# Variable commands # {#variable_commands}

# Delete Save Key # {#DeleteSaveKey}
Deletes a saved value from permanent storage.

Defined in Fungus.DeleteSaveKey

Property | Type | Description
 --- | --- | ---
Key | System.String | Name of the saved value. Supports variable substition e.g. "player_{$PlayerNumber}

# Load Variable # {#LoadVariable}
Loads a saved value and stores it in a Boolean, Integer, Float or String variable. If the key is not found then the variable is not modified.

Defined in Fungus.LoadVariable

Property | Type | Description
 --- | --- | ---
Key | System.String | Name of the saved value. Supports variable substition e.g. "player_{$PlayerNumber}"
Variable | Fungus.Variable | Variable to store the value in.

# Random Float # {#RandomFloat}
Sets an float variable to a random value in the defined range.

Defined in Fungus.RandomFloat

Property | Type | Description
 --- | --- | ---
Variable | Fungus.FloatVariable | The variable whos value will be set
Min Value | Fungus.FloatData | Minimum value for random range
Max Value | Fungus.FloatData | Maximum value for random range

# Random Integer # {#RandomInteger}
Sets an integer variable to a random value in the defined range.

Defined in Fungus.RandomInteger

Property | Type | Description
 --- | --- | ---
Variable | Fungus.IntegerVariable | The variable whos value will be set
Min Value | Fungus.IntegerData | Minimum value for random range
Max Value | Fungus.IntegerData | Maximum value for random range

# Read Text File # {#ReadTextFile}
Reads in a text file and stores the contents in a string variable

Defined in Fungus.ReadTextFile

Property | Type | Description
 --- | --- | ---
Text File | UnityEngine.TextAsset | Text file to read into the string variable
String Variable | Fungus.StringVariable | String variable to store the tex file contents in

# Reset # {#Reset}
Resets the state of all commands and variables in the Flowchart.

Defined in Fungus.Reset

Property | Type | Description
 --- | --- | ---
Reset Commands | System.Boolean | Reset state of all commands in the script
Reset Variables | System.Boolean | Reset variables back to their default values

# Save Variable # {#SaveVariable}
Save an Boolean, Integer, Float or String variable to persistent storage using a string key. The value can be loaded again later using the Load Variable command. You can also use the Set Save Profile command to manage separate save profiles for multiple players.

Defined in Fungus.SaveVariable

Property | Type | Description
 --- | --- | ---
Key | System.String | Name of the saved value. Supports variable substition e.g. "player_{$PlayerNumber}
Variable | Fungus.Variable | Variable to read the value from. Only Boolean, Integer, Float and String are supported.

# Set Save Profile # {#SetSaveProfile}
Sets the active profile that the Save Variable and Load Variable commands will use. This is useful to crete multiple player save games. Once set, the profile applies across all Flowcharts and will also persist across scene loads.

Defined in Fungus.SetSaveProfile

Property | Type | Description
 --- | --- | ---
Save Profile Name | System.String | Name of save profile to make active.

# Set Variable # {#SetVariable}
Sets a Boolean, Integer, Float or String variable to a new value using a simple arithmetic operation. The value can be a constant or reference another variable of the same type.

Defined in Fungus.SetVariable

Property | Type | Description
 --- | --- | ---
Variable | Fungus.Variable | The variable whos value will be set
Set Operator | Fungus.SetOperator | The type of math operation to be performed
Boolean Data | Fungus.BooleanData | Boolean value to set with
Integer Data | Fungus.IntegerData | Integer value to set with
Float Data | Fungus.FloatData | Float value to set with
String Data | Fungus.StringDataMulti | String value to set with