using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Fungus { [CommandInfo("Dialog", "Option", "Adds an option for the player to select. When the option is selected all commands in the following block are executed.")] [AddComponentMenu("")] public class Option : If { [Tooltip("Option text to display when presenting the option to the player")] public string optionText; [Tooltip("Hide this option once it has been selected so that it won't appear again even if executed again")] public bool hideOnSelected; [Tooltip("Hide if a variable condition evaluates to true.")] public bool hideOnCondition; [NonSerialized] public bool wasSelected; public virtual bool IsHidden() { if (hideOnSelected && wasSelected) { return true; } if (hideOnCondition) { // If no variable is selected then assume the option is visible if (variable == null) { return true; } return EvaluateCondition(); } return false; } public override void OnEnter() { // Find next End statement at same indent level for (int i = commandIndex + 1; i < parentSequence.commandList.Count; ++i) { End endCommand = parentSequence.commandList[i] as End; if (endCommand != null && endCommand.indentLevel == indentLevel) { // Continue at next command after End Continue (endCommand.commandIndex + 1); return; } } Continue(); } public override string GetSummary() { if (optionText == "") { return "Error: Option text is blank"; } return optionText; } public override bool OpenBlock() { return true; } public override bool CloseBlock () { return true; } public override Color GetButtonColor() { return new Color32(253, 253, 150, 255); } public override void OnReset() { wasSelected = false; } } }