using System; using UnityEngine; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace UnityStandardAssets.Utility { public class ActivateTrigger : MonoBehaviour { // A multi-purpose script which causes an action to occur when // a trigger collider is entered. public enum Mode { Trigger = 0, // Just broadcast the action on to the target Replace = 1, // replace target with source Activate = 2, // Activate the target GameObject Enable = 3, // Enable a component Animate = 4, // Start animation on target Deactivate = 5 // Decativate target GameObject } public Mode action = Mode.Activate; // The action to accomplish public Object target; // The game object to affect. If none, the trigger work on this game object public GameObject source; public int triggerCount = 1; public bool repeatTrigger = false; private void DoActivateTrigger() { triggerCount--; if (triggerCount == 0 || repeatTrigger) { Object currentTarget = target ?? gameObject; Behaviour targetBehaviour = currentTarget as Behaviour; GameObject targetGameObject = currentTarget as GameObject; if (targetBehaviour != null) { targetGameObject = targetBehaviour.gameObject; } switch (action) { case Mode.Trigger: if (targetGameObject != null) { targetGameObject.BroadcastMessage("DoActivateTrigger"); } break; case Mode.Replace: if (source != null) { if (targetGameObject != null) { Instantiate(source, targetGameObject.transform.position, targetGameObject.transform.rotation); DestroyObject(targetGameObject); } } break; case Mode.Activate: if (targetGameObject != null) { targetGameObject.SetActive(true); } break; case Mode.Enable: if (targetBehaviour != null) { targetBehaviour.enabled = true; } break; case Mode.Animate: if (targetGameObject != null) { targetGameObject.GetComponent<Animation>().Play(); } break; case Mode.Deactivate: if (targetGameObject != null) { targetGameObject.SetActive(false); } break; } } } private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { DoActivateTrigger(); } } }