// This code is part of the Fungus library (http://fungusgames.com) maintained by Chris Gregan (http://twitter.com/gofungus). // It is released for free under the MIT open source license (https://github.com/snozbot/fungus/blob/master/LICENSE) #if UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; namespace Fungus { /// /// A singleton game object which displays a simple UI for the Narrative Log. /// public class NarrativeLogMenu : MonoBehaviour { [Tooltip("Show the Narrative Log Menu")] [SerializeField] protected bool showLog = true; [Tooltip("Show previous lines instead of previous and current")] [SerializeField] protected bool previousLines = true; [Tooltip("A scrollable text field used for displaying conversation history.")] [SerializeField] protected ScrollRect narrativeLogView; [Tooltip("The CanvasGroup containing the save menu buttons")] [SerializeField] protected CanvasGroup narrativeLogMenuGroup; protected static bool narrativeLogActive = false; protected AudioSource clickAudioSource; protected LTDescr fadeTween; protected static NarrativeLogMenu instance; protected virtual void Awake() { if (showLog) { // Only one instance of NarrativeLogMenu may exist if (instance != null) { Destroy(gameObject); return; } instance = this; GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(this); clickAudioSource = GetComponent(); } else { GameObject logView = GameObject.Find("NarrativeLogView"); logView.SetActive(false); this.enabled = false; } } protected virtual void Start() { if (!narrativeLogActive) { narrativeLogMenuGroup.alpha = 0f; } //Clear up the lorem ipsum UpdateNarrativeLogText(); } protected virtual void OnEnable() { WriterSignals.OnWriterState += OnWriterState; SaveManagerSignals.OnSavePointLoaded += OnSavePointLoaded; SaveManagerSignals.OnSaveReset += OnSaveReset; BlockSignals.OnBlockEnd += OnBlockEnd; } protected virtual void OnDisable() { WriterSignals.OnWriterState -= OnWriterState; SaveManagerSignals.OnSavePointLoaded -= OnSavePointLoaded; SaveManagerSignals.OnSaveReset -= OnSaveReset; BlockSignals.OnBlockEnd -= OnBlockEnd; } protected virtual void OnWriterState(Writer writer, WriterState writerState) { if (writerState == WriterState.End || writerState == WriterState.Start) { UpdateNarrativeLogText(); } } protected virtual void OnSavePointLoaded(string savePointKey) { UpdateNarrativeLogText(); } protected virtual void OnSaveReset() { FungusManager.Instance.NarrativeLog.Clear(); UpdateNarrativeLogText(); } protected virtual void OnBlockEnd (Block block) { // At block end update to get the last line of the block bool defaultPreviousLines = previousLines; previousLines = false; UpdateNarrativeLogText(); previousLines = defaultPreviousLines; } protected void UpdateNarrativeLogText() { if (narrativeLogView.enabled) { Debug.Log("Update NarrativeLog"); var historyText = narrativeLogView.GetComponentInChildren(); if (historyText != null) { historyText.text = FungusManager.Instance.NarrativeLog.GetPrettyHistory(previousLines); } } } protected void PlayClickSound() { if (clickAudioSource != null) { clickAudioSource.Play(); } } #region Public methods public virtual void ToggleNarrativeLogView() { if (fadeTween != null) { LeanTween.cancel(fadeTween.id, true); fadeTween = null; } if (narrativeLogActive) { // Switch menu off LeanTween.value(narrativeLogMenuGroup.gameObject, narrativeLogMenuGroup.alpha, 0f, 0.2f).setOnUpdate((t) => { narrativeLogMenuGroup.alpha = t; }).setOnComplete(() => { narrativeLogMenuGroup.alpha = 0f; }); } else { // Switch menu on LeanTween.value(narrativeLogMenuGroup.gameObject, narrativeLogMenuGroup.alpha, 1f, 0.2f).setOnUpdate((t) => { narrativeLogMenuGroup.alpha = t; }).setOnComplete(() => { narrativeLogMenuGroup.alpha = 1f; }); } narrativeLogActive = !narrativeLogActive; } #endregion } } #endif