# About %Fungus # {#about_fungus} [TOC] # What is Fungus? # {#what_is_fungus} %Fungus is a tool which makes it easy to add colourful characters and craft gripping storylines in your game, even if you have never used <a href="http://unity3d.com" target="_blank">Unity</a> before. Our intuitive interface lets everyone create beautiful story games easily - <b>for free and with no coding</b>! ![img fungus_town] # Who's it for? # {#whos_it_for} %Fungus is popular with writers, illustrators, animators and game designers, especially visual novel & interactive fiction authors. Many people using %Fungus are creating games in Unity for the very first time. It is a popular choice for game jams and game design courses. # Free & Open Source # {#open_source} We believe that interactive storytelling should be accessible to everyone, so %Fungus is <b>100% free & open source</b>. It works great with both the free and pro versions of Unity 3D. %Fungus is inspired by other great open source storytelling tools like [Twine], [Ren'Py] and [Scratch]. # Community # {#community} The %Fungus community is very welcoming and helpful to newcomers. Many people using %Fungus have never used Unity or even made a game before, so feel free to ask questions on our [community forum]. Helping other people with their questions is a fantastic and very welcome way to contribute back to the community. ![img community] # Features # {#features} @htmlonly <div align="center" style="float:right;"> <iframe width="400" height="225" src="https://youtube.com/embed/kP767dFQaCU?t=5m20s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> @endhtmlonly %Fungus allows you to easily add storytelling features to your Unity games with no coding, via an intuitive visual scripting system. - Suitable for making visual novels, RPGs, hidden object, puzzle and interactive fiction games. - Flowchart-based character dialogue - Internationalization of your character dialogue. - Easy control of sprites, camera and audio to help tell your story - Works for both 2D and 3D Unity games - Integrates easily with other Unity code and simple to extend. - Powerful Lua scripting support for more experienced users - 100% free and open source # Contribute # {#contribute} We welcome all sorts of contributions to %Fungus. You can report bugs, suggest new features, contribute source code, write an article, help answer questions on the forums or even just tell your friends about the project! - Issue Tracker: [GitHub issue tracker] - Source Code: [GitHub code repository] # Credits # {#credits} [Chris Gregan] is the main author and maintainer of %Fungus. He's co-founder of [Snozbot], along with [John O' Kane] and [Ronan Pearce]. [Dr. Matt Smith] has kindly contributed the written documentation for the %Fungus project. If you're new to Unity development then a great source of information, ideas and sample projects is his [Unity 5.x Cookbook], by Matt and [Chico Queiroz]. ![img cookbook] [Paul Mc Grath] is Animator / Designer / Film-maker at Whackala. He contributed the @ref tutorial_videos for this site as well as creating the @ref training_course. Special thanks also to [Vicky Lee] and [Coding Grace] who have helped us to organise loads of %Fungus workshops, %Fungus wouldn't be possible without all the awesome people in our community who have contributed to the project and supported us in myriad ways. Thank you all! # License # {#license} The %Fungus software is licensed under the [Open Source MIT License]. The %Fungus documentation is licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License]. [Snozbot]: http://snozbot.com [Chris Gregan]: http://twitter.com/gofungus [John O' Kane]: https://twitter.com/johnokane [Ronan Pearce]: https://twitter.com/ronanpearce [Vicky Lee]: https://twitter.com/whykay [Paul Mc Grath]: http://whackala.com [Coding Grace]: https://www.codinggrace.com [FungusGames.com]: http://www.fungusgames.com [community forum]: http://fungusgames.com/forum [Twine]: http://twinery.org [Ren'Py]: https://www.renpy.org [Scratch]: https://scratch.mit.edu [GitHub issue tracker]: https://github.com/snozbot/fungus/issues [GitHub code repository]: https://github.com/snozbot/fungus [Dr. Matt Smith]: https://github.com/dr-matt-smith/ [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License]: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ [Open Source MIT License]: https://github.com/snozbot/fungus/blob/master/LICENSE [Unity 5.x Cookbook]: https://www.packtpub.com/game-development/unity-5x-cookbook [Chico Queiroz]: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chicoqueiroz [img community]: ./about/community.jpeg [img fungus_town]: ./about/fungus_town.png [img cookbook]: ./about/B03899_MockupCover_Cookbook.jpg