using UnityEditor; using UnityEditorInternal; using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Rotorz.ReorderableList; using System.IO; namespace Fungus { [CustomEditor (typeof(Block))] public class BlockEditor : Editor { protected class SetEventHandlerOperation { public Block block; public Type eventHandlerType; } protected class AddCommandOperation { public Block block; public Type commandType; public int index; } public virtual void DrawBlockName(Flowchart flowchart) { serializedObject.Update(); SerializedProperty blockNameProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("blockName"); Rect blockLabelRect = new Rect(45, 5, 120, 16); EditorGUI.LabelField(blockLabelRect, new GUIContent("Block Name")); Rect blockNameRect = new Rect(45, 21, 180, 16); EditorGUI.PropertyField(blockNameRect, blockNameProperty, new GUIContent("")); // Ensure block name is unique for this Flowchart Block block = target as Block; string uniqueName = flowchart.GetUniqueBlockKey(blockNameProperty.stringValue, block); if (uniqueName != block.blockName) { blockNameProperty.stringValue = uniqueName; } serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } public virtual void DrawBlockGUI(Flowchart flowchart) { serializedObject.Update(); Block block = target as Block; SerializedProperty commandListProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("commandList"); if (block == flowchart.selectedBlock) { SerializedProperty descriptionProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("description"); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(descriptionProp); DrawEventHandlerGUI(flowchart); UpdateIndentLevels(block); // Make sure each command has a reference to its parent block foreach (Command command in block.commandList) { if (command == null) // Will be deleted from the list later on { continue; } command.parentBlock = block; } ReorderableListGUI.Title("Commands"); CommandListAdaptor adaptor = new CommandListAdaptor(commandListProperty, 0); adaptor.nodeRect = block.nodeRect; ReorderableListFlags flags = ReorderableListFlags.HideAddButton | ReorderableListFlags.HideRemoveButtons | ReorderableListFlags.DisableContextMenu; ReorderableListControl.DrawControlFromState(adaptor, null, flags); // EventType.contextClick doesn't register since we moved the Sequence Editor to be inside // a GUI Area, no idea why. As a workaround we just check for right click instead. if (Event.current.type == EventType.mouseUp && Event.current.button == 1) { ShowContextMenu(); } if (GUIUtility.keyboardControl == 0) //Only call keyboard shortcuts when not typing in a text field { Event e = Event.current; // Copy keyboard shortcut if (e.type == EventType.ValidateCommand && e.commandName == "Copy") { if (flowchart.selectedCommands.Count > 0) { e.Use(); } } if (e.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand && e.commandName == "Copy") { Copy(); e.Use(); } // Cut keyboard shortcut if (e.type == EventType.ValidateCommand && e.commandName == "Cut") { if (flowchart.selectedCommands.Count > 0) { e.Use(); } } if (e.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand && e.commandName == "Cut") { Cut(); e.Use(); } // Paste keyboard shortcut if (e.type == EventType.ValidateCommand && e.commandName == "Paste") { CommandCopyBuffer commandCopyBuffer = CommandCopyBuffer.GetInstance(); if (commandCopyBuffer.HasCommands()) { e.Use(); } } if (e.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand && e.commandName == "Paste") { Paste(); e.Use(); } // Duplicate keyboard shortcut if (e.type == EventType.ValidateCommand && e.commandName == "Duplicate") { if (flowchart.selectedCommands.Count > 0) { e.Use(); } } if (e.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand && e.commandName == "Duplicate") { Copy(); Paste(); e.Use(); } // Delete keyboard shortcut if (e.type == EventType.ValidateCommand && e.commandName == "Delete") { if (flowchart.selectedCommands.Count > 0) { e.Use(); } } if (e.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand && e.commandName == "Delete") { Delete(); e.Use(); } // SelectAll keyboard shortcut if (e.type == EventType.ValidateCommand && e.commandName == "SelectAll") { e.Use(); } if (e.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand && e.commandName == "SelectAll") { SelectAll(); e.Use(); } } } // Remove any null entries in the command list. // This can happen when a command class is deleted or renamed. for (int i = commandListProperty.arraySize - 1; i >= 0; --i) { SerializedProperty commandProperty = commandListProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); if (commandProperty.objectReferenceValue == null) { commandListProperty.