# Camera commands {#camera_commands} ## Fade Screen Draws a fullscreen texture over the scene to give a fade effect. Setting Target Alpha to 1 will obscure the screen, alpha 0 will reveal the screen. If no Fade Texture is provided then a default flat color texture is used. Defined in Fungus.Commands.FadeScreen Property | Type | Description --- | --- | --- Duration | System.Single | Time for fade effect to complete Target Alpha | System.Single | Current target alpha transparency value. The fade gradually adjusts the alpha to approach this target value. Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the fade has finished before executing next command Fade Color | UnityEngine.Color | Color to render fullscreen fade texture with when screen is obscured. Fade Texture | UnityEngine.Texture2D | Optional texture to use when rendering the fullscreen fade effect. ## Fade To View Fades the camera out and in again at a position specified by a View object. Defined in Fungus.Commands.FadeToView Property | Type | Description --- | --- | --- Duration | System.Single | Time for fade effect to complete Fade Out | System.Boolean | Fade from fully visible to opaque at start of fade Target View | Fungus.View | View to transition to when Fade is complete Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the fade has finished before executing next command Fade Color | UnityEngine.Color | Color to render fullscreen fade texture with when screen is obscured. Fade Texture | UnityEngine.Texture2D | Optional texture to use when rendering the fullscreen fade effect. Target Camera | UnityEngine.Camera | Camera to use for the fade. Will use main camera if set to none. ## Fullscreen Sets the application to fullscreen, windowed or toggles the current state. Defined in Fungus.Commands.Fullscreen ## Move To View Moves the camera to a location specified by a View object. Defined in Fungus.Commands.MoveToView Property | Type | Description --- | --- | --- Duration | System.Single | Time for move effect to complete Target View | Fungus.View | View to transition to when move is complete Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the fade has finished before executing next command Target Camera | UnityEngine.Camera | Camera to use for the pan. Will use main camera if set to none. ## Shake Camera Applies a camera shake effect to the main camera. Defined in Fungus.Commands.ShakeCamera Property | Type | Description --- | --- | --- Duration | System.Single | Time for camera shake effect to complete Amount | UnityEngine.Vector2 | Magnitude of shake effect in x & y axes Wait Until Finished | System.Boolean | Wait until the shake effect has finished before executing next command ## Start Swipe Activates swipe panning mode where the player can pan the camera within the area between viewA & viewB. Defined in Fungus.Commands.StartSwipe Property | Type | Description --- | --- | --- View A | Fungus.View | Defines one extreme of the scrollable area that the player can pan around View B | Fungus.View | Defines one extreme of the scrollable area that the player can pan around Duration | System.Single | Time to move the camera to a valid starting position between the two views Speed Multiplier | System.Single | Multiplier factor for speed of swipe pan Target Camera | UnityEngine.Camera | Camera to use for the pan. Will use main camera if set to none. ## Stop Swipe Deactivates swipe panning mode. Defined in Fungus.Commands.StopSwipe