using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Fungus
	public class Glyph
		public float hideTimer;
		public string character;
		public bool boldActive;
		public bool italicActive;
		public bool colorActive;
		public string colorText;
		public bool hasPunctuationPause;
	public class DialogText
		protected List<Glyph> glyphs = new List<Glyph>();
		protected bool oneBeep = false;
		public bool boldActive { get; set; }
		public bool italicActive { get; set; }
		public bool colorActive { get; set; }
		public string colorText { get; set; }
		public float writingSpeed { get; set; }
		public float punctuationPause { get; set; }
		public AudioSource typingAudio { get; set; }
		public float slowBeepsAt { get; set; }
		public float fastBeepsAt { get; set; }
		public bool beepPerCharacter { get; set; }
		public virtual void Clear()

		public virtual void Append(string words)
			if (beepPerCharacter && (writingSpeed <= slowBeepsAt || writingSpeed >= fastBeepsAt)) // beeps match character speed at these speeds
				oneBeep = true;
				oneBeep = false;
			if (typingAudio != null)
				if (!oneBeep)

			float hideTimer = 0f;
			if (writingSpeed > 0f)
				hideTimer = 1f / writingSpeed;

			bool doPunctuationPause = false;
			for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; ++i)
				char c = words[i];

				// Ignore leading newlines
				if (glyphs.Count == 0 && c == '\n')

				Glyph glyph = new Glyph();
				glyph.hideTimer = hideTimer;
				if (doPunctuationPause && writingSpeed != 0)
					glyph.hasPunctuationPause = true;
					glyph.hideTimer += punctuationPause;
					doPunctuationPause = false;

				glyph.character = c.ToString();
				glyph.boldActive = boldActive;
				glyph.italicActive = italicActive;
				glyph.colorActive = colorActive;
				glyph.colorText = colorText;
				if (IsPunctuation(c)) // If punctuation, do punctuation pause
					doPunctuationPause = true;
				// Special case: pause just before open parentheses
				if (i < words.Length - 2)
					if (words[i + 1] == '(')
						doPunctuationPause = true;

		protected virtual bool IsPunctuation(char character)
			return character == '.' || 
				character == '?' ||  
					character == '!' || 
					character == ',' ||
					character == ':' ||
					character == ';' ||
					character == ')';
		 * Returns true when all glyphs are visible.
		public virtual bool UpdateGlyphs(bool instantComplete)
			float elapsedTime = Time.deltaTime;
			foreach (Glyph glyph in glyphs)
				if (instantComplete)
					glyph.hideTimer = 0f;

				if (glyph.hideTimer > 0f)
					if (typingAudio != null &&
						typingAudio.volume = 0f;

					bool finished = false;
					if (elapsedTime > glyph.hideTimer)
						elapsedTime -= glyph.hideTimer;
						glyph.hideTimer = 0f;
						// Some elapsed time left over, so carry on to next glyph
						if ((oneBeep && typingAudio != null))
							if(!typingAudio.isPlaying && 
							   (glyph.character != " " && glyph.character != "\t" && glyph.character != "\n" ) )
						glyph.hideTimer -= elapsedTime;
						glyph.hideTimer = Mathf.Max(glyph.hideTimer, 0f);
						finished = true;

					// Check if we need to restore audio after a punctuation pause
					if (typingAudio != null &&
					    glyph.hideTimer == 0f &&
					    typingAudio.volume == 0f)
						typingAudio.volume = 1f;

					if (finished)
						return false; // Glyph is still hidden

			if (typingAudio != null)

			return true;

		public virtual string GetDialogText()
			string outputText = "";

			bool hideGlyphs = false;
			foreach (Glyph glyph in glyphs)
				// Wrap each individual character in rich text markup tags (if required)
				string start = "";
				string end = "";
				if (glyph.boldActive)
					start += "<b>"; 
					end += "</b>";
				if (glyph.italicActive)
					start += "<i>"; 
					end = "</i>" + end; // Have to nest tags correctly 
				if (!hideGlyphs && 
				    glyph.hideTimer > 0f)
					hideGlyphs = true;
					outputText += "<color=#FFFFFF00>";

				if (!hideGlyphs && 
					start += "<color=" + glyph.colorText + ">"; 
					end += "</color>"; 
				outputText += start + glyph.character + end;

			if (hideGlyphs)
				outputText += "</color>";

			return outputText;
