using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.Events; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace Fungus { public class Dialog : MonoBehaviour { public float writingSpeed = 60; public AudioClip writingSound; public bool loopWritingSound = true; public float punctuationPause = 0.25f; [Tooltip("Click anywhere on screen to continue when set to true, or only on dialog when false.")] public bool clickAnywhere = true; public Canvas dialogCanvas; public Text nameText; public Text storyText; public Image characterImage; public AudioClip characterTypingSound; protected float currentSpeed; protected float currentPunctuationPause; protected bool boldActive; protected bool italicActive; protected bool colorActive; protected string colorText; protected float clickCooldownTimer; protected bool wasPointerClicked; protected enum TokenType { Character, // Text character BoldStart, // b BoldEnd, // /b ItalicStart, // i ItalicEnd, // /i ColorStart, // color=red ColorEnd, // /color Wait, // w, w=0.5 WaitForInputNoClear, // wi WaitForInputAndClear, // wc WaitOnPunctuation, // wp, wp=0.5 Clear, // c Speed, // s, s=60 Exit // x } protected class Token { public TokenType type = TokenType.Character; public string param = ""; } protected virtual void LateUpdate() { wasPointerClicked = false; if (clickCooldownTimer > 0f) { clickCooldownTimer -= Time.deltaTime; clickCooldownTimer = Mathf.Max(0, clickCooldownTimer); } if (clickCooldownTimer == 0f && clickAnywhere && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { wasPointerClicked = true; clickCooldownTimer = 0.2f; } } public virtual void ShowDialog(bool visible) { if (dialogCanvas != null) { dialogCanvas.gameObject.SetActive(visible); } } public virtual void SetCharacter(Character character) { if (character == null) { if (characterImage != null) characterImage.enabled = false; if (nameText != null) nameText.text = ""; characterTypingSound = null; } else { SetCharacterImage(character.profileSprite); string characterName = character.nameText; if (characterName == "") { // Use game object name as default characterName =; } characterTypingSound = character.soundEffect; SetCharacterName(characterName, character.nameColor); } } public virtual void SetCharacterImage(Sprite image) { if (characterImage != null) { if (image != null) { characterImage.sprite = image; characterImage.enabled = true; } else { characterImage.enabled = false; } } } public virtual void SetCharacterName(string name, Color color) { if (nameText != null) { nameText.text = name; nameText.color = color; } } protected virtual IEnumerator WriteText(string text, Action onWritingComplete, Action onExitTag) { storyText.text = ""; boldActive = false; italicActive = false; colorActive = false; colorText = ""; currentSpeed = writingSpeed; currentPunctuationPause = punctuationPause; List tokens = MakeTokenList(text); if (tokens.Count == 0) { if (onWritingComplete != null) { onWritingComplete(); } yield break; } // Zero speed means write instantly if (currentSpeed == 0 || text.Contains("<")) { currentSpeed = 10000; } GameObject typingAudio = null; if (writingSound != null) { typingAudio = new GameObject("WritingSound"); typingAudio.AddComponent(); if (characterTypingSound != null) { = characterTypingSound; } else { = writingSound; } = loopWritingSound;; } float timeAccumulator = 0f; int i = 0; while (i < tokens.Count) { timeAccumulator += Time.deltaTime; float writeDelay = 0f; if (currentSpeed > 0) { writeDelay = (1f / (float)currentSpeed); } while (timeAccumulator > writeDelay) { timeAccumulator -= writeDelay; Token token = tokens[i]; switch (token.type) { case TokenType.Character: if (storyText.text.Length == 0 && token.param == "\n") { // Ignore leading newlines } else { // Wrap each individual character in rich text markup tags if required // This must be done at the character level to support writing out the story text over time. string start = ""; string end = ""; if (boldActive) { start += ""; end += ""; } if (italicActive) { start += ""; end = "" + end; // Have to nest tags correctly } if (colorActive) { start += ""; end += ""; } storyText.text += start + token.param + end; if (wasPointerClicked) { currentSpeed = 10000; // Write instantly wasPointerClicked = false; } } // Add a wait token on punctuation marks bool doPause = punctuationPause > 0 && IsPunctuation(token.param); if (i == tokens.Count - 1) { doPause = false; // No pause on last character } else { // No pause if next token is a pause TokenType nextType = tokens[i + 1].type; if (nextType == TokenType.Wait || nextType == TokenType.WaitForInputAndClear || nextType == TokenType.WaitForInputNoClear) { doPause = false; } if (currentSpeed > 1000) { doPause = false; } } if (doPause) { // Ignore if next token is also punctuation, or if punctuation is the last character. bool skipCharacter = (i < tokens.Count - 1 && tokens[i + 1].type == TokenType.Character && IsPunctuation(tokens[i + 1].param)); if (!skipCharacter) { if (typingAudio != null); yield return new WaitForSeconds(currentPunctuationPause); if (typingAudio != null); } } break; case TokenType.BoldStart: boldActive = true; break; case TokenType.BoldEnd: boldActive = false; break; case TokenType.ItalicStart: italicActive = true; break; case TokenType.ItalicEnd: italicActive = false; break; case TokenType.ColorStart: colorActive = true; colorText = token.param; break; case TokenType.ColorEnd: colorActive = false; break; case TokenType.Wait: float duration = 1f; if (!Single.TryParse(token.param, out duration)) { duration = 1f; } if (typingAudio != null); yield return new WaitForSeconds(duration); if (typingAudio != null); timeAccumulator = 0f; break; case TokenType.WaitForInputNoClear: OnWaitForInputTag(true); if (typingAudio != null); yield return StartCoroutine(WaitForInput(null)); if (typingAudio != null); timeAccumulator = 0f; currentSpeed = writingSpeed; OnWaitForInputTag(false); break; case TokenType.WaitForInputAndClear: OnWaitForInputTag(true); if (typingAudio != null); yield return StartCoroutine(WaitForInput(null)); if (typingAudio != null); OnWaitForInputTag(false); timeAccumulator = 0f; currentSpeed = writingSpeed; storyText.text = ""; break; case TokenType.Clear: storyText.text = ""; timeAccumulator = 0f; break; case TokenType.Speed: if (!Single.TryParse(token.param, out currentSpeed)) { currentSpeed = 0f; } writeDelay = 0; timeAccumulator = 0f; if (currentSpeed > 0) { writeDelay = (1f / (float)currentSpeed); } break; case TokenType.Exit: if (typingAudio != null) { Destroy(typingAudio); } if (onExitTag != null) { onExitTag(); } yield break; case TokenType.WaitOnPunctuation: if (!Single.TryParse(token.param, out currentPunctuationPause)) { currentPunctuationPause = 0f; } break; } if (++i >= tokens.Count) { break; } } yield return null; } if (typingAudio != null) { Destroy(typingAudio); } if (onWritingComplete != null) { onWritingComplete(); } yield break; } public virtual void Clear() { ClearStoryText(); // Reset control variables currentSpeed = 60; currentPunctuationPause = 0.25f; boldActive = false; italicActive = false; colorActive = false; colorText = ""; // Kill any active write coroutine StopAllCoroutines(); } protected virtual void ClearStoryText() { if (storyText != null) { storyText.text = ""; } } protected virtual bool IsPunctuation(string character) { return character == "." || character == "?" || character == "!"; } protected virtual List MakeTokenList(string storyText) { List tokenList = new List(); string pattern = @"\{.*?\}"; Regex myRegex = new Regex(pattern); Match m = myRegex.Match(storyText); // m is the first match int position = 0; while (m.Success) { // Get bit leading up to tag string preText = storyText.Substring(position, m.Index - position); string tagText = m.Value; foreach (char c in preText) { AddCharacterToken(tokenList, c.ToString()); } AddTagToken(tokenList, tagText); position = m.Index + tagText.Length; m = m.NextMatch(); } if (position < storyText.Length - 1) { string postText = storyText.Substring(position, storyText.Length - position); foreach (char c in postText) { AddCharacterToken(tokenList, c.ToString()); } } return tokenList; } protected virtual void AddCharacterToken(List tokenList, string character) { Token token = new Token(); token.type = TokenType.Character; token.param = character; tokenList.Add(token); } protected virtual void AddTagToken(List tokenList, string tagText) { if (tagText.Length < 3 || tagText.Substring(0,1) != "{" || tagText.Substring(tagText.Length - 1,1) != "}") { return; } string tag = tagText.Substring(1, tagText.Length - 2); TokenType type = TokenType.Character; string paramText = ""; if (tag == "b") { type = TokenType.BoldStart; } else if (tag == "/b") { type = TokenType.BoldEnd; } else if (tag == "i") { type = TokenType.ItalicStart; } else if (tag == "/i") { type = TokenType.ItalicEnd; } else if (tag.StartsWith("color=")) { type = TokenType.ColorStart; paramText = tag.Substring(6, tag.Length - 6); } else if (tag == "/color") { type = TokenType.ColorEnd; } else if (tag == "wi") { type = TokenType.WaitForInputNoClear; } if (tag == "wc") { type = TokenType.WaitForInputAndClear; } else if (tag.StartsWith("wp=")) { type = TokenType.WaitOnPunctuation; paramText = tag.Substring(3, tag.Length - 3); } else if (tag == "wp") { type = TokenType.WaitOnPunctuation; } else if (tag.StartsWith("w=")) { type = TokenType.Wait; paramText = tag.Substring(2, tag.Length - 2); } else if (tag == "w") { type = TokenType.Wait; } else if (tag == "c") { type = TokenType.Clear; } else if (tag.StartsWith("s=")) { type = TokenType.Speed; paramText = tag.Substring(2, tag.Length - 2); } else if (tag == "s") { type = TokenType.Speed; } else if (tag == "x") { type = TokenType.Exit; } Token token = new Token(); token.type = type; token.param = paramText.Trim(); tokenList.Add(token); } protected virtual IEnumerator WaitForInput(Action onInput) { while (!wasPointerClicked) { yield return null; } wasPointerClicked = false; if (onInput != null) { onInput(); } } protected virtual void OnWaitForInputTag(bool waiting) {} public virtual void OnPointerClick() { if (clickCooldownTimer == 0f) { wasPointerClicked = true; } } } }