// This code is part of the Fungus library (http://fungusgames.com) maintained by Chris Gregan (http://twitter.com/gofungus). // It is released for free under the MIT open source license (https://github.com/snozbot/fungus/blob/master/LICENSE) using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using Fungus.Utils; namespace Fungus { /// /// Writes text using a typewriter effect to a UI text object. /// public class Writer : MonoBehaviour, IDialogInputListener { [Tooltip("Gameobject containing a Text, Inout Field or Text Mesh object to write to")] [SerializeField] protected GameObject targetTextObject; [Tooltip("Gameobject to punch when the punch tags are displayed. If none is set, the main camera will shake instead.")] [SerializeField] protected GameObject punchObject; [Tooltip("Writing characters per second")] [SerializeField] protected float writingSpeed = 60; [Tooltip("Pause duration for punctuation characters")] [SerializeField] protected float punctuationPause = 0.25f; [Tooltip("Color of text that has not been revealed yet")] [SerializeField] protected Color hiddenTextColor = new Color(1,1,1,0); [Tooltip("Write one word at a time rather one character at a time")] [SerializeField] protected bool writeWholeWords = false; [Tooltip("Force the target text object to use Rich Text mode so text color and alpha appears correctly")] [SerializeField] protected bool forceRichText = true; [Tooltip("Click while text is writing to finish writing immediately")] [SerializeField] protected bool instantComplete = true; // This property is true when the writer is waiting for user input to continue protected bool isWaitingForInput; // This property is true when the writer is writing text or waiting (i.e. still processing tokens) protected bool isWriting; protected float currentWritingSpeed; protected float currentPunctuationPause; protected Text textUI; protected InputField inputField; protected TextMesh textMesh; protected Component textComponent; protected PropertyInfo textProperty; protected bool boldActive = false; protected bool italicActive = false; protected bool colorActive = false; protected string colorText = ""; protected bool sizeActive = false; protected float sizeValue = 16f; protected bool inputFlag; protected bool exitFlag; protected List writerListeners = new List(); protected StringBuilder openString = new StringBuilder(256); protected StringBuilder closeString = new StringBuilder(256); protected StringBuilder leftString = new StringBuilder(1024); protected StringBuilder rightString = new StringBuilder(1024); protected StringBuilder outputString = new StringBuilder(1024); protected string hiddenColorOpen = ""; protected string hiddenColorClose = ""; protected virtual void Awake() { GameObject go = targetTextObject; if (go == null) { go = gameObject; } textUI = go.GetComponent(); inputField = go.GetComponent(); textMesh = go.GetComponent(); // Try to find any component with a text property if (textUI == null && inputField == null && textMesh == null) { foreach (Component c in go.GetComponents()) { textProperty = c.GetType().GetProperty("text"); if (textProperty != null) { textComponent = c; break; } } } // Cache the list of child writer listeners foreach (Component component in GetComponentsInChildren()) { IWriterListener writerListener = component as IWriterListener; if (writerListener != null) { writerListeners.Add(writerListener); } } } protected virtual void Start() { // Cache the hidden color string Color32 c = hiddenTextColor; hiddenColorOpen = String.Format("", c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a); hiddenColorClose = ""; if (forceRichText) { if (textUI != null) { textUI.supportRichText = true; } // Input Field does not support rich text if (textMesh != null) { textMesh.richText = true; } } } protected virtual void UpdateOpenMarkup() { openString.Length = 0; if (SupportsRichText()) { if (sizeActive) { openString.Append(""); } if (colorActive) { openString.Append(""); } if (boldActive) { openString.Append(""); } if (italicActive) { openString.Append(""); } } } protected virtual void UpdateCloseMarkup() { closeString.Length = 0; if (SupportsRichText()) { if (italicActive) { closeString.Append(""); } if (boldActive) { closeString.Append(""); } if (colorActive) { closeString.Append(""); } if (sizeActive) { closeString.Append(""); } } } protected virtual