using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using Fungus; namespace Fungus { // This is the main scripting interface for Fungus games. // Each room in your game should have a script which inherits from Room. // The OnEnter() method is called when the player enters the room. // The OnLeave() method is called when the player moves to a different room. // Convenience methods are provided for accessing all features of the library. public abstract class Room : MonoBehaviour { public int visitCount; Game game; CommandQueue commandQueue; CameraController cameraController; void Awake() { game = Game.GetInstance(); cameraController = game.gameObject.GetComponent(); commandQueue = game.gameObject.GetComponent(); } void OnDrawGizmos() { const BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance; FieldInfo[] fields = this.GetType().GetFields(flags); foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in fields) { Room room = fieldInfo.GetValue(this) as Room; if (room != null) { DrawLinkToRoom(room); } } } void DrawLinkToRoom(Room room) { if (!room) { Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawWireCube(transform.position, renderer.bounds.size * 1.1f); return; } if (!Game.GetInstance().showLinks) { return; } Gizmos.color =; Vector3 posA = transform.position; Vector3 posB = room.transform.position; Ray toA = new Ray(posB, posA - posB); Ray toB = new Ray(posA, posB - posA); float tA = 0; if (renderer) { if (renderer.bounds.IntersectRay(toA, out tA)) { posA = toA.GetPoint(tA * 0.95f); } } float tB = 0; if (room.gameObject.renderer) { if (room.gameObject.renderer.bounds.IntersectRay(toB, out tB)) { posB = toB.GetPoint(tB * 0.95f); } } Gizmos.DrawLine(posA, posB); float arrowHeadSize = 0.25f; Vector3 arrowPosA = posB; Vector3 arrowPosB = arrowPosA; Vector3 arrowPosC = arrowPosA; arrowPosB.x += toB.direction.y * arrowHeadSize; arrowPosB.y -= toB.direction.x * arrowHeadSize; arrowPosB -= toB.direction * arrowHeadSize; Gizmos.DrawLine(arrowPosA, arrowPosB); arrowPosC.x -= toB.direction.y * arrowHeadSize; arrowPosC.y += toB.direction.x * arrowHeadSize; arrowPosC -= toB.direction * arrowHeadSize; Gizmos.DrawLine(arrowPosA, arrowPosC); } // Internal use only! Called by Game when changing room public void Enter() { // Pick first view found in the room and snap to camera to this view. // It is allowed for a room to not have any views. // In this case game.activeView will be null, and the camera will attempt // to snap to the room sprite. View view = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren(); if (view == null) { // No view defined for this room, try to center on room sprite SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = GetComponent(); if (spriteRenderer != null) { cameraController.CenterOnSprite(spriteRenderer); } else { Debug.LogError("Failed to set camera view when entering room."); } } else { // Snap to new view cameraController.SnapToView(view); game.activeView = view; } // Pick first page found in room // It is allowed for a room to not have any pages. In this case game.activePage will be null game.activePage = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren(); // Rooms may have multiple child views and page. It is the responsibility of the client // room script to set the appropriate view & page in its OnEnter method. commandQueue.Reset(); SendMessage("OnEnter", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); commandQueue.Execute(); visitCount++; } // Internal use only! Called by Game when changing room public void Leave() { SendMessage("OnLeave", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } // Internal use only! Called by AnimationEventListener public void AnimationEvent(string methodName) { ExecuteCommandMethod(methodName); } // Internal use only! public void ExecuteCommandMethod(string methodName) { commandQueue.Reset(); SendMessage(methodName, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); commandQueue.Execute(); } // Internal use only! public void ExecuteCommandMethod(Action method) { commandQueue.Reset(); method(); commandQueue.Execute(); } // Public convenience methods // These methods all execute immediately // Returns true if this is the first time the player has visited this room public bool IsFirstVisit() { return (visitCount == 0); } // Return true if the boolean flag for the key has been set to true public bool GetFlag(string key) { return game.GetFlag(key); } // Returns the count value for the key // Returns zero if no value has been set. public int GetCounter(string key) { return game.GetCounter(key); } // Returns the inventory count value for the