using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Fungus { public class CommandInfoAttribute : Attribute { /** * Metadata atribute for the Command class. * @param category The category to place this command in. * @param commandName The display name of the command. * @param helpText Help information to display in the inspector. * @param priority If two command classes have the same name, the one with highest priority is listed. Negative priority removess the command from the list. */ public CommandInfoAttribute(string category, string commandName, string helpText, int priority = 0) { this.Category = category; this.CommandName = commandName; this.HelpText = helpText; this.Priority = priority; } public string Category { get; set; } public string CommandName { get; set; } public string HelpText { get; set; } public int Priority { get; set; } } public class Command : MonoBehaviour { [HideInInspector] public string errorMessage = ""; [HideInInspector] public int indentLevel; [NonSerialized] public int commandIndex; /** * Reference to the Sequence object that this command belongs to. * This reference is only populated at runtime and in the editor when the * sequence is selected. */ [NonSerialized] public Sequence parentSequence; public virtual FungusScript GetFungusScript() { FungusScript fungusScript = GetComponent<FungusScript>(); if (fungusScript == null && transform.parent != null) { fungusScript = transform.parent.GetComponent<FungusScript>(); } return fungusScript; } public virtual bool IsExecuting() { if (parentSequence == null) { return false; } return (parentSequence.activeCommand == this); } public virtual void Execute() { OnEnter(); } public virtual void Continue() { Continue(commandIndex + 1); } public virtual void Continue(int nextCommandIndex) { OnExit(); if (parentSequence != null) { parentSequence.ExecuteCommand(nextCommandIndex); } } public virtual void Stop() { OnExit(); if (parentSequence != null) { parentSequence.Stop(); } } public virtual void ExecuteSequence(Sequence s) { OnExit(); if (parentSequence != null) { FungusScript fungusScript = parentSequence.GetFungusScript(); // Record the currently selected sequence because Stop() will clear it. Sequence selectedSequence = fungusScript.selectedSequence; parentSequence.Stop(); if (fungusScript != null) { // If the executing sequence is currently selected then follow the execution // onto the next sequence in the inspector. if (selectedSequence == parentSequence) { fungusScript.selectedSequence = s; } fungusScript.ExecuteSequence(s); } } } /** * Called when the new command is added to a sequence in the editor. */ public virtual void OnCommandAdded(Sequence parentSequence) {} /** * Called when the command is deleted from a sequence in the editor. */ public virtual void OnCommandRemoved(Sequence parentSequence) {} public virtual void OnEnter() {} public virtual void OnExit() {} public virtual void OnReset() {} public virtual void GetConnectedSequences(ref List<Sequence> connectedSequences) {} public virtual bool HasReference(Variable variable) { return false; } public virtual string GetSummary() { return ""; } public virtual string GetHelpText() { return ""; } /** * This command starts a block of commands. */ public virtual bool OpenBlock() { return false; } /** * This command ends a block of commands. */ public virtual bool CloseBlock() { return false; } /** * Return the color for the command background in inspector. */ public virtual Color GetButtonColor() { return Color.white; } } }