An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games and more.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Fungus.Script
public class VariablesWindow : EditorWindow
Vector2 scrollPos = new Vector2();
public void OnInspectorUpdate()
void OnGUI()
FungusScript fungusScript = FungusEditorWindow.GetFungusScript();
if (fungusScript == null)
GUILayout.Label("No Fungus Script object selected");
// Warn about conflicting global variable types
Dictionary<string, FungusVariable> globals = new Dictionary<string, FungusVariable>();
FungusScript[] fungusScripts = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<FungusScript>();
foreach (FungusScript fs in fungusScripts)
FungusVariable[] variables = fs.GetComponents<FungusVariable>();
foreach (FungusVariable v in variables)
if (v.scope == VariableScope.Global)
if (globals.ContainsKey(v.key))
if (globals[v.key].GetType() != v.GetType())
GUIStyle errorStyle = new GUIStyle(;
errorStyle.normal.textColor = new Color(1,0,0);
GUILayout.Label("Error: Global '" + v.key + "' must use the same type in all scripts.", errorStyle);
globals[v.key] = v;
FungusScriptEditor fungusScriptEditor = Editor.CreateEditor(fungusScript) as FungusScriptEditor;
bool showValues = Application.isPlaying;
float columnWidth = (position.width - 40) / (showValues ? 4 : 3);
scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos);
GUILayout.Label("Key", GUILayout.Width(columnWidth));
GUILayout.Label("Type", GUILayout.Width(columnWidth));
GUILayout.Label("Scope", GUILayout.Width(columnWidth));
if (showValues)
GUILayout.Label("Value", GUILayout.Width(columnWidth));
GUIStyle boxStyle = new GUIStyle(;
boxStyle.margin.left = 0;
boxStyle.margin.right = 0; = 0;
boxStyle.margin.bottom = 0;
List<FungusVariable> fsVariables = fungusScript.variables;
foreach (FungusVariable variable in fsVariables)
string keyString = variable.key;
string typeString = "";
string scopeString = "";
string valueString = "";
switch (variable.scope)
case VariableScope.Local:
scopeString = "Local";
case VariableScope.Global:
scopeString = "Global";
if (variable.GetType() == typeof(BooleanVariable))
typeString = "Boolean";
valueString = (variable as BooleanVariable).Value ? "True" : "False";
else if (variable.GetType() == typeof(IntegerVariable))
typeString = "Integer";
valueString = (variable as IntegerVariable).Value.ToString();
else if (variable.GetType() == typeof(FloatVariable))
typeString = "Float";
valueString = (variable as FloatVariable).Value.ToString();
else if (variable.GetType() == typeof(StringVariable))
typeString = "String";
valueString = (variable as StringVariable).Value;
if (valueString == null ||
valueString.Length == 0)
valueString = "\"\"";
GUILayout.Label(keyString, GUILayout.Width(columnWidth));
GUILayout.Label(typeString, GUILayout.Width(columnWidth));
GUILayout.Label(scopeString, GUILayout.Width(columnWidth));
if (showValues)
GUILayout.Label(valueString, GUILayout.Width(columnWidth));