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(i); } } serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } public virtual void DrawButtonToolbar() { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // Previous Command if ((Event.current.type == EventType.keyDown) && (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.PageUp)) { SelectPrevious(); GUI.FocusControl("dummycontrol"); Event.current.Use(); } // Next Command if ((Event.current.type == EventType.keyDown) && (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.PageDown)) { SelectNext(); GUI.FocusControl("dummycontrol"); Event.current.Use(); } // Up Button Texture2D upIcon = Resources.Load("Icons/up") as Texture2D; if (GUILayout.Button(upIcon)) { SelectPrevious(); } // Down Button Texture2D downIcon = Resources.Load("Icons/down") as Texture2D; if (GUILayout.Button(downIcon)) { SelectNext(); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); // Add Button Texture2D addIcon = Resources.Load("Icons/add") as Texture2D; if (GUILayout.Button(addIcon)) { ShowCommandMenu(); } // Duplicate Button Texture2D duplicateIcon = Resources.Load("Icons/duplicate") as Texture2D; if (GUILayout.Button(duplicateIcon)) { Copy(); Paste(); } // Delete Button Texture2D deleteIcon = Resources.Load("Icons/delete") as Texture2D; if (GUILayout.Button(deleteIcon)) { Delete(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } protected void DrawEventHandlerGUI(Flowchart flowchart) { // Show available Event Handlers in a drop down list with type of current // event handler selected. List<System.Type> eventHandlerTypes = EditorExtensions.FindDerivedTypes(typeof(EventHandler)).ToList(); Block block = target as Block; System.Type currentType = null; if (block.eventHandler != null) { currentType = block.eventHandler.GetType(); } string currentHandlerName = "<None>"; if (currentType != null) { EventHandlerInfoAttribute info = EventHandlerEditor.GetEventHandlerInfo(currentType); if (info != null) { currentHandlerName = info.EventHandlerName; } } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(new GUIContent("Execute On Event")); if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(currentHandlerName), EditorStyles.popup)) { SetEventHandlerOperation noneOperation = new SetEventHandlerOperation(); noneOperation.block = block; noneOperation.eventHandlerType = null; GenericMenu eventHandlerMenu = new GenericMenu(); eventHandlerMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent("None"), false, OnSelectEventHandler, noneOperation); // Add event handlers with no category first foreach (System.Type type in eventHandlerTypes) { EventHandlerInfoAttribute info = EventHandlerEditor.GetEventHandlerInfo(type); if (info.Category.Length == 0) { SetEventHandlerOperation operation = new SetEventHandlerOperation(); operation.block = block; operation.eventHandlerType = type; eventHandlerMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent(info.EventHandlerName), false, OnSelectEventHandler, operation); } } // Add event handlers with a category afterwards foreach (System.Type type in eventHandlerTypes) { EventHandlerInfoAttribute info = EventHandlerEditor.GetEventHandlerInfo(type); if (info.Category.Length > 0) { SetEventHandlerOperation operation = new SetEventHandlerOperation(); operation.block = block; operation.eventHandlerType = type; string typeName = info.Category + "/" + info.EventHandlerName; eventHandlerMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent(typeName), false, OnSelectEventHandler, operation); } } eventHandlerMenu.ShowAsContext(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (block.eventHandler != null) { EventHandlerEditor eventHandlerEditor = Editor.CreateEditor(block.eventHandler) as EventHandlerEditor; if (eventHandlerEditor != null) { eventHandlerEditor.DrawInspectorGUI(); DestroyImmediate(eventHandlerEditor); } } } protected void OnSelectEventHandler(object obj) { SetEventHandlerOperation operation = obj as SetEventHandlerOperation; Block block = operation.block; System.Type selectedType = operation.eventHandlerType; if (block == null) { return; } Undo.RecordObject(block, "Set Event Handler"); if (block.eventHandler != null) { Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(block.eventHandler); } if (selectedType != null) { EventHandler newHandler = Undo.AddComponent(block.gameObject, selectedType) as EventHandler; newHandler.parentBlock = block; block.eventHandler = newHandler; } } protected