using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Serialization; namespace Fungus { /// <summary> /// Abstract base class for LeanTween commands. /// </summary> [ExecuteInEditMode] public abstract class BaseLeanTweenCommand : Command { [Tooltip("Target game object to apply the Tween to")] [SerializeField] protected GameObjectData _targetObject; [Tooltip("The time in seconds the animation will take to complete")] [SerializeField] protected FloatData _duration = new FloatData(1f); public enum ToFrom { To, From } [Tooltip("Does the tween act from current TO destination or is it reversed and act FROM destination to its current")] [SerializeField] protected ToFrom _toFrom; public bool IsInFromMode { get { return _toFrom == ToFrom.From; } } public enum AbsAdd { Absolute, Additive } [Tooltip("Does the tween use the value as a target or as a delta to be added to current.")] [SerializeField] protected AbsAdd _absAdd; public bool IsInAddativeMode { get { return _absAdd == AbsAdd.Additive; } } [Tooltip("The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation")] [SerializeField] protected LeanTweenType easeType = LeanTweenType.easeInOutQuad; [Tooltip("The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed")] [SerializeField] protected LeanTweenType loopType = LeanTweenType.once; [Tooltip("Number of times to repeat the tween, -1 is infinite.")] [SerializeField] protected int repeats = 0; [Tooltip("Stop any previously LeanTweens on this object before adding this one. Warning; expensive.")] [SerializeField] protected bool stopPreviousTweens = false; [Tooltip("Wait until the tween has finished before executing the next command")] [SerializeField] protected bool waitUntilFinished = true; [HideInInspector] protected LTDescr ourTween; protected virtual void OnTweenComplete() { Continue(); } #region Public members public override void OnEnter() { if (_targetObject.Value == null) { Continue(); return; } if (stopPreviousTweens) { LeanTween.cancel(_targetObject.Value); } ourTween = ExecuteTween(); ourTween.setEase(easeType) .setRepeat(repeats) .setLoopType(loopType); if (waitUntilFinished) { if(ourTween != null) { ourTween.setOnComplete(OnTweenComplete); } } else { Continue(); } } public abstract LTDescr ExecuteTween(); public override string GetSummary() { if (_targetObject.Value == null) { return "Error: No target object selected"; } return + " over " + _duration.Value + " seconds"; } public override Color GetButtonColor() { return new Color32(233, 163, 180, 255); } #endregion } }