using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; namespace Fungus { [CommandInfo("iTween", "Rotate Add", "Rotates a game object by the specified angles over time.")] [AddComponentMenu("")] public class RotateAdd : iTweenCommand { [Tooltip("A rotation offset in space the GameObject will animate to")] public Vector3 offset; [Tooltip("Apply the transformation in either the world coordinate or local cordinate system")] public Space space = Space.Self; public override void DoTween() { Hashtable tweenParams = new Hashtable(); tweenParams.Add("name", tweenName); tweenParams.Add("amount", offset); tweenParams.Add("space", space); tweenParams.Add("time", duration); tweenParams.Add("easetype", easeType); tweenParams.Add("looptype", loopType); tweenParams.Add("oncomplete", "OniTweenComplete"); tweenParams.Add("oncompletetarget", gameObject); tweenParams.Add("oncompleteparams", this); iTween.RotateAdd(_targetObject.Value, tweenParams); } } }