using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.Events; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Fungus { public class Dialog : MonoBehaviour, IDialogInputListener { public static Character speakingCharacter; public static string prevStoryText; public float writingSpeed = 60; public AudioClip writingSound; [Range(0,1)] public float writingVolume = 1f; public bool loopWritingSound = true; public bool beepPerCharacter = false; public float slowBeepsAt = 10f; public float fastBeepsAt = 30f; public float punctuationPause = 0.25f; public bool alwaysFadeDialog = false; public float fadeDuration = 1f; public LeanTweenType fadeEaseType; public bool alwaysMoveDialog = false; public Vector2 startPosition; protected Vector2 endPosition; public float moveSpeed = 1000f; public LeanTweenType moveEaseType; public Canvas dialogCanvas; public Text nameText; public Text storyText; public Image characterImage; public AudioClip characterTypingSound; protected float currentSpeed; protected float currentPunctuationPause; protected bool boldActive; protected bool italicActive; protected bool colorActive; protected string colorText; protected bool wasPointerClicked; public DialogAudio audioController = new DialogAudio(); protected virtual void LateUpdate() { wasPointerClicked = false; } public virtual void ShowDialog(bool visible) { if (dialogCanvas != null) { LeanTween.cancel(dialogCanvas.gameObject); CanvasGroup canvasGroup = dialogCanvas.GetComponent(); if (canvasGroup != null) { canvasGroup.alpha = 1; } dialogCanvas.gameObject.SetActive(visible); } if (visible) { // A new dialog is often shown as the result of a mouse click, so we need // to make sure the previous click doesn't register on the new dialogue wasPointerClicked = false; } } public virtual void FadeInDialog() { LeanTween.cancel(dialogCanvas.gameObject); CanvasGroup canvasGroup = dialogCanvas.GetComponent(); if (canvasGroup != null) { canvasGroup.alpha = 0; } dialogCanvas.gameObject.SetActive(true); if (fadeDuration == 0) fadeDuration = float.Epsilon; LeanTween.value(dialogCanvas.gameObject,0,1,fadeDuration).setEase(fadeEaseType).setOnUpdate( (float fadeAmount)=>{ if (canvasGroup != null) { canvasGroup.alpha = fadeAmount; } } ).setOnComplete( ()=>{ if (canvasGroup != null) { canvasGroup.alpha = 1; } } ); } public virtual void MoveInDialog() { endPosition = this.transform.position; float moveDuration = (Vector3.Distance(startPosition,this.transform.position)/moveSpeed); if (moveSpeed == 0) moveDuration = float.Epsilon; LeanTween.value(this.gameObject,(Vector2)startPosition,(Vector2)endPosition,moveDuration).setEase(moveEaseType).setOnUpdate( (Vector3 updatePosition)=>{ this.transform.position = updatePosition; } ).setOnComplete( ()=>{ this.transform.position = endPosition; } ); } public virtual void FadeOutDialog() { CanvasGroup canvasGroup = dialogCanvas.GetComponent(); LeanTween.cancel(dialogCanvas.gameObject); if (fadeDuration == 0) fadeDuration = float.Epsilon; LeanTween.value(dialogCanvas.gameObject,1,0,fadeDuration).setEase(fadeEaseType).setOnUpdate( (float fadeAmount)=>{ if (canvasGroup != null) { canvasGroup.alpha = fadeAmount; } } ).setOnComplete( ()=>{ dialogCanvas.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (canvasGroup != null) { canvasGroup.alpha = 1; } } ); } public virtual void MoveOutDialog() { endPosition = this.transform.position; float moveDuration = (Vector3.Distance(startPosition,this.transform.position)/moveSpeed); if (moveSpeed == 0) moveDuration = float.Epsilon; LeanTween.value(this.gameObject,(Vector2)endPosition,(Vector2)startPosition,moveDuration).setEase(moveEaseType).setOnUpdate( (Vector3 updatePosition)=>{ this.transform.position = updatePosition; } ).setOnComplete( ()=>{ this.transform.position = endPosition; } ); } public virtual void SetCharacter(Character character, Flowchart flowchart = null) { if (character == null) { if (characterImage != null) characterImage.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (nameText != null) nameText.text = ""; characterTypingSound = null; } else { Character prevSpeakingCharacter = speakingCharacter; speakingCharacter = character; // Dim portraits of non-speaking characters foreach (Stage s in Stage.activeStages) { if (s.dimPortraits) { foreach (Character c in s.charactersOnStage) { if (prevSpeakingCharacter != speakingCharacter) { if (c != speakingCharacter) { Portrait.SetDimmed(c, s, true); } else { Portrait.SetDimmed(c, s, false); } } } } } string characterName = character.nameText; if (characterName == "") { // Use game object name as default characterName =; } if (flowchart != null) { characterName = flowchart.SubstituteVariables(characterName); } characterTypingSound = character.soundEffect; SetCharacterName(characterName, character.nameColor); } } public virtual void SetCharacterImage(Sprite image) { if (characterImage != null) { if (image != null) { characterImage.sprite = image; characterImage.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { characterImage.