-- This Lua script defines a module which can be imported in any Lua script using:
-- local junglestory = require('junglestory')
-- You can then call any function on the module, e.g. junglestory.start()
-- In FungusLua, module files must be contained in a Resources/Lua folder somewhere in your project.

-- Lua modules are typically declared using an empty table called M.
-- All members of the module must have the M. prefix, and the M table is returned at the end of the script.
-- N.B. If you want to reference another function in the module, you must use the M.prefix.

M = {}

function M.start()
	runblock(flowchart, "Intro") -- Runs the Intro Block on the flowchart

	setcharacter(sherlockcharacter, "annoyed") -- Sets the speaking character and portrait
	say "Hello John."

	setcharacter(johncharacter, "eyeroll")
	say "Hello Sherlock."
	say "We appear to be in a tropical rain forest."
	say "Again."

	runblock(flowchart, "ZoomIn", 0, true) -- Runs the ZoomIn Block, but doesn't wait for it to finish

	say "While we're here, I suggest we fill our canteens from this waterfall."

    -- Show multiple options to the player
    -- Note the last option is disabled but not selectable because of the ~ character.
	local choice = choose { "Agreed", "No, we don't have time", "~Not interested" }

    if choice == 1 then
        runblock(flowchart, "PlayPourSound")
        setcharacter(sherlockcharacter, "annoyed")
        say "There, that's better"
    elseif choice == 2 then
        setcharacter(sherlockcharacter, "annoyed")
        say "Let's get moving"    

    setcharacter(sherlockcharacter, "annoyed")
    say("There must be some way out of this cursed place.")

return M