bool CheckParamCount(List paramList, int count) { if (paramList == null) { Debug.LogError("paramList is null"); return false; } if (paramList.Count != count) { Debug.LogError("There must be exactly " + paramList.Count + " parameters."); return false; } return true; } protected virtual bool TryGetSingleParam(List paramList, int index, float defaultValue, out float value) { value = defaultValue; if (paramList.Count > index) { Single.TryParse(paramList[index], out value); return true; } return false; } protected virtual IEnumerator ProcessTokens(List tokens, bool stopAudio, Action onComplete) { // Reset control members boldActive = false; italicActive = false; colorActive = false; sizeActive = false; colorText = ""; sizeValue = 16f; currentPunctuationPause = punctuationPause; currentWritingSpeed = writingSpeed; exitFlag = false; isWriting = true; TokenType previousTokenType = TokenType.Invalid; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Count; ++i) { var token = tokens[i]; // Notify listeners about new token WriterSignals.DoTextTagToken(this, token, i, tokens.Count); switch (token.type) { case TokenType.Words: yield return StartCoroutine(DoWords(token.paramList, previousTokenType)); break; case TokenType.BoldStart: boldActive = true; break; case TokenType.BoldEnd: boldActive = false; break; case TokenType.ItalicStart: italicActive = true; break; case TokenType.ItalicEnd: italicActive = false; break; case TokenType.ColorStart: if (CheckParamCount(token.paramList, 1)) { colorActive = true; colorText = token.paramList[0]; } break; case TokenType.ColorEnd: colorActive = false; break; case TokenType.SizeStart: if (TryGetSingleParam(token.paramList, 0, 16f, out sizeValue)) { sizeActive = true; } break; case TokenType.SizeEnd: sizeActive = false; break; case TokenType.Wait: yield return StartCoroutine(DoWait(token.paramList)); break; case TokenType.WaitForInputNoClear: yield return StartCoroutine(DoWaitForInput(false)); break; case TokenType.WaitForInputAndClear: yield return StartCoroutine(DoWaitForInput(true)); break; case TokenType.WaitOnPunctuationStart: TryGetSingleParam(token.paramList, 0, punctuationPause, out currentPunctuationPause); break; case TokenType.WaitOnPunctuationEnd: currentPunctuationPause = punctuationPause; break; case TokenType.Clear: Text = ""; break; case TokenType.SpeedStart: TryGetSingleParam(token.paramList, 0, writingSpeed, out currentWritingSpeed); break; case TokenType.SpeedEnd: currentWritingSpeed = writingSpeed; break; case TokenType.Exit: exitFlag = true; break; case TokenType.Message: if (CheckParamCount(token.paramList, 1)) { Flowchart.BroadcastFungusMessage(token.paramList[0]); } break; case TokenType.VerticalPunch: { float vintensity; float time; TryGetSingleParam(token.paramList, 0, 10.0f, out vintensity); TryGetSingleParam(token.paramList, 1, 0.5f, out time); Punch(new Vector3(0, vintensity, 0), time); } break; case TokenType.HorizontalPunch: { float hintensity; float time; TryGetSingleParam(token.paramList, 0, 10.0f, out hintensity); TryGetSingleParam(token.paramList, 1, 0.5f, out time); Punch(new Vector3(hintensity, 0, 0), time); } break; case TokenType.Punch: { float intensity; float time; TryGetSingleParam(token.paramList, 0, 10.0f, out intensity); TryGetSingleParam(token.paramList, 1, 0.5f, out time); Punch(new Vector3(intensity, intensity, 0), time); } break; case TokenType.Flash: float flashDuration; TryGetSingleParam(token.paramList, 0, 0.2f, out flashDuration); Flash(flashDuration); break; case TokenType.Audio: { AudioSource audioSource = null; if (CheckParamCount(token.paramList, 1)) { audioSource = FindAudio(token.paramList[0]); } if (audioSource != null) { audioSource.PlayOneShot(audioSource.clip); } } break; case TokenType.AudioLoop: { AudioSource audioSource = null; if (CheckParamCount(token.paramList, 1)) { audioSource = FindAudio(token.paramList[0]); } if (audioSource != null) { audioSource.Play(); audioSource.loop = true; } } break; case TokenType.AudioPause: { AudioSource audioSource = null; if (CheckParamCount(token.paramList, 1)) { audioSource = FindAudio(token.paramList[0]); } if (audioSource != null) { audioSource.Pause(); } } break; case TokenType.AudioStop: { AudioSource audioSource = null; if (CheckParamCount(token.paramList, 1)) { audioSource = FindAudio(token.paramList[0]); } if (audioSource != null) { audioSource.Stop(); } } break; } previousTokenType = token.type; if (exitFlag) { break; } } inputFlag = false; exitFlag = false; isWaitingForInput = false; isWriting = false; NotifyEnd(stopAudio); if (onComplete != null) { onComplete(); } } protected virtual IEnumerator DoWords(List paramList, TokenType previousTokenType) { if (!CheckParamCount(paramList, 1)) { yield break; } string param = paramList[0]; // Trim whitespace after a {wc} or {c} tag if (previousTokenType == TokenType.WaitForInputAndClear || previousTokenType == TokenType.Clear) { param = param.TrimStart(' ', '\t', '\r', '\n'); } string startText = Text; UpdateOpenMarkup(); UpdateCloseMarkup(); float timeAccumulator = Time.deltaTime; for (int i = 0; i < param.Length + 1; ++i) { // Exit immediately if the exit flag has been set if (exitFlag) { break; } PartitionString(writeWholeWords, param, i); ConcatenateString(startText); Text = outputString.ToString(); NotifyGlyph(); // No delay if user has clicked and Instant Complete is enabled if (instantComplete && inputFlag) { continue; } // Punctuation pause if (leftString.Length > 0 && rightString.Length > 0 && IsPunctuation(leftString.ToString(leftString.Length - 1, 1)[0])) { yield return StartCoroutine(DoWait(currentPunctuationPause)); } // Delay between characters if (currentWritingSpeed > 0f) { if (timeAccumulator > 0f) { timeAccumulator -= 1f / currentWritingSpeed; } else { yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f / currentWritingSpeed); } } } } protected virtual void PartitionString(bool wholeWords, string inputString, int i) { leftString.Length = 0; rightString.Length = 0; // Reached last character leftString.Append(inputString); if (i >= inputString.Length) { return; } rightString.Append(inputString); if (wholeWords) { // Look ahead to find next whitespace or end of string for (int j = i; j < inputString.Length + 1; ++j) { if (j == inputString.Length || Char.IsWhiteSpace(inputString[j])) { leftString.Length = j; rightString.Remove(0, j); break; } } } else { leftString.Remove(i, inputString.Length - i); rightString.Remove(0, i); } } protected virtual void ConcatenateString(string startText) { outputString.Length = 0; // string tempText = startText + openText + leftText + closeText; outputString.Append(startText); outputString.Append(openString); outputString.Append(leftString); outputString.Append(closeString); // Make right hand side text hidden if (SupportsRichText() && rightString.Length > 0) { outputString.Append(hiddenColorOpen); outputString.Append(rightString); outputString.Append(hiddenColorClose); } } protected virtual IEnumerator DoWait(List paramList) { var param = ""; if (paramList.Count == 1) { param = paramList[0]; } float duration = 1f; if (!Single.TryParse(param, out duration)) { duration = 1f; } yield return StartCoroutine( DoWait(duration) ); } protected virtual IEnumerator DoWait(float duration) { NotifyPause(); float timeRemaining = duration; while (timeRemaining > 0f && !exitFlag) { if (instantComplete && inputFlag) { break; } timeRemaining -= Time.deltaTime; yield return null; } NotifyResume(); } protected virtual IEnumerator DoWaitForInput(bool clear) { NotifyPause(); inputFlag = false; isWaitingForInput = true; while (!inputFlag && !exitFlag) { yield return null; } isWaitingForInput = false; inputFlag = false; if (clear) { textUI.text = ""; } NotifyResume(); } protected virtual bool IsPunctuation(char character) { return character == '.' || character == '?' || character == '!' || character == ',' || character == ':' || character == ';' || character == ')'; } protected virtual void Punch(Vector3 axis, float time) { GameObject go = punchObject; if (go == null) { go = Camera.main.gameObject; } if (go != null) { iTween.ShakePosition(go, axis, time); } } protected virtual void Flash(float duration) { var cameraController = CameraController.GetInstance(); cameraController.ScreenFadeTexture = CameraController.CreateColorTexture(new Color(1f,1f,1f,1f), 32, 32); cameraController.Fade(1f, duration, delegate { cameraController.ScreenFadeTexture = CameraController.CreateColorTexture(new Color(1f,1f,1f,1f), 32, 32); cameraController.Fade(0f, duration, null); }); } protected virtual AudioSource FindAudio(string audioObjectName) { GameObject go = GameObject.Find(audioObjectName); if (go == null) { return null; } return go.GetComponent(); } protected virtual