using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; /** * @package Fungus An open source library for Unity 3D for creating graphic interactive fiction games. */ namespace Fungus { /** * Manages global game state and movement between rooms. */ public class Game : GameController { /** * The currently active Room. * Only one Room may be active at a time. */ public Room activeRoom; /** * The style to apply when displaying Pages. */ public PageStyle activePageStyle; /** * Automatically display links between connected Rooms. */ public bool showLinks = true; /** * Writing speed for page text. */ public int charactersPerSecond = 60; /** * Fixed Z coordinate of main camera. */ public float cameraZ = - 10f; /** * Time for fade transition to complete when moving to a different Room. */ public float roomFadeDuration = 1f; /** * Time for fade transition to complete when hiding/showing buttons. */ public float buttonFadeDuration = 0.25f; /** * Full screen texture used for screen fade effect. */ public Texture2D fadeTexture; /** * Icon to display when manual pan mode is active. */ public Texture2D manualPanTexture; /** * Icon to display when waiting for player input to continue */ public Texture2D continueTexture; /** * Sound effect to play when buttons are clicked. */ public AudioClip buttonClickClip; /** * Time which must elapse before buttons will automatically hide. */ public float autoHideButtonDuration = 5f; float autoHideButtonTimer; /** * Global dictionary of integer values for storing game state. */ [HideInInspector] public Dictionary values = new Dictionary(); [HideInInspector] public Page activePage; [HideInInspector] public StringTable stringTable = new StringTable(); [HideInInspector] public CommandQueue commandQueue; [HideInInspector] public CameraController cameraController; /** * True when executing a Wait() or WaitForTap() command */ [HideInInspector] public bool waiting; [HideInInspector] public bool manualPanActive; [HideInInspector] public float fadeAlpha = 0f; static Game instance; /** * Returns the singleton instance for the Game class */ public static Game GetInstance() { if (!instance) { instance = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(Game)) as Game; if (!instance) { Debug.LogError("There must be one active Game object in your scene."); } } return instance; } public virtual void Start() { // Add components for additional game functionality commandQueue = gameObject.AddComponent(); cameraController = gameObject.AddComponent(); AudioSource audioSource = gameObject.AddComponent(); audioSource.playOnAwake = false; audioSource.loop = true; if (activeRoom == null) { // Pick first room found if none is specified activeRoom = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(Room)) as Room; } if (activeRoom != null) { // Move to the active room commandQueue.Clear(); commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.MoveToRoom(activeRoom)); commandQueue.Execute(); } // Create the Page game object as a child of Game GameObject pageObject = new GameObject(); = "Page"; pageObject.transform.parent = transform; activePage = pageObject.AddComponent(); } public virtual void Update() { autoHideButtonTimer -= Time.deltaTime; autoHideButtonTimer = Mathf.Max(autoHideButtonTimer, 0f); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { autoHideButtonTimer = autoHideButtonDuration; } } void OnGUI() { if (manualPanActive) { // Draw the swipe-to-pan icon if (manualPanTexture) { Rect rect = new Rect(Screen.width - manualPanTexture.width, 0, manualPanTexture.width, manualPanTexture.height); GUI.DrawTexture(rect, manualPanTexture); } } if (activePage.mode == Page.Mode.Say && activePage.FinishedWriting()) { // Draw the continue icon if (continueTexture) { Rect rect = new Rect(Screen.width - continueTexture.width, 0, continueTexture.width, continueTexture.height); GUI.DrawTexture(rect, continueTexture); } } // Draw full screen fade texture if (fadeAlpha < 1f) { // 1 = scene fully visible // 0 = scene fully obscured GUI.color = new Color(1,1,1, 1f - fadeAlpha); GUI.depth = -1000; GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height), fadeTexture); } } /** * Plays the button clicked sound effect */ public void PlayButtonClick() { if (buttonClickClip == null) { return; } audio.PlayOneShot(buttonClickClip); } /** * Returns true if the game should display 'auto hide' buttons. * Buttons will be displayed if the active page is not currently displaying story text/options, and no Wait command is in progress. */ public bool ShowAutoButtons() { if (waiting) { return false; } if (activePage == null || activePage.mode == Page.Mode.Idle) { return (autoHideButtonTimer > 0f); } return false; } /** * Sets a globally accessible game state value. * @param key The key of the value. * @param value The integer value to store. */ public void SetGameValue(string key, int value) { values[key] = value; } /** * Gets a globally accessible game state value. * @param key The key of the value. * @return The integer value for the specified key, or 0 if the key does not exist. */ public int GetGameValue(string key) { if (values.ContainsKey(key)) { return values[key]; } return 0; } /** * Returns a parallax offset vector based on the camera position relative to the active Room. * Higher values for the parallaxFactor yield a larger offset (appears closer to camera). * Suggested range for good parallax effect is [0.1..0.5]. * @param parallaxFactor Horizontal and vertical scale factors to apply to camera offset vector. * @return A parallax offset vector based on camera positon relative to current room and the parallaxFactor. */ public Vector3 GetParallaxOffset(Vector2 parallaxFactor) { if (activeRoom == null) { return; } Vector3 a = activeRoom.transform.position; Vector3 b = cameraController.GetCameraPosition(); Vector3 offset = (a - b); offset.x *= parallaxFactor.x; offset.y *= parallaxFactor.y; return offset; } } }