using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
namespace Fungus
/// Serializable container for a Save Point.
public class SavePointData
[SerializeField] protected string savePointKey;
[SerializeField] protected string savePointDescription;
[SerializeField] protected string sceneName;
[SerializeField] protected List flowchartDatas = new List();
protected static SavePointData tempSavePointData;
protected static void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode)
if ( != tempSavePointData.SceneName)
SceneManager.sceneLoaded -= OnSceneLoaded;
var savePointData = tempSavePointData;
for (int i = 0; i < savePointData.FlowchartDatas.Count; i++)
var flowchartData = savePointData.FlowchartDatas[i];
protected static SavePointData Create(string _savePointKey, string _savePointDescription, string _sceneName)
var savePointData = new SavePointData();
savePointData.savePointKey = _savePointKey;
savePointData.savePointDescription = _savePointDescription;
savePointData.sceneName = _sceneName;
return savePointData;
#region Public methods
/// Gets or sets the unique key for the Save Point.
public string SavePointKey { get { return savePointKey; } set { savePointKey = value; } }
/// Gets or sets the description for the Save Point.
public string SavePointDescription { get { return savePointDescription; } set { savePointDescription = value; } }
/// Gets or sets the scene name associated with the Save Point.
public string SceneName { get { return sceneName; } set { sceneName = value; } }
/// Gets or sets the encoded Flowchart data for the Save Point.
public List FlowchartDatas { get { return flowchartDatas; } set { flowchartDatas = value; } }
/// Encodes a new Save Point to data and converts it to JSON text format.
public static string Encode(string _savePointKey, string _savePointDescription, string _sceneName)
var savePointData = Create(_savePointKey, _savePointDescription, _sceneName);
var saveGameObjects = GameObject.FindObjectOfType();
if (saveGameObjects == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Failed to find a SaveGameObjects in current scene");
return JsonUtility.ToJson(savePointData, true);
/// Decodes a Save Point from JSON text format and loads it.
public static void Decode(string saveDataJSON)
tempSavePointData = JsonUtility.FromJson(saveDataJSON);
SceneManager.sceneLoaded += OnSceneLoaded;
/// Starts Block execution based on a Save Point Key
/// The execution order is:
/// 1. Save Point Loaded event handlers with a matching key.
/// 2. First Save Point command (in any Block) with matching key. Execution starts at following command.
/// 3. Any label in any block with name matching the key. Execution starts at following command.
public static void ExecuteBlocks(string savePointKey)
// Execute Save Point Loaded event handlers with matching key.
// Execute any block containing a SavePoint command matching the save key, with Resume From Here enabled
var savePoints = Object.FindObjectsOfType();
for (int i = 0; i < savePoints.Length; i++)
var savePoint = savePoints[i];
if (savePoint.ResumeFromHere &&
string.Compare(savePoint.SavePointKey, savePointKey, true) == 0)
int index = savePoint.CommandIndex;
var block = savePoint.ParentBlock;
var flowchart = savePoint.GetFlowchart();
flowchart.ExecuteBlock(block, index + 1);
// Assume there's only one SavePoint using this key
// Execute any block containing a Label matching the save key
var labels = Object.FindObjectsOfType