using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; namespace Fungus { [CommandInfo("Flow", "Stop Block", "Stops executing the named Block")] public class StopBlock : Command { [Tooltip("Flowchart containing the Block. If none is specified, the parent Flowchart is used.")] public Flowchart flowchart; [Tooltip("Name of the Block to stop")] public StringData blockName = new StringData(""); public override void OnEnter() { if (blockName.Value == "") { Continue(); } if (flowchart == null) { flowchart = GetFlowchart(); } Block block = flowchart.FindBlock(blockName.Value); if (block == null || !block.IsExecuting()) { Continue(); } block.Stop(); Continue(); } public override string GetSummary() { return blockName; } public override Color GetButtonColor() { return new Color32(253, 253, 150, 255); } } }