Using Audio =========== # How do I play music & sound effects? 1. Add an audio asset to your Unity project (e.g. MP3, WAV file). 2. Add a public AudioClip property to your Room script and setup the reference to the audio asset in the inspector. 3. Use the [PlayMusic](@ref Fungus.GameController.PlayMusic) command to start music playing. 4. Use the [StopMusic](@ref Fungus.GameController.StopMusic) command to stop music playing. 5. Use [SetMusicVolume](@ref Fungus.GameController.SetMusicVolume) to set the music volume level. 6. Use [PlaySound](@ref Fungus.GameController.PlaySound) to play a one-off sound effect. ## C# code example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using Fungus; public class MyRoom : Room { public AudioClip musicClip; // A music audio clip public AudioClip soundClip; // A sound effect audio clip void OnEnter() { PlayMusic(musicClip); // Start the music Wait(5); PlaySound(soundClip); // Play a one-off sound effect Wait(5); SetMusicVolume(0.5f); // Reduce music volume Wait(5); StopMusic(); // Stop the music } } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## Notes - Fungus only provides simple commands for playing AudioClips. - For more advanced control over audio you should use the AudioSource component in Unity directly. - Uncheck the 3D Sound option for each audio asset in the property inspector. - 2D Sounds do not attenuate (grow quieter) with distance from the listener.