virtual void UpdateIndentLevels(Block block) { int indentLevel = 0; foreach(Command command in block.commandList) { if (command == null) { continue; } if (command.CloseBlock()) { indentLevel--; } command.indentLevel = Math.Max(indentLevel, 0); if (command.OpenBlock()) { indentLevel++; } } } static public void BlockField(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label, GUIContent nullLabel, Flowchart flowchart) { if (flowchart == null) { return; } Block block = property.objectReferenceValue as Block; // Build dictionary of child blocks List<GUIContent> blockNames = new List<GUIContent>(); int selectedIndex = 0; blockNames.Add(nullLabel); Block[] blocks = flowchart.GetComponentsInChildren<Block>(true); for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Length; ++i) { blockNames.Add(new GUIContent(blocks[i].blockName)); if (block == blocks[i]) { selectedIndex = i + 1; } } selectedIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup(label, selectedIndex, blockNames.ToArray()); if (selectedIndex == 0) { block = null; // Option 'None' } else { block = blocks[selectedIndex - 1]; } property.objectReferenceValue = block; } static public Block BlockField(Rect position, GUIContent nullLabel, Flowchart flowchart, Block block) { if (flowchart == null) { return null; } Block result = block; // Build dictionary of child blocks List<GUIContent> blockNames = new List<GUIContent>(); int selectedIndex = 0; blockNames.Add(nullLabel); Block[] blocks = flowchart.GetComponentsInChildren<Block>(); for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Length; ++i) { blockNames.Add(new GUIContent(blocks[i].name)); if (block == blocks[i]) { selectedIndex = i + 1; } } selectedIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(position, selectedIndex, blockNames.ToArray()); if (selectedIndex == 0) { result = null; // Option 'None' } else { result = blocks[selectedIndex - 1]; } return result; } // Compare delegate for sorting the list of command attributes protected static int CompareCommandAttributes(KeyValuePair<System.Type, CommandInfoAttribute> x, KeyValuePair<System.Type, CommandInfoAttribute> y) { int compare = (x.Value.Category.CompareTo(y.Value.Category)); if (compare == 0) { compare = (x.Value.CommandName.CompareTo(y.Value.CommandName)); } return compare; } [MenuItem("Tools/Fungus/Utilities/Export Class Info")] protected static void DumpFungusClassInfo() { string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Export strings", "", "FungusClasses.csv", ""); if(path.Length == 0) { return; } string classInfo = ""; // Dump command info List<System.Type> menuTypes = EditorExtensions.FindDerivedTypes(typeof(Command)).ToList(); List<KeyValuePair<System.Type, CommandInfoAttribute>> filteredAttributes = GetFilteredCommandInfoAttribute(menuTypes); filteredAttributes.Sort( CompareCommandAttributes ); foreach(var keyPair in filteredAttributes) { CommandInfoAttribute info = keyPair.Value; classInfo += ("Command," + info.CommandName + "," + info.Category + ",\"" + info.HelpText + "\"\n"); } // Dump event handler info List<System.Type> eventHandlerTypes = EditorExtensions.FindDerivedTypes(typeof(EventHandler)).ToList(); foreach (System.Type type in eventHandlerTypes) { EventHandlerInfoAttribute info = EventHandlerEditor.GetEventHandlerInfo(type); classInfo += ("EventHandler," + info.EventHandlerName + "," + info.Category + ",\"" + info.HelpText + "\"\n"); } File.WriteAllText(path, classInfo); } void ShowCommandMenu() { Block block = target as Block; Flowchart flowchart = block.GetFlowchart(); // Use index of last selected command in list, or end of list if nothing selected. int index = -1; foreach (Command command in flowchart.selectedCommands) { if (command.commandIndex + 1 > index) { index = command.commandIndex + 1; } } if (index == -1) { index = block.commandList.Count; } GenericMenu commandMenu = new GenericMenu(); // Build menu list List<System.Type> menuTypes = EditorExtensions.FindDerivedTypes(typeof(Command)).ToList(); List<KeyValuePair<System.Type, CommandInfoAttribute>> filteredAttributes = GetFilteredCommandInfoAttribute(menuTypes); filteredAttributes.Sort( CompareCommandAttributes ); foreach(var keyPair in filteredAttributes) { AddCommandOperation commandOperation = new AddCommandOperation(); commandOperation.block = block; commandOperation.commandType = keyPair.Key; commandOperation.index = index; GUIContent menuItem; if (keyPair.Value.Category == "") { menuItem = new GUIContent(keyPair.Value.CommandName); } else { menuItem = new GUIContent (keyPair.Value.Category + "/" + keyPair.Value.CommandName); } commandMenu.AddItem(menuItem, false, AddCommandCallback, commandOperation); } commandMenu.ShowAsContext(); } protected static List<KeyValuePair<System.Type,CommandInfoAttribute>> GetFilteredCommandInfoAttribute(List<System.Type> menuTypes) { Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<System.Type, CommandInfoAttribute>> filteredAttributes = new Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<System.Type, CommandInfoAttribute>>(); foreach (System.Type type in menuTypes) { object[] attributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(false); foreach (object obj in attributes) { CommandInfoAttribute infoAttr = obj as CommandInfoAttribute; if (infoAttr != null) { string dictionaryName = string.Format("{0}/{1}", infoAttr.Category, infoAttr.CommandName); int existingItemPriority = -1; if (filteredAttributes.ContainsKey(dictionaryName)) { existingItemPriority = filteredAttributes[dictionaryName].Value.Priority; } if (infoAttr.Priority > existingItemPriority) { KeyValuePair<System.Type, CommandInfoAttribute> keyValuePair = new KeyValuePair<System.Type, CommandInfoAttribute>(type, infoAttr); filteredAttributes[dictionaryName] = keyValuePair; } } } } return filteredAttributes.Values.ToList<KeyValuePair<System.Type,CommandInfoAttribute>>(); } protected static void AddCommandCallback(object obj) { AddCommandOperation commandOperation = obj as AddCommandOperation; Block block = commandOperation.block; if (block == null) { return; } Flowchart flowchart = block.GetFlowchart(); flowchart.ClearSelectedCommands(); Command newCommand = Undo.AddComponent(block.gameObject, commandOperation.commandType) as Command; block.GetFlowchart().AddSelectedCommand(newCommand); newCommand.parentBlock = block; newCommand.itemId = flowchart.NextItemId(); // Let command know it has just been added to the block newCommand.OnCommandAdded(block); Undo.RecordObject(block, "Set command type"); if (commandOperation.index < block.commandList.Count - 1) { block.commandList.Insert(commandOperation.index, newCommand); } else { block.commandList.Add(newCommand); } } public virtual void ShowContextMenu() { Block block = target as Block; Flowchart flowchart = block.GetFlowchart(); if (flowchart == null) { return; } bool showCut = false; bool showCopy = false; bool showDelete = false; bool showPaste = false; if (flowchart.selectedCommands.Count > 0) { showCut = true; showCopy = true; showDelete = true; } CommandCopyBuffer commandCopyBuffer = CommandCopyBuffer.GetInstance(); if (commandCopyBuffer.HasCommands()) { showPaste = true; } GenericMenu commandMenu = new GenericMenu(); if (showCut) { commandMenu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Cut"), false, Cut); } else { commandMenu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent ("Cut")); } if (showCopy) { commandMenu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Copy"), false, Copy); } else { commandMenu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent ("Copy")); } if (showPaste) { commandMenu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Paste"), false, Paste); } else { commandMenu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent ("Paste")); } if (showDelete) { commandMenu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Delete"), false, Delete); } else { commandMenu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent ("Delete")); } commandMenu.AddSeparator(""); commandMenu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Select All"), false, SelectAll); commandMenu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Select None"), false, SelectNone); commandMenu.ShowAsContext(); } protected void SelectAll() { Block block = target as Block; Flowchart flowchart = block.GetFlowchart(); if (flowchart == null || flowchart.selectedBlock == null) { return; } flowchart.ClearSelectedCommands(); Undo.RecordObject(flowchart, "Select All"); foreach (Command command in flowchart.selectedBlock.commandList) { flowchart.AddSelectedCommand(command); } Repaint(); } protected void SelectNone() { Block block = target as Block; Flowchart flowchart = block.GetFlowchart(); if (flowchart == null || flowchart.selectedBlock == null) { return; } Undo.RecordObject(flowchart, "Select None"); flowchart.ClearSelectedCommands(); Repaint(); } protected void Cut() { Copy(); Delete(); } protected void Copy() { Block block = target as Block; Flowchart flowchart = block.GetFlowchart(); if (flowchart == null || flowchart.selectedBlock == null) { return; } CommandCopyBuffer