# Animation commands # {#animation_commands}

# Play Anim State # {#PlayAnimState}
Plays a state of an animator according to the state name

Defined in Fungus.Commands.PlayAnimState

Property | Type | Description
 --- | --- | ---
Animator | Fungus.Variables.AnimatorData | Reference to an Animator component in a game object
State Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | Name of the state you want to play
Layer | Fungus.Variables.IntegerData | Layer to play animation on
Time | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | Start time of animation

# Reset Anim Trigger # {#ResetAnimTrigger}
Resets a trigger parameter on an Animator component.

Defined in Fungus.Commands.ResetAnimTrigger

Property | Type | Description
 --- | --- | ---
_animator | Fungus.Variables.AnimatorData | Reference to an Animator component in a game object
_parameter Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | Name of the trigger Animator parameter that will be reset

# Set Anim Bool # {#SetAnimBool}
Sets a boolean parameter on an Animator component to control a Unity animation

Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetAnimBool

Property | Type | Description
 --- | --- | ---
_animator | Fungus.Variables.AnimatorData | Reference to an Animator component in a game object
_parameter Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | Name of the boolean Animator parameter that will have its value changed
Value | Fungus.Variables.BooleanData | The boolean value to set the parameter to

# Set Anim Float # {#SetAnimFloat}
Sets a float parameter on an Animator component to control a Unity animation

Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetAnimFloat

Property | Type | Description
 --- | --- | ---
_animator | Fungus.Variables.AnimatorData | Reference to an Animator component in a game object
_parameter Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | Name of the float Animator parameter that will have its value changed
Value | Fungus.Variables.FloatData | The float value to set the parameter to

# Set Anim Integer # {#SetAnimInteger}
Sets an integer parameter on an Animator component to control a Unity animation

Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetAnimInteger

Property | Type | Description
 --- | --- | ---
_animator | Fungus.Variables.AnimatorData | Reference to an Animator component in a game object
_parameter Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | Name of the integer Animator parameter that will have its value changed
Value | Fungus.Variables.IntegerData | The integer value to set the parameter to

# Set Anim Trigger # {#SetAnimTrigger}
Sets a trigger parameter on an Animator component to control a Unity animation

Defined in Fungus.Commands.SetAnimTrigger

Property | Type | Description
 --- | --- | ---
_animator | Fungus.Variables.AnimatorData | Reference to an Animator component in a game object
_parameter Name | Fungus.Variables.StringData | Name of the trigger Animator parameter that will have its value changed