.Bottom);
SetPageRect(screenRect, pageLayout);
* Display story page at the bottom of the screen.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
public static void SetPageBottom()
Vector2 pageScale = Game.GetInstance().defaultPageScale;
SetPageBottom(pageScale.x, pageScale.y, PageController.Layout.FullSize);
* Sets the active style for displaying the Page.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param pageStyle The style object to make active
public static void SetPageStyle(PageStyle pageStyle)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.SetPageStyle(pageStyle));
* Obsolete! Use Header() instead.
[System.Obsolete("use SetHeader() instead")]
public static void Title(string titleText)
* Sets the header text displayed at the top of the page.
* The header text is only displayed when there is some story text or options to be shown.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param footerText The text to display as the header of the Page.
public static void SetHeader(string headerText)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.SetHeader(headerText));
* Sets the footer text displayed at the top of the page.
* The footer text is only displayed when there is some story text or options to be shown.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param footerText The text to display as the footer of the Page.
public static void SetFooter(string footerText)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.SetFooter(footerText));
* Writes story text to the page.
* A 'continue' button is displayed when the text has fully appeared.
* Command execution halts until the user chooses to continue.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param storyText The text to be written to the page.
public static void Say(string storyText)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Say(storyText));
* Adds an option to the current list of player options.
* Use the Choose() method to display previously added options.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param optionText The text to be displayed for this option
* @param optionAction The Action delegate method to be called when the player selects the option
public static void AddOption(string optionText, Action optionAction)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.AddOption(optionText, optionAction));
* Adds an option with no action to the current list of player options.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param optionText The text to be displayed for this option
* @param optionAction The Action delegate method to be called when the player selects the option
public static void AddOption(string optionText)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.AddOption(optionText, delegate {}));
* Display all previously added options as buttons, with no text prompt.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
public static void Choose()
* Displays a story text prompt, followed by all previously added options.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param chooseText The story text to be written above the list of options
public static void Choose(string chooseText)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Choose(chooseText));
#region State Methods
* Sets a globally accessible integer value.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param key The name of the value to set
* @param value The value to set
public static void SetValue(string key, int value)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.SetValue(key, value));
* Sets a globally accessible integer value to 1.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param key The name of the value to set
public static void SetValue(string key)
SetValue(key, 1);
* Sets a globally accessible integer value to 0.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param key The key of the value.
public static void ClearValue(string key)
SetValue(key, 0);
* Gets a globally accessible integer value.
* Returns zero if the value has not previously been set.
* @param key The name of the value
* @return The integer value for this key, or 0 if not previously set.
public static int GetValue(string key)
return Game.GetInstance().GetGameValue(key);
* Checks if a value is non-zero.
* @param key The name of the value to check.
* @return Returns true if the value is not equal to zero.
public static bool HasValue(string key)
return GetValue(key) != 0;
#region Sprite Methods
* Makes a sprite completely transparent immediately.
* This changes the alpha component of the sprite renderer color to 0.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param spriteRenderer The sprite to be modified
public static void HideSprite(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer)
FadeSprite(spriteRenderer, 0, 0,;
* Makes a sprite completely opaque immediately.
* This changes the alpha component of the sprite renderer color to 1.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param spriteRenderer The sprite to be modified
public static void ShowSprite(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer)
FadeSprite(spriteRenderer, 1, 0,;
* Shows or hides a sprite immediately, depending on the visible parameter.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param spriteRenderer The sprite to be modified
* @param visible Shows the sprite when true, hides the sprite when false.
public static void ShowSprite(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer, bool visible)
if (visible)
* Fades the transparency of a sprite over a period of time.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param spriteRenderer The sprite to be modified
* @param targetAlpha The final required transparency value [0..1]
* @param duration The duration of the fade transition in seconds
public static void FadeSprite(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer, float targetAlpha, float duration)
FadeSprite(spriteRenderer, targetAlpha, duration,;
* Fades the transparency of a sprite over a period of time, and applies a sliding motion to the sprite's position.
* The sprite starts at a position calculated by adding the current sprite position + the slide offset.
* The sprite then smoothly moves from this starting position to the original position of the sprite.
* Automatically adds a SpriteFader component to the sprite object to perform the transition.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param spriteRenderer The sprite to be modified
* @param targetAlpha The final required transparency value [0..1]
* @param duration The duration of the fade transition in seconds
* @param slideOffset Offset to the starting position for the slide effect.
public static void FadeSprite(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer, float targetAlpha, float duration, Vector2 slideOffset)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
Color color = spriteRenderer.color;
color.a = targetAlpha;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.FadeSprite(spriteRenderer, color, duration, slideOffset));
* Displays a button and sets
* Automatically adds a Button component to the object to respond to player input.
* If no Collider2D already exists on the object, then a BoxCollider2D is automatically added.
* Use RemoveButton() to make a sprite non-clickable again.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param spriteRenderer The sprite to be made clickable
* @param buttonAction The Action delegate method to be called when the player clicks on the button
public static void ShowButton(Button button, Action buttonAction)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.ShowButton(button, true, buttonAction));
* Makes a sprite stop behaving as a clickable button.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param spriteRenderer The sprite to be made non-clickable
public static void HideButton(Button button)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.ShowButton(button, false, null));
* Sets an animator trigger to change the animation state for an animated sprite.
* This is the primary method of controlling Unity animations from a Fungus command sequence.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param animator The sprite to be made non-clickable
* @param triggerName Name of a trigger parameter in the animator controller
public static void SetAnimatorTrigger(Animator animator, string triggerName)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.SetAnimatorTrigger(animator, triggerName));
#region Audio Methods
* Plays game music using an audio clip.
* One music clip may be played at a time.
* @param audioClip The music clip to play
public static void PlayMusic(AudioClip audioClip)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.PlayMusic(audioClip));
* Stops playing game music.
public static void StopMusic()
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.StopMusic());
* Sets the game music volume immediately.
* @param musicVolume The new music volume value [0..1]
public static void SetMusicVolume(float musicVolume)
SetMusicVolume(musicVolume, 0f);
* Fades the game music volume to required level over a period of time.
* @param musicVolume The new music volume value [0..1]
* @param duration The length of time in seconds needed to complete the volume change.
public static void SetMusicVolume(float musicVolume, float duration)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.SetMusicVolume(musicVolume, duration));
* Plays a sound effect once.
* Multiple sound effects can be played at the same time.
* @param audioClip The sound effect clip to play
public static void PlaySound(AudioClip audioClip)
PlaySound(audioClip, 1f);
* Plays a sound effect once, at the specified volume.
* Multiple sound effects can be played at the same time.
* @param audioClip The sound effect clip to play
* @param volume The volume level of the sound effect
public static void PlaySound(AudioClip audioClip, float volume)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.PlaySound(audioClip, volume));