using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Serialization; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System; namespace Fungus { [CommandInfo("Flow", "Call", "Execute another block in the same Flowchart.")] [AddComponentMenu("")] public class Call : Command { [Tooltip("Flowchart which contains the block to execute. If none is specified then the current Flowchart is used.")] public Flowchart targetFlowchart; [FormerlySerializedAs("targetSequence")] [Tooltip("Block to start executing")] public Block targetBlock; public enum CallMode { Stop, Continue, WaitUntilFinished } [Tooltip("Select if the calling block should stop or continue executing commands, or wait until the called block finishes.")] public CallMode callMode; public override void OnEnter() { Flowchart flowchart = GetFlowchart(); if (targetBlock != null) { // Callback action for Wait Until Finished mode Action onComplete = null; if (callMode == CallMode.WaitUntilFinished) { onComplete = delegate { flowchart.selectedBlock = parentBlock; Continue(); }; } if (targetFlowchart == null || targetFlowchart == GetFlowchart()) { // If the executing block is currently selected then follow the execution // onto the next block in the inspector. if (flowchart.selectedBlock == parentBlock) { flowchart.selectedBlock = targetBlock; } targetBlock.Execute(onComplete); } else { // Execute block in another Flowchart targetFlowchart.ExecuteBlock(targetBlock, onComplete); } } if (callMode == CallMode.Stop) { Stop(); } else if (callMode == CallMode.Continue) { Continue(); } } public override void GetConnectedBlocks(ref List connectedBlocks) { if (targetBlock != null) { connectedBlocks.Add(targetBlock); } } public override string GetSummary() { string summary = ""; if (targetBlock == null) { summary = ""; } else { summary = targetBlock.blockName; } switch (callMode) { case CallMode.Stop: summary += " : Stop"; break; case CallMode.Continue: summary += " : Continue"; break; case CallMode.WaitUntilFinished: summary += " : Wait"; break; } return summary; } public override Color GetButtonColor() { return new Color32(235, 191, 217, 255); } } }