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } public virtual void SetCharacterName(string name, Color color) { if (nameText != null) { nameText.text = name; nameText.color = color; } } protected virtual IEnumerator WriteText(string text, AudioClip voiceOverClip, Action onWritingComplete, Action onExitTag) { storyText.text = ""; // Parse the story text & tag markup to produce a list of tokens for processing DialogParser parser = new DialogParser(); parser.Tokenize(text); if (parser.tokens.Count == 0) { if (onWritingComplete != null) { onWritingComplete(); } yield break; } DialogText dialogText = new DialogText(); dialogText.parentDialog = this; dialogText.writingSpeed = writingSpeed; dialogText.punctuationPause = punctuationPause; dialogText.beepPerCharacter = beepPerCharacter; dialogText.slowBeepsAt = slowBeepsAt; dialogText.fastBeepsAt = fastBeepsAt; audioController.audioSource = GetComponent(); audioController.volume = writingVolume; audioController.loop = loopWritingSound; if (voiceOverClip != null) { audioController.audioClip = voiceOverClip; } else if (characterTypingSound != null) { audioController.audioClip = characterTypingSound; } else if (writingSound != null) { audioController.audioClip = writingSound; } audioController.Play(); foreach (Token token in parser.tokens) { switch (token.type) { case TokenType.Words: dialogText.Append(token.param); break; case TokenType.BoldStart: dialogText.boldActive = true; break; case TokenType.BoldEnd: dialogText.boldActive = false; break; case TokenType.ItalicStart: dialogText.italicActive = true; break; case TokenType.ItalicEnd: dialogText.italicActive = false; break; case TokenType.ColorStart: dialogText.colorActive = true; dialogText.colorText = token.param; break; case TokenType.ColorEnd: dialogText.colorActive = false; break; case TokenType.Wait: float duration = 1f; if (!Single.TryParse(token.param, out duration)) { duration = 1f; } yield return StartCoroutine(WaitForSecondsOrInput(duration)); break; case TokenType.WaitForInputNoClear: OnWaitForInputTag(true); yield return StartCoroutine(WaitForInput(null)); OnWaitForInputTag(false); break; case TokenType.WaitForInputAndClear: OnWaitForInputTag(true); yield return StartCoroutine(WaitForInput(null)); OnWaitForInputTag(false); currentSpeed = writingSpeed; dialogText.Clear(); audioController.Stop(); break; case TokenType.WaitOnPunctuationStart: float newPunctuationPause = 0f; if (!Single.TryParse(token.param, out newPunctuationPause)) { newPunctuationPause = 0f; } dialogText.punctuationPause = newPunctuationPause; break; case TokenType.WaitOnPunctuationEnd: dialogText.punctuationPause = punctuationPause; break; case TokenType.Clear: dialogText.Clear(); break; case TokenType.SpeedStart: float newSpeed = 0; if (!Single.TryParse(token.param, out newSpeed)) { newSpeed = 0f; } dialogText.writingSpeed = newSpeed; break; case TokenType.SpeedEnd: dialogText.writingSpeed = writingSpeed; break; case TokenType.Exit: if (onExitTag != null) { prevStoryText = storyText.text; audioController.Stop(); onExitTag(); } yield break; case TokenType.Message: Flowchart.BroadcastFungusMessage(token.param); break; case TokenType.VerticalPunch: float vPunchIntensity = 0; if (!Single.TryParse(token.param, out vPunchIntensity)) { vPunchIntensity = 0f; } VerticalPunch(vPunchIntensity); break; case TokenType.HorizontalPunch: float hPunchIntensity = 0; if (!Single.TryParse(token.param, out hPunchIntensity)) { hPunchIntensity = 0f; } HorizontalPunch(hPunchIntensity); break; case TokenType.Shake: float shakeIntensity = 0; if (!Single.TryParse(token.param, out shakeIntensity)) { shakeIntensity = 0f; } Shake(shakeIntensity); break; case TokenType.Shiver: float shiverIntensity = 0; if (!Single.TryParse(token.param, out shiverIntensity)) { shiverIntensity = 0f; } Shiver(shiverIntensity); break; case TokenType.Flash: float flashDuration = 0; if (!Single.TryParse(token.param, out flashDuration)) { flashDuration = 0f; } Flash(flashDuration); break; case TokenType.Audio: { AudioSource audioSource = FindAudio(token.param); if (audioSource != null) { audioSource.PlayOneShot(audioSource.clip); } } break; case TokenType.AudioLoop: { AudioSource audioSource = FindAudio(token.param); if (audioSource != null) { audioSource.Play(); audioSource.loop = true; } } break; case TokenType.AudioPause: { AudioSource audioSource = FindAudio(token.param); if (audioSource != null) { audioSource.Pause (); } } break; case TokenType.AudioStop: { AudioSource audioSource = FindAudio(token.param); if (audioSource != null) { audioSource.Pause (); } } break; } // Update text writing while (!dialogText.UpdateGlyphs(wasPointerClicked)) { storyText.text = dialogText.GetDialogText(); yield return null; } storyText.text = dialogText.GetDialogText(); wasPointerClicked = false; // Now process next token } prevStoryText = storyText.text; audioController.Stop(); if (onWritingComplete != null) { onWritingComplete(); } yield break; } protected virtual AudioSource FindAudio(string audioObