// Adapted from the Unity Test Tools project (MIT license) // https://bitbucket.org/Unity-Technologies/unitytesttools/src/a30d562427e9/Assets/UnityTestTools/ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace Fungus { [Serializable] public class FungusInvoke : MonoBehaviour, IFungusInvokeConfigurator { [Flags] public enum ExecuteMethod { AfterPeriodOfTime = 1 << 0, Start = 1 << 1, Update = 1 << 2, FixedUpdate = 1 << 3, LateUpdate = 1 << 4, OnDestroy = 1 << 5, OnEnable = 1 << 6, OnDisable = 1 << 7, OnControllerColliderHit = 1 << 8, OnParticleCollision = 1 << 9, OnJointBreak = 1 << 10, OnBecameInvisible = 1 << 11, OnBecameVisible = 1 << 12, OnTriggerEnter = 1 << 13, OnTriggerExit = 1 << 14, OnTriggerStay = 1 << 15, OnCollisionEnter = 1 << 16, OnCollisionExit = 1 << 17, OnCollisionStay = 1 << 18, OnTriggerEnter2D = 1 << 19, OnTriggerExit2D = 1 << 20, OnTriggerStay2D = 1 << 21, OnCollisionEnter2D = 1 << 22, OnCollisionExit2D = 1 << 23, OnCollisionStay2D = 1 << 24, } [SerializeField] public float executeAfterTime = 1f; [SerializeField] public bool repeatExecuteTime = true; [SerializeField] public float repeatEveryTime = 1f; [SerializeField] public int executeAfterFrames = 1; [SerializeField] public bool repeatExecuteFrame = true; [SerializeField] public int repeatEveryFrame = 1; [SerializeField] public bool hasFailed; [SerializeField] public ExecuteMethod executeMethods = ExecuteMethod.Start; /// <summary> /// The Lua script environment to use when executing. /// </summary> [Tooltip("The Lua script environment to use when executing.")] public FungusScript fungusScript; /// <summary> /// Lua script file to execute. /// </summary> [Tooltip("Lua script file to execute.")] public TextAsset luaFile; /// <summary> /// Lua script to execute. /// </summary> [Tooltip("Lua script to execute.")] [TextArea(5, 50)] public string luaScript = ""; /// <summary> /// Run the script as a Lua coroutine so execution can be yielded for asynchronous operations. /// </summary> [Tooltip("Run the script as a Lua coroutine so execution can be yielded for asynchronous operations.")] public bool runAsCoroutine = true; /// <summary> /// Require the fungus Lua module at the start of the script. Equivalent to 'local fungus = require('fungus') /// </summary> [Tooltip("Require the fungus Lua module at the start of the script. Equivalent to 'local fungus = require('fungus')")] public bool useFungusModule = true; private int m_ExecuteOnFrame; protected string friendlyName = ""; // Recursively build the full hierarchy path to this game object private static string GetPath(Transform current) { if (current.parent == null) { return current.name; } return GetPath(current.parent) + "." + current.name; } public void Start() { // If no FungusScript has been explicitly set then try to get one in the scene if (fungusScript == null) { fungusScript = GetComponentInParent<FungusScript>(); } if (fungusScript == null) { fungusScript = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<FungusScript>(); } // Cache a descriptive name to use in Lua error messages friendlyName = GetPath(transform) + ".FungusInvoke"; Execute(ExecuteMethod.Start); if (IsExecuteMethodSelected(ExecuteMethod.AfterPeriodOfTime)) { StartCoroutine(ExecutePeriodically()); } if (IsExecuteMethodSelected(ExecuteMethod.Update)) { m_ExecuteOnFrame = Time.frameCount + executeAfterFrames; } } public IEnumerator ExecutePeriodically() { yield return new WaitForSeconds(executeAfterTime); Execute(ExecuteMethod.AfterPeriodOfTime); while (repeatExecuteTime) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(repeatEveryTime); Execute(ExecuteMethod.AfterPeriodOfTime); } } public bool ShouldExecuteOnFrame() { if (Time.frameCount > m_ExecuteOnFrame) { if (repeatExecuteFrame) m_ExecuteOnFrame += repeatEveryFrame; else m_ExecuteOnFrame = Int32.MaxValue; return true; } return false; } public void OnDisable() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.OnDisable); } public void OnEnable() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.OnEnable); } public void OnDestroy() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.OnDestroy); } public void Update() { if (IsExecuteMethodSelected(ExecuteMethod.Update) && ShouldExecuteOnFrame()) { Execute(ExecuteMethod.Update); } } public void FixedUpdate() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.FixedUpdate); } public void LateUpdate() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.LateUpdate); } public void OnControllerColliderHit() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.OnControllerColliderHit); } public void OnParticleCollision() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.OnParticleCollision); } public void OnJointBreak() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.OnJointBreak); } public void OnBecameInvisible() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.OnBecameInvisible); } public void OnBecameVisible() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.OnBecameVisible); } public void OnTriggerEnter() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.OnTriggerEnter); } public void OnTriggerExit() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.OnTriggerExit); } public void OnTriggerStay() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.OnTriggerStay); } public void OnCollisionEnter() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.OnCollisionEnter); } public void OnCollisionExit() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.OnCollisionExit); } public void OnCollisionStay() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.OnCollisionStay); } public void OnTriggerEnter2D() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.OnTriggerEnter2D); } public void OnTriggerExit2D() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.OnTriggerExit2D); } public void OnTriggerStay2D() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.OnTriggerStay2D); } public void OnCollisionEnter2D() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.OnCollisionEnter2D); } public void OnCollisionExit2D() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.OnCollisionExit2D); } public void OnCollisionStay2D() { Execute(ExecuteMethod.OnCollisionStay2D); } private void Execute(ExecuteMethod executeMethod) { if (IsExecuteMethodSelected(executeMethod)) { Execute(); } } public bool IsExecuteMethodSelected(ExecuteMethod method) { return method == (executeMethods & method); } /// <summary> /// Execute the Lua script immediately. /// This is the function to call if you want to trigger execution from an external script. /// </summary> public virtual void Execute() { if (fungusScript == null) { Debug.LogWarning("No FungusScript selected"); } else { string s = ""; if (useFungusModule) { s = "fungus = require('fungus')\n"; } if (luaFile != null) { s += luaFile.text; } else if (luaScript.Length > 0) { s += luaScript; } fungusScript.DoLuaString(s, friendlyName, runAsCoroutine); } } #region AssertionComponentConfigurator public int UpdateExecuteStartOnFrame { set { executeAfterFrames = value; } } public int UpdateExecuteRepeatFrequency { set { repeatEveryFrame = value; } } public bool UpdateExecuteRepeat { set { repeatExecuteFrame = value; } } public float TimeExecuteStartAfter { set { executeAfterTime = value; } } public float TimeExecuteRepeatFrequency { set { repeatEveryTime = value; } } public bool TimeExecuteRepeat { set { repeatExecuteTime = value; } } public FungusInvoke Component { get { return this; } } #endregion } public interface IFungusInvokeConfigurator { /// <summary> /// If the assertion is evaluated in Update, after how many frame should the evaluation start. Defult is 1 (first frame) /// </summary> int UpdateExecuteStartOnFrame { set; } /// <summary> /// If the assertion is evaluated in Update and UpdateExecuteRepeat is true, how many frame should pass between evaluations /// </summary> int UpdateExecuteRepeatFrequency { set; } /// <summary> /// If the assertion is evaluated in Update, should the evaluation be repeated after UpdateExecuteRepeatFrequency frames /// </summary> bool UpdateExecuteRepeat { set; } /// <summary> /// If the assertion is evaluated after a period of time, after how many seconds the first evaluation should be done /// </summary> float TimeExecuteStartAfter { set; } /// <summary> /// If the assertion is evaluated after a period of time and TimeExecuteRepeat is true, after how many seconds should the next evaluation happen /// </summary> float TimeExecuteRepeatFrequency { set; } /// <summary> /// If the assertion is evaluated after a period, should the evaluation happen again after TimeExecuteRepeatFrequency seconds /// </summary> bool TimeExecuteRepeat { set; } FungusInvoke Component { get; } } }