using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace Fungus { // /// Get or Set a property of a transform component /// [CommandInfo("Transform", "Property", "Get or Set a property of a transform component")] [AddComponentMenu("")] public class TransformProperty : Command { public enum GetSet { Get, Set, } public GetSet getOrSet = GetSet.Get; public enum Property { ChildCount, EulerAngles, Forward, HasChanged, HierarchyCapacity, HierarchyCount, LocalEulerAngles, LocalPosition, LocalScale, LossyScale, Parent, Position, Right, Root, Up, //no quat or mat4 yet //LocalRotation, //Rotation, //LocalToWorldMatrix, //WorldToLocalMatrix } [SerializeField] protected Property property = Property.Position; [SerializeField] protected TransformData transformData; [SerializeField] [VariableProperty(typeof(BooleanVariable), typeof(IntegerVariable), typeof(Vector3Variable), typeof(TransformVariable))] protected Variable inOutVar; public override void OnEnter() { var iob = inOutVar as BooleanVariable; var ioi = inOutVar as IntegerVariable; var iov = inOutVar as Vector3Variable; var iot = inOutVar as TransformVariable; var t = transformData.Value; switch (getOrSet) { case GetSet.Get: switch (property) { case Property.ChildCount: ioi.Value = t.childCount; break; case Property.EulerAngles: iov.Value = t.eulerAngles; break; case Property.Forward: iov.Value = t.forward; break; case Property.HasChanged: iob.Value = t.hasChanged; break; case Property.HierarchyCapacity: ioi.Value = t.hierarchyCapacity; break; case Property.HierarchyCount: ioi.Value = t.hierarchyCount; break; case Property.LocalEulerAngles: iov.Value = t.localEulerAngles; break; case Property.LocalPosition: iov.Value = t.localPosition; break; case Property.LocalScale: iov.Value = t.localScale; break; case Property.LossyScale: iov.Value = t.lossyScale; break; case Property.Parent: iot.Value = t.parent; break; case Property.Position: iov.Value = t.position; break; case Property.Right: iov.Value = t.right; break; case Property.Root: iot.Value = t.parent; break; case Property.Up: iov.Value = t.up; break; default: break; } break; case GetSet.Set: switch (property) { case Property.ChildCount: Debug.LogWarning("Cannot Set childCount, it is read only"); break; case Property.EulerAngles: t.eulerAngles = iov.Value; break; case Property.Forward: t.forward = iov.Value; break; case Property.HasChanged: t.hasChanged = iob.Value; break; case Property.HierarchyCapacity: t.hierarchyCapacity = ioi.Value; break; case Property.HierarchyCount: Debug.LogWarning("Cannot Set HierarchyCount, it is read only"); break; case Property.LocalEulerAngles: t.localEulerAngles = iov.Value; break; case Property.LocalPosition: t.localPosition = iov.Value; break; case Property.LocalScale: t.localScale = iov.Value; break; case Property.LossyScale: Debug.LogWarning("Cannot Set LossyScale, it is read only"); break; case Property.Parent: t.parent = iot.Value; break; case Property.Position: t.position = iov.Value; break; case Property.Right: t.right = iov.Value; break; case Property.Root: Debug.LogWarning("Cannot Set Root, it is read only"); break; case Property.Up: t.up = iov.Value; break; default: break; } break; default: break; } Continue(); } public override string GetSummary() { if(transformData.Value == null) { return "Error: no transform set"; } var iob = inOutVar as BooleanVariable; var ioi = inOutVar as IntegerVariable; var iov = inOutVar as Vector3Variable; var iot = inOutVar as TransformVariable; if(iob == null && ioi == null && iov == null && iot == null) { return "Error: no variable set to push or pull data to or from"; } //We could do further checks here, eg, you have selected childcount but set a vec3variable return getOrSet.ToString() + " " + property.ToString(); } public override Color GetButtonColor() { return new Color32(235, 191, 217, 255); } } }