An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games and more.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

262 lines
5.7 KiB

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Fungus
public class Dialog : MonoBehaviour, IDialogInputListener
public static Character speakingCharacter;
public float writingSpeed = 60;
public AudioClip writingSound;
public float writingVolume = 1f;
public bool loopWritingSound = true;
public bool beepPerCharacter = false;
public float slowBeepsAt = 10f;
public float fastBeepsAt = 30f;
public float punctuationPause = 0.25f;
public bool alwaysFadeDialog = false;
public float fadeDuration = 1f;
public LeanTweenType fadeEaseType;
public Canvas dialogCanvas;
public Text nameText;
public Text storyText;
public Image characterImage;
public AudioClip characterTypingSound;
protected float currentSpeed;
protected float currentPunctuationPause;
protected bool boldActive;
protected bool italicActive;
protected bool colorActive;
protected string colorText;
protected bool wasPointerClicked;
public DialogAudio audioController = new DialogAudio();
protected virtual void LateUpdate()
wasPointerClicked = false;
public virtual void ShowDialog(bool visible)
if (dialogCanvas != null)
CanvasGroup canvasGroup = dialogCanvas.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>();
if (canvasGroup != null)
canvasGroup.alpha = 1;
if (visible)
// A new dialog is often shown as the result of a mouse click, so we need
// to make sure the previous click doesn't register on the new dialogue
wasPointerClicked = false;
public virtual void FadeInDialog()
CanvasGroup canvasGroup = dialogCanvas.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>();
if (canvasGroup != null)
canvasGroup.alpha = 0;
if (fadeDuration == 0)
fadeDuration = float.Epsilon;
LeanTween.value(dialogCanvas.gameObject,0,1,fadeDuration).setEase(fadeEaseType).setOnUpdate( (float fadeAmount)=> {
if (canvasGroup != null)
canvasGroup.alpha = fadeAmount;
}).setOnComplete( ()=> {
if (canvasGroup != null)
canvasGroup.alpha = 1;
public virtual void FadeOutDialog()
CanvasGroup canvasGroup = dialogCanvas.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>();
if (fadeDuration == 0)
fadeDuration = float.Epsilon;
LeanTween.value(dialogCanvas.gameObject,1,0,fadeDuration).setEase(fadeEaseType).setOnUpdate( (float fadeAmount)=> {
if (canvasGroup != null)
canvasGroup.alpha = fadeAmount;
}).setOnComplete( ()=> {
if (canvasGroup != null)
canvasGroup.alpha = 1;
public virtual void SetCharacter(Character character, Flowchart flowchart = null)
if (character == null)
if (characterImage != null)
if (nameText != null)
nameText.text = "";
characterTypingSound = null;
Character prevSpeakingCharacter = speakingCharacter;
speakingCharacter = character;
// Dim portraits of non-speaking characters
foreach (Stage s in Stage.activeStages)
if (s.dimPortraits)
foreach (Character c in s.charactersOnStage)
if (prevSpeakingCharacter != speakingCharacter)
if (c != speakingCharacter)
Portrait.SetDimmed(c, s, true);
Portrait.SetDimmed(c, s, false);
string characterName = character.nameText;
if (characterName == "")
// Use game object name as default
characterName =;
if (flowchart != null)
characterName = flowchart.SubstituteVariables(characterName);
characterTypingSound = character.soundEffect;
SetCharacterName(characterName, character.nameColor);
public virtual void SetCharacterImage(Sprite image)
if (characterImage != null)
if (image != null)
characterImage.sprite = image;
public virtual void SetCharacterName(string name, Color color)
if (nameText != null)
nameText.text = name;
nameText.color = color;
public virtual void Clear()
// Reset control variables
currentSpeed = 60;
currentPunctuationPause = 0.25f;
boldActive = false;
italicActive = false;
colorActive = false;
colorText = "";
// Kill any active write coroutine
protected virtual void ClearStoryText()
if (storyText != null)
storyText.text = "";
public static void StopPortraitTweens()
// Stop all tweening portraits
foreach( Character c in Character.activeCharacters )
if (c.state.portraitImage != null)
if (LeanTween.isTweening(c.state.portraitImage.gameObject))
LeanTween.cancel(c.state.portraitImage.gameObject, true);
Portrait.SetRectTransform(c.state.portraitImage.rectTransform, c.state.position);
if (c.state.dimmed == true)
c.state.portraitImage.color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1f);
c.state.portraitImage.color = Color.white;
// IDialogInput implementation
public virtual void OnNextLineEvent()
wasPointerClicked = true;