// This code is part of the Fungus library (http://fungusgames.com) maintained by Chris Gregan (http://twitter.com/gofungus).
// It is released for free under the MIT open source license (https://github.com/snozbot/fungus/blob/master/LICENSE)
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Fungus
/// Display story text in a visual novel style dialog box.
public class SayDialog : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Duration to fade dialogue in/out")]
[SerializeField] protected float fadeDuration = 0.25f;
[Tooltip("The continue button UI object")]
[SerializeField] protected Button continueButton;
[Tooltip("The canvas UI object")]
[SerializeField] protected Canvas dialogCanvas;
[Tooltip("The name text UI object")]
[SerializeField] protected Text nameText;
public virtual Text NameText { get { return nameText; } }
[Tooltip("The story text UI object")]
[SerializeField] protected Text storyText;
public virtual Text StoryText { get { return storyText; } }
[Tooltip("The character UI object")]
[SerializeField] protected Image characterImage;
public virtual Image CharacterImage { get { return characterImage; } }
[Tooltip("Adjust width of story text when Character Image is displayed (to avoid overlapping)")]
[SerializeField] protected bool fitTextWithImage = true;
[Tooltip("Close any other open Say Dialogs when this one is active")]
[SerializeField] protected bool closeOtherDialogs;
protected float startStoryTextWidth;
protected float startStoryTextInset;
protected WriterAudio writerAudio;
protected Writer writer;
protected CanvasGroup canvasGroup;
protected bool fadeWhenDone = true;
protected float targetAlpha = 0f;
protected float fadeCoolDownTimer = 0f;
protected Sprite currentCharacterImage;
// Most recent speaking character
protected static Character speakingCharacter;
protected StringSubstituter stringSubstituter = new StringSubstituter();
// Cache active Say Dialogs to avoid expensive scene search
protected static List activeSayDialogs = new List();
protected void Awake()
if (!activeSayDialogs.Contains(this))
protected void OnDestroy()
protected Writer GetWriter()
if (writer != null)
return writer;
writer = GetComponent();
if (writer == null)
writer = gameObject.AddComponent();
return writer;
protected CanvasGroup GetCanvasGroup()
if (canvasGroup != null)
return canvasGroup;
canvasGroup = GetComponent();
if (canvasGroup == null)
canvasGroup = gameObject.AddComponent();
return canvasGroup;
protected WriterAudio GetWriterAudio()
if (writerAudio != null)
return writerAudio;
writerAudio = GetComponent();
if (writerAudio == null)
writerAudio = gameObject.AddComponent();
return writerAudio;
protected void Start()
// Dialog always starts invisible, will be faded in when writing starts
GetCanvasGroup().alpha = 0f;
// Add a raycaster if none already exists so we can handle dialog input
GraphicRaycaster raycaster = GetComponent();
if (raycaster == null)
// It's possible that SetCharacterImage() has already been called from the
// Start method of another component, so check that no image has been set yet.
// Same for nameText.
if (nameText != null && nameText.text == "")
SetCharacterName("", Color.white);
if (currentCharacterImage == null)
// Character image is hidden by default.
protected void OnEnable()
// We need to update the cached list every time the Say Dialog is enabled
// due to an initialization order issue after loading scenes.
protected virtual void LateUpdate()
if (continueButton != null)
continueButton.gameObject.SetActive( GetWriter().IsWaitingForInput );
protected virtual void UpdateAlpha()
if (GetWriter().IsWriting)
targetAlpha = 1f;
fadeCoolDownTimer = 0.1f;
else if (fadeWhenDone && Mathf.Approximately(fadeCoolDownTimer, 0f))
targetAlpha = 0f;
// Add a short delay before we start fading in case there's another Say command in the next frame or two.
// This avoids a noticeable flicker between consecutive Say commands.
fadeCoolDownTimer = Mathf.Max(0f, fadeCoolDownTimer - Time.deltaTime);
CanvasGroup canvasGroup = GetCanvasGroup();
if (fadeDuration <= 0f)
canvasGroup.alpha = targetAlpha;
float delta = (1f / fadeDuration) * Time.deltaTime;
float alpha = Mathf.MoveTowards(canvasGroup.alpha, targetAlpha, delta);
canvasGroup.alpha = alpha;
if (alpha <= 0f)
// Deactivate dialog object once invisible
protected virtual void ClearStoryText()
if (storyText != null)
storyText.text = "";
#region Public members
/// Currently active Say Dialog used to display Say text
public static SayDialog ActiveSayDialog { get; set; }
/// Returns a SayDialog by searching for one in the scene or creating one if none exists.
public static SayDialog GetSayDialog()
if (ActiveSayDialog == null)
SayDialog sd = null;
// Use first active Say Dialog in the scene (if any)
if (activeSayDialogs.Count > 0)
sd = activeSayDialogs[0];
if (sd != null)
ActiveSayDialog = sd;
if (ActiveSayDialog == null)
// Auto spawn a say dialog object from the prefab
GameObject prefab = Resources.Load("Prefabs/SayDialog");
if (prefab != null)
GameObject go = Instantiate(prefab) as GameObject;
go.name = "SayDialog";
ActiveSayDialog = go.GetComponent();
return ActiveSayDialog;
/// Stops all active portrait tweens.
public static void StopPortraitTweens()
// Stop all tweening portraits
var activeCharacters = Character.ActiveCharacters;
for (int i = 0; i < activeCharacters.Count; i++)
var c = activeCharacters[i];
if (c.State.portraitImage != null)
if (LeanTween.isTweening(c.State.portraitImage.gameObject))
LeanTween.cancel(c.State.portraitImage.gameObject, true);
PortraitController.SetRectTransform(c.State.portraitImage.rectTransform, c.State.position);
if (c.State.dimmed == true)
c.State.portraitImage.color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1f);
c.State.portraitImage.color = Color.white;
/// Sets the active state of the Say Dialog gameobject.
public virtual void SetActive(bool state)
/// Sets the active speaking character.
