using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; namespace Fungus { [CommandInfo("Audio", "Control Audio", "Plays, loops, or stops an audiosource.")] public class ControlAudio : Command { public enum controlType { PlayOnce, PlayLoop, PauseLoop, StopLoop, ChangeVolume } [Tooltip("What to do to audio")] public controlType control; [Tooltip("Audio clip to play")] public AudioSource audioSource; [Range(0,1)] [Tooltip("Start audio at this volume")] public float startVolume = 1; [Range(0,1)] [Tooltip("End audio at this volume")] public float endVolume = 1; [Tooltip("Time to fade between current volume level and target volume level.")] public float fadeDuration; public bool waitUntilFinished = false; public override void OnEnter() { if (audioSource == null) { Continue(); return; } audioSource.volume = endVolume; switch(control) { case controlType.PlayOnce: StopAudio(); PlayOnce(); break; case controlType.PlayLoop: StopAudio(); PlayLoop(); break; case controlType.PauseLoop: PauseLoop(); break; case controlType.StopLoop: StopLoop(); break; case controlType.ChangeVolume: ChangeVolume(); break; } if (!waitUntilFinished) { Continue(); } } protected void StopAudio() { if (audioSource == null) { return; } StopLoop(); } protected void PlayOnce() { if (fadeDuration > 0) { audioSource.volume = 0; PlaySoundWithCallback(, endVolume, AudioFinished); LeanTween.value(audioSource.gameObject,0,endVolume,fadeDuration ).setOnUpdate( (float updateVolume)=>{ audioSource.volume = updateVolume; } ).setOnComplete( ()=>{ if (waitUntilFinished) { Continue(); } } ); } else { audioSource.volume = 1; PlaySoundWithCallback(, endVolume, AudioFinished); } } protected void PlayLoop() { if (fadeDuration > 0) { audioSource.volume = 0; audioSource.loop = true;; LeanTween.value(audioSource.gameObject,0,endVolume,fadeDuration ).setOnUpdate( (float updateVolume)=>{ audioSource.volume = updateVolume; } ).setOnComplete( ()=>{ if (waitUntilFinished) { Continue(); } } ); } else { audioSource.volume = 1; audioSource.loop = true;; } } protected void PauseLoop() { if (fadeDuration > 0) { LeanTween.value(audioSource.gameObject,audioSource.volume,0,fadeDuration ).setOnUpdate( (float updateVolume)=>{ audioSource.volume = updateVolume; } ).setOnComplete( ()=>{; if (waitUntilFinished) { Continue(); } } ); } else {; Continue(); } } protected void StopLoop() { if (fadeDuration > 0) { LeanTween.value(audioSource.gameObject,audioSource.volume,0,fadeDuration ).setOnUpdate( (float updateVolume)=>{ audioSource.volume = updateVolume; } ).setOnComplete( ()=>{; if (waitUntilFinished) { Continue(); } } ); } else {; } } protected void ChangeVolume() { LeanTween.value(audioSource.gameObject,audioSource.volume,endVolume,fadeDuration ).setOnUpdate( (float updateVolume)=>{ audioSource.volume = updateVolume; } ); } // Allows ControlAudio to "Wait Until Finished" playing audio before moving onto the next command public delegate void AudioCallback(); public void PlaySoundWithCallback(AudioClip clip, float endVolume, AudioCallback callback) {, endVolume); StartCoroutine(DelayedCallback(audioSource.clip.length, callback)); } private IEnumerator DelayedCallback(float time, AudioCallback callback) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(time); callback(); } void AudioFinished() { Continue(); } public override string GetSummary() { if (audioSource == null) { return "Error: No sound clip selected"; } string fadeType = ""; if (fadeDuration > 0) { fadeType = " Fade out"; if (control != controlType.StopLoop) { fadeType = " Fade in volume to " + endVolume; } if (control == controlType.ChangeVolume) { fadeType = " to " + endVolume; } fadeType += " over " + fadeDuration + " seconds."; } return control.ToString() + " \"" + + "\"" + fadeType; } public override Color GetButtonColor() { return new Color32(242, 209, 176, 255); } } }