commandCopyBuffer = CommandCopyBuffer.GetInstance(); commandCopyBuffer.Clear(); // Scan through all commands in execution order to see if each needs to be copied foreach (Command command in flowchart.selectedBlock.commandList) { if (flowchart.selectedCommands.Contains(command)) { System.Type type = command.GetType(); Command newCommand = Undo.AddComponent(commandCopyBuffer.gameObject, type) as Command; System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(); foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo field in fields) { field.SetValue(newCommand, field.GetValue(command)); } } } } protected void Paste() { Block block = target as Block; Flowchart flowchart = block.GetFlowchart(); if (flowchart == null || flowchart.selectedBlock == null) { return; } CommandCopyBuffer commandCopyBuffer = CommandCopyBuffer.GetInstance(); // Find where to paste commands in block (either at end or after last selected command) int pasteIndex = flowchart.selectedBlock.commandList.Count; if (flowchart.selectedCommands.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < flowchart.selectedBlock.commandList.Count; ++i) { Command command = flowchart.selectedBlock.commandList[i]; foreach (Command selectedCommand in flowchart.selectedCommands) { if (command == selectedCommand) { pasteIndex = i + 1; } } } } foreach (Command command in commandCopyBuffer.GetCommands()) { // Using the Editor copy / paste functionality instead instead of reflection // because this does a deep copy of the command properties. if (ComponentUtility.CopyComponent(command)) { if (ComponentUtility.PasteComponentAsNew(flowchart.gameObject)) { Command[] commands = flowchart.GetComponents<Command>(); Command pastedCommand = commands.Last<Command>(); if (pastedCommand != null) { pastedCommand.itemId = flowchart.NextItemId(); flowchart.selectedBlock.commandList.Insert(pasteIndex++, pastedCommand); } } // This stops the user pasting the command manually into another game object. ComponentUtility.CopyComponent(flowchart.transform); } } Repaint(); } protected void Delete() { Block block = target as Block; Flowchart flowchart = block.GetFlowchart(); if (flowchart == null || flowchart.selectedBlock == null) { return; } int lastSelectedIndex = 0; for (int i = flowchart.selectedBlock.commandList.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Command command = flowchart.selectedBlock.commandList[i]; foreach (Command selectedCommand in flowchart.selectedCommands) { if (command == selectedCommand) { command.OnCommandRemoved(block); Undo.RecordObject(flowchart.selectedBlock, "Delete"); flowchart.selectedBlock.commandList.RemoveAt(i); Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(command); lastSelectedIndex = i; break; } } } Undo.RecordObject(flowchart, "Delete"); flowchart.ClearSelectedCommands(); if (lastSelectedIndex < flowchart.selectedBlock.commandList.Count) { Command nextCommand = flowchart.selectedBlock.commandList[lastSelectedIndex]; block.GetFlowchart().AddSelectedCommand(nextCommand); } Repaint(); } protected void SelectPrevious() { Block block = target as Block; Flowchart flowchart = block.GetFlowchart(); int firstSelectedIndex = flowchart.selectedBlock.commandList.Count; bool firstSelectedCommandFound = false; if (flowchart.selectedCommands.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < flowchart.selectedBlock.commandList.Count; i++) { Command commandInBlock = flowchart.selectedBlock.commandList[i]; foreach (Command selectedCommand in flowchart.selectedCommands) { if (commandInBlock == selectedCommand) { if (!firstSelectedCommandFound) { firstSelectedIndex = i; firstSelectedCommandFound = true; break; } } } if (firstSelectedCommandFound) { break; } } } if (firstSelectedIndex > 0) { flowchart.ClearSelectedCommands(); flowchart.AddSelectedCommand(flowchart.selectedBlock.commandList[firstSelectedIndex-1]); } Repaint(); } protected void SelectNext() { Block block = target as Block; Flowchart flowchart = block.GetFlowchart(); int lastSelectedIndex = -1; if (flowchart.selectedCommands.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < flowchart.selectedBlock.commandList.Count; i++) { Command commandInBlock = flowchart.selectedBlock.commandList[i]; foreach (Command selectedCommand in flowchart.selectedCommands) { if (commandInBlock == selectedCommand) { lastSelectedIndex = i; } } } } if (lastSelectedIndex < flowchart.selectedBlock.commandList.Count-1) { flowchart.ClearSelectedCommands(); flowchart.AddSelectedCommand(flowchart.selectedBlock.commandList[lastSelectedIndex+1]); } Repaint(); } } }