using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using Fungus; namespace Fungus { /** * This is the primary base class for scripting Fungus games. * Each Room in your game should have a script component which inherits from Room. * The OnEnter() method is called when the player enters the room. * The GameController base class provides easy access to all Fungus functionality. */ public abstract class Room : GameController { string GetVisitVariableKey() { return "_visits." +; } /** * Returns the number of times the player has visited this Room. * The Room game object name is used to track the visit count and so must be unique in the game. */ public int GetVisitCount() { return Variables.GetInteger(GetVisitVariableKey()); } /** * Sets the number of times the player has visited this Room. */ void SetVisitCount(int count) { Variables.SetInteger(GetVisitVariableKey(), count); } /** * Returns true if this is the first time the player has visited this room. */ public bool IsFirstVisit() { return GetVisitCount() == 0; } // Automatically draws arrows to other Rooms referenced in public properties void OnDrawGizmos() { const BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance; FieldInfo[] fields = this.GetType().GetFields(flags); foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in fields) { Room room = fieldInfo.GetValue(this) as Room; if (room != null) { DrawLinkToRoom(room); } } } void DrawLinkToRoom(Room room) { if (!room) { Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawWireCube(transform.position, renderer.bounds.size * 1.1f); return; } if (!Game.GetInstance().showLinks) { return; } Gizmos.color =; Vector3 posA = transform.position; Vector3 posB = room.transform.position; Ray toA = new Ray(posB, posA - posB); Ray toB = new Ray(posA, posB - posA); float tA = 0; if (renderer) { if (renderer.bounds.IntersectRay(toA, out tA)) { posA = toA.GetPoint(tA * 0.95f); } } float tB = 0; if (room.gameObject.renderer) { if (room.gameObject.renderer.bounds.IntersectRay(toB, out tB)) { posB = toB.GetPoint(tB * 0.95f); } } Gizmos.DrawLine(posA, posB); float arrowHeadSize = 0.25f; Vector3 arrowPosA = posB; Vector3 arrowPosB = arrowPosA; Vector3 arrowPosC = arrowPosA; arrowPosB.x += toB.direction.y * arrowHeadSize; arrowPosB.y -= toB.direction.x * arrowHeadSize; arrowPosB -= toB.direction * arrowHeadSize; Gizmos.DrawLine(arrowPosA, arrowPosB); arrowPosC.x -= toB.direction.y * arrowHeadSize; arrowPosC.y += toB.direction.x * arrowHeadSize; arrowPosC -= toB.direction * arrowHeadSize; Gizmos.DrawLine(arrowPosA, arrowPosC); } // Called by Game when player enters the room void Enter() { Game game = Game.GetInstance(); CameraController cameraController = game.gameObject.GetComponent<CameraController>(); // Pick first view found in the room and snap to camera to this view. // It is allowed for a room to not have any views. // In this case the camera will attempt to snap to the room sprite. View view = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<View>(); if (view == null) { // No view defined for this room, try to center on room sprite SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); if (spriteRenderer != null) { cameraController.CenterOnSprite(spriteRenderer); } else { Debug.LogError("Failed to set camera view when entering room."); } } else { // Snap to new view cameraController.PanToPosition(view.transform.position, view.transform.rotation, view.viewSize, 0, null); } // Hide all buttons in the room before entering // Buttons must always be made visible using a ShowButton() command Button[] buttons = game.activeRoom.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>(); foreach (Button button in buttons) { button.SetAlpha(0f); } // Reset Page layout to default setting specified in Game object game.pageController.SetDefaultPageLayout(); // Rooms may have multiple child views and page. // It is the responsibility of the client room script to set the desired active view & page in the OnEnter method. game.commandQueue.CallCommandMethod(game.activeRoom.gameObject, "OnEnter"); // Increment visit count for this Room int visitCount = GetVisitCount(); visitCount++; SetVisitCount(visitCount); } } }