void NotifyInput() { foreach (IWriterListener writerListener in writerListeners) { writerListener.OnInput(); } } protected virtual void NotifyStart(AudioClip audioClip) { foreach (IWriterListener writerListener in writerListeners) { writerListener.OnStart(audioClip); } } protected virtual void NotifyPause() { foreach (IWriterListener writerListener in writerListeners) { writerListener.OnPause(); } } protected virtual void NotifyResume() { foreach (IWriterListener writerListener in writerListeners) { writerListener.OnResume(); } } protected virtual void NotifyEnd(bool stopAudio) { foreach (IWriterListener writerListener in writerListeners) { writerListener.OnEnd(stopAudio); } } protected virtual void NotifyGlyph() { foreach (IWriterListener writerListener in writerListeners) { writerListener.OnGlyph(); } } #region Public methods /// /// Gets or sets the text property of the attached text object. /// public virtual string Text { get { if (textUI != null) { return textUI.text; } else if (inputField != null) { return inputField.text; } else if (textMesh != null) { return textMesh.text; } else if (textProperty != null) { return textProperty.GetValue(textComponent, null) as string; } return ""; } set { if (textUI != null) { textUI.text = value; } else if (inputField != null) { inputField.text = value; } else if (textMesh != null) { textMesh.text = value; } else if (textProperty != null) { textProperty.SetValue(textComponent, value, null); } } } /// /// This property is true when the writer is writing text or waiting (i.e. still processing tokens). /// public virtual bool IsWriting { get { return isWriting; } } /// /// This property is true when the writer is waiting for user input to continue. /// public virtual bool IsWaitingForInput { get { return isWaitingForInput; } } /// /// Stop writing text. /// public virtual void Stop() { if (isWriting || isWaitingForInput) { exitFlag = true; } } /// /// Writes text using a typewriter effect to a UI text object. /// /// Text to be written /// If true clears the previous text. /// Writes the text and then waits for player input before calling onComplete. /// Stops any currently playing audioclip. /// Audio clip to play when text starts writing. /// Callback to call when writing is finished. public virtual IEnumerator Write(string content, bool clear, bool waitForInput, bool stopAudio, AudioClip audioClip, Action onComplete) { if (clear) { this.Text = ""; } if (!HasTextObject()) { yield break; } // If this clip is null then WriterAudio will play the default sound effect (if any) NotifyStart(audioClip); string tokenText = content; if (waitForInput) { tokenText += "{wi}"; } List tokens = TextTagParser.Tokenize(tokenText); gameObject.SetActive(true); yield return StartCoroutine(ProcessTokens(tokens, stopAudio, onComplete)); } /// /// Sets the color property of the text UI object. /// public virtual void SetTextColor(Color textColor) { if (textUI != null) { textUI.color = textColor; } else if (inputField != null) { if (inputField.textComponent != null) { inputField.textComponent.color = textColor; } } else if (textMesh != null) { textMesh.color = textColor; } } /// /// Sets the alpha component of the color property of the text UI object. /// public virtual void SetTextAlpha(float textAlpha) { if (textUI != null) { Color tempColor = textUI.color; tempColor.a = textAlpha; textUI.color = tempColor; } else if (inputField != null) { if (inputField.textComponent != null) { Color tempColor = inputField.textComponent.color; tempColor.a = textAlpha; inputField.textComponent.color = tempColor; } } else if (textMesh != null) { Color tempColor = textMesh.color; tempColor.a = textAlpha; textMesh.color = tempColor; } } /// /// Returns true if there is a supported text object attached to this writer. /// public virtual bool HasTextObject() { return (textUI != null || inputField != null || textMesh != null || textComponent != null); } /// /// Returns true if the text object has rich text support. /// public virtual bool SupportsRichText() { if (textUI != null) { return textUI.supportRichText; } if (inputField != null) { return false; } if (textMesh != null) { return textMesh.richText; } return false; } #endregion #region IDialogInputListener implementation public virtual void OnNextLineEvent() { inputFlag = true; if (isWriting) { NotifyInput(); } } #endregion } }