using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.Collections; namespace Fungus { /** * Temp hidden object which lets us use the entire inspector window to inspect * the sequence command list. */ public class SequenceInspector : ScriptableObject { public Sequence sequence; } /** * Custom editor for the temp hidden object. */ [CustomEditor (typeof(SequenceInspector), true)] public class SequenceInspectorEditor : Editor { protected Vector2 sequenceScrollPos; protected Vector2 commandScrollPos; protected bool resize = false; protected float topPanelHeight = 50; public override void OnInspectorGUI () { SequenceInspector sequenceInspector = target as SequenceInspector; Sequence sequence = sequenceInspector.sequence; if (sequence == null) { return; } FungusScript fungusScript = sequence.GetFungusScript(); SequenceEditor sequenceEditor = Editor.CreateEditor(sequence) as SequenceEditor; sequenceEditor.DrawSequenceName(fungusScript); // Using a custom rect area to get the correct 5px indent for the scroll views Rect sequenceRect = new Rect(5, topPanelHeight, Screen.width - 6, Screen.height); GUILayout.BeginArea(sequenceRect); sequenceScrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(sequenceScrollPos, GUILayout.Height(fungusScript.sequenceViewHeight)); sequenceEditor.DrawSequenceGUI(fungusScript); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); Command inspectCommand = null; if (fungusScript.selectedCommands.Count == 1) { inspectCommand = fungusScript.selectedCommands[0]; } if (Application.isPlaying && inspectCommand != null && inspectCommand.parentSequence != sequence) { Repaint(); DestroyImmediate(sequenceEditor); return; } ResizeScrollView(fungusScript); GUILayout.Space(7); sequenceEditor.DrawButtonToolbar(); commandScrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(commandScrollPos); if (inspectCommand != null) { CommandEditor commandEditor = Editor.CreateEditor(inspectCommand) as CommandEditor; commandEditor.DrawCommandInspectorGUI(); DestroyImmediate(commandEditor); } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndArea(); // Draw the resize bar after everything else has finished drawing // This is mainly to avoid incorrect indenting. Rect resizeRect = new Rect(0, topPanelHeight + fungusScript.sequenceViewHeight + 1, Screen.width, 4f); GUI.color = Color.grey; GUI.DrawTexture(resizeRect, EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture); GUI.color = Color.white; Repaint(); DestroyImmediate(sequenceEditor); } private void ResizeScrollView(FungusScript fungusScript) { Rect cursorChangeRect = new Rect(0, fungusScript.sequenceViewHeight + 1, Screen.width, 4f); EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(cursorChangeRect, MouseCursor.ResizeVertical); if (Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDown && cursorChangeRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { resize = true; } if (resize) { float height = Event.current.mousePosition.y; height = Mathf.Max(200, height); height = Mathf.Min(Screen.height - 200,height); Undo.RecordObject(fungusScript, "Resize view"); fungusScript.sequenceViewHeight = height; } // Stop resizing if mouse is outside inspector window. // This isn't standard Unity UI behavior but it is robust and safe. if (resize && Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDrag) { Rect windowRect = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height); if (!windowRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { resize = false; } } if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp) { resize = false; } } } }