key // Returns zero if no inventory count has been set. public int GetInventory(string key) { return game.GetInventory(key); } // Returns true if the inventory count for the key is greater than zero public bool HasInventory(string key) { return (game.GetInventory(key) > 0); } // Public command methods // These methods all queue commands for later execution in serial order // Wait for a period of time before executing the next command public void Wait(float duration) { commandQueue.AddCommand(new WaitCommand(duration)); } // Call a delegate method provided by the client // Used to queue the execution of arbitrary code. public void Call(Action callAction) { commandQueue.AddCommand(new CallCommand(callAction)); } // Sets the currently active view immediately. // The main camera snaps to the active view. public void SetView(View view) { commandQueue.AddCommand(new SetViewCommand(view)); } // Sets the currently active page for text rendering public void SetPage(Page page) { commandQueue.AddCommand(new SetPageCommand(page)); } // Sets the title text displayed at the top of the active page public void Title(string titleText) { commandQueue.AddCommand(new TitleCommand(titleText)); } // Writes story text to the currently active page. // A 'continue' button is displayed when the text has fully appeared. public void Say(string storyText) { commandQueue.AddCommand(new SayCommand(storyText)); } // Adds an option button to the current list of options. // Use the Choose command to display added options. public void AddOption(string optionText, Action optionAction) { commandQueue.AddCommand(new AddOptionCommand(optionText, optionAction)); } // Displays a text prompt, followed by all previously added options as buttons. public void Choose(string chooseText) { commandQueue.AddCommand(new ChooseCommand(chooseText)); } // Changes the active room to a different room public void MoveToRoom(Room room) { commandQueue.AddCommand(new MoveToRoomCommand(room)); } // Sets a global boolean flag value public void SetFlag(string key, bool value) { commandQueue.AddCommand(new SetFlagCommand(key, value)); } // Sets a global integer counter value public void SetCounter(string key, int value) { commandQueue.AddCommand(new SetCounterCommand(key, value)); } // Sets a global inventory count value // Assumes that the count value is 1 (common case) public void SetInventory(string key) { commandQueue.AddCommand(new SetInventoryCommand(key, 1)); } // Sets a global inventory count value public void SetInventory(string key, int value) { commandQueue.AddCommand(new SetInventoryCommand(key, value)); } // Sets sprite alpha to 0 immediately public void HideSprite(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer) { Color color = spriteRenderer.color; color.a = 0f; commandQueue.AddCommand(new FadeSpriteCommand(spriteRenderer, color, 0f,; } // Sets sprite alpha to 1 immediately public void ShowSprite(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer) { Color color = spriteRenderer.color; color.a = 1f; commandQueue.AddCommand(new FadeSpriteCommand(spriteRenderer, color, 0f,; } // Fades a sprite to a given alpha value over a period of time public void FadeSprite(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer, float targetAlpha, float duration) { Color color = spriteRenderer.color; color.a = targetAlpha; commandQueue.AddCommand(new FadeSpriteCommand(spriteRenderer, color, duration,; } // Fades a sprite to a given alpha value over a period of time, and applies a sliding motion to the sprite transform public void FadeSprite(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer, float targetAlpha, float duration, Vector2 slideOffset) { Color color = spriteRenderer.color; color.a = targetAlpha; commandQueue.AddCommand(new FadeSpriteCommand(spriteRenderer, color, duration, slideOffset)); } // Sets an animator trigger to change the animation state for an animated sprite public void SetAnimatorTrigger(Animator animator, string triggerName) { commandQueue.AddCommand(new SetAnimatorTriggerCommand(animator, triggerName)); } // Pans the camera to the target view of a period of time public void PanToView(View targetView, float duration) { commandQueue.AddCommand(new PanToViewCommand(targetView, duration)); } // Snaps the camera to the target view immediately public void SnapToView(View targetView) { commandQueue.AddCommand(new PanToViewCommand(targetView, 0f)); } // Fades out the current camera view, and fades in again using the target view. public void FadeToView(View targetView, float duration) { commandQueue.AddCommand(new FadeToViewCommand(targetView, duration)); } } }