/// The active speaking character.
public virtual void SetCharacter(Character character)
if (character == null)
if (characterImage != null)
if (nameText != null)
nameText.text = "";
speakingCharacter = null;
var prevSpeakingCharacter = speakingCharacter;
speakingCharacter = character;
// Dim portraits of non-speaking characters
var activeStages = Stage.ActiveStages;
for (int i = 0; i < activeStages.Count; i++)
var stage = activeStages[i];
if (stage.DimPortraits)
var charactersOnStage = stage.CharactersOnStage;
for (int j = 0; j < charactersOnStage.Count; j++)
var c = charactersOnStage[j];
if (prevSpeakingCharacter != speakingCharacter)
if (c != null && !c.Equals(speakingCharacter))
stage.SetDimmed(c, true);
stage.SetDimmed(c, false);
string characterName = character.NameText;
if (characterName == "")
// Use game object name as default
characterName = character.GetObjectName();
SetCharacterName(characterName, character.NameColor);
/// Sets the character image to display on the Say Dialog.
public virtual void SetCharacterImage(Sprite image)
if (characterImage == null)
if (image != null)
characterImage.sprite = image;
currentCharacterImage = image;
if (startStoryTextWidth != 0)
// Adjust story text box to not overlap image rect
if (fitTextWithImage &&
storyText != null &&
if (Mathf.Approximately(startStoryTextWidth, 0f))
startStoryTextWidth = storyText.rectTransform.rect.width;
startStoryTextInset = storyText.rectTransform.offsetMin.x;
// Clamp story text to left or right depending on relative position of the character image
if (storyText.rectTransform.position.x < characterImage.rectTransform.position.x)
startStoryTextWidth - characterImage.rectTransform.rect.width);
startStoryTextWidth - characterImage.rectTransform.rect.width);
/// Sets the character name to display on the Say Dialog.
/// Supports variable substitution e.g. John {$surname}
public virtual void SetCharacterName(string name, Color color)
if (nameText != null)
var subbedName = stringSubstituter.SubstituteStrings(name);
nameText.text = subbedName;
nameText.color = color;
/// Write a line of story text to the Say Dialog. Starts coroutine automatically.
/// The text to display.
/// Clear any previous text in the Say Dialog.
/// Wait for player input before continuing once text is written.
/// Fade out the Say Dialog when writing and player input has finished.
/// Stop any existing voiceover audio before writing starts.
/// Voice over audio clip to play.
/// Callback to execute when writing and player input have finished.
public virtual void Say(string text, bool clearPrevious, bool waitForInput, bool fadeWhenDone, bool stopVoiceover, AudioClip voiceOverClip, Action onComplete)
StartCoroutine(DoSay(text, clearPrevious, waitForInput, fadeWhenDone, stopVoiceover, voiceOverClip, onComplete));
/// Write a line of story text to the Say Dialog. Must be started as a coroutine.
/// The text to display.
/// Clear any previous text in the Say Dialog.
/// Wait for player input before continuing once text is written.
/// Fade out the Say Dialog when writing and player input has finished.
/// Stop any existing voiceover audio before writing starts.
/// Voice over audio clip to play.
/// Callback to execute when writing and player input have finished.
public virtual IEnumerator DoSay(string text, bool clearPrevious, bool waitForInput, bool fadeWhenDone, bool stopVoiceover, AudioClip voiceOverClip, Action onComplete)
var writer = GetWriter();
if (writer.IsWriting || writer.IsWaitingForInput)
while (writer.IsWriting || writer.IsWaitingForInput)
yield return null;
if (closeOtherDialogs)
for (int i = 0; i < activeSayDialogs.Count; i++)
var sd = activeSayDialogs[i];
if (sd.gameObject != gameObject)
this.fadeWhenDone = fadeWhenDone;
// Voice over clip takes precedence over a character sound effect if provided
AudioClip soundEffectClip = null;
if (voiceOverClip != null)
WriterAudio writerAudio = GetWriterAudio();
else if (speakingCharacter != null)
soundEffectClip = speakingCharacter.SoundEffect;
yield return StartCoroutine(writer.Write(text, clearPrevious, waitForInput, stopVoiceover, soundEffectClip, onComplete));
/// Tell the Say Dialog to fade out once writing and player input have finished.
public virtual bool FadeWhenDone { set { fadeWhenDone = value; } }
/// Stop the Say Dialog while its writing text.
public virtual void Stop()
fadeWhenDone = true;
/// Stops writing text and clears the Say Dialog.
public virtual void Clear()
// Kill any active write coroutine