%YAML 1.1 %TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: --- !u!29 &1 OcclusionCullingSettings: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 serializedVersion: 2 m_OcclusionBakeSettings: smallestOccluder: 5 smallestHole: 0.25 backfaceThreshold: 100 m_SceneGUID: 00000000000000000000000000000000 m_OcclusionCullingData: {fileID: 0} --- !u!104 &2 RenderSettings: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 serializedVersion: 8 m_Fog: 0 m_FogColor: {r: 0.5, g: 0.5, b: 0.5, a: 1} m_FogMode: 3 m_FogDensity: 0.01 m_LinearFogStart: 0 m_LinearFogEnd: 300 m_AmbientSkyColor: {r: 0.212, g: 0.227, b: 0.259, a: 1} m_AmbientEquatorColor: {r: 0.114, g: 0.125, b: 0.133, a: 1} m_AmbientGroundColor: {r: 0.047, g: 0.043, b: 0.035, a: 1} m_AmbientIntensity: 1 m_AmbientMode: 3 m_SubtractiveShadowColor: {r: 0.42, g: 0.478, b: 0.627, a: 1} m_SkyboxMaterial: {fileID: 0} m_HaloStrength: 0.5 m_FlareStrength: 1 m_FlareFadeSpeed: 3 m_HaloTexture: {fileID: 0} m_SpotCookie: {fileID: 10001, guid: 0000000000000000e000000000000000, type: 0} m_DefaultReflectionMode: 0 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29.6, y: 1} m_EdgeRadius: 0 --- !u!1 &311957852 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0} serializedVersion: 5 m_Component: - component: {fileID: 311957853} - component: {fileID: 311957855} - component: {fileID: 311957854} m_Layer: 0 m_Name: Mushroom (8) m_TagString: Ground m_Icon: {fileID: 0} m_NavMeshLayer: 0 m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 m_IsActive: 1 --- !u!4 &311957853 Transform: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0} m_GameObject: {fileID: 311957852} m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 5.04, y: 0.01, z: 0.21} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 712885605} m_RootOrder: 9 m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} --- !u!60 &311957854 PolygonCollider2D: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0} m_GameObject: {fileID: 311957852} m_Enabled: 1 m_Density: 1 m_Material: {fileID: 0} 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integerData: integerRef: {fileID: 0} integerVal: 0 floatData: floatRef: {fileID: 0} floatVal: 0 stringData: stringRef: {fileID: 0} stringVal: --- !u!114 &510833775 MonoBehaviour: m_ObjectHideFlags: 2 m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0} m_GameObject: {fileID: 510833760} m_Enabled: 1 m_EditorHideFlags: 0 m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: fb77d0ce495044f6e9feb91b31798e8c, type: 3} m_Name: m_EditorClassIdentifier: itemId: 9 indentLevel: 0 variable: {fileID: 510833776} setOperator: 3 booleanData: booleanRef: {fileID: 0} booleanVal: 0 integerData: integerRef: {fileID: 0} integerVal: 1 floatData: floatRef: {fileID: 0} floatVal: 0 stringData: stringRef: {fileID: 0} stringVal: --- !u!114 &510833776 MonoBehaviour: m_ObjectHideFlags: 2 m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0} m_GameObject: {fileID: 510833760} m_Enabled: 1 m_EditorHideFlags: 0 m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: afb91b566ceda411bad1e9d3c3243ecc, type: 3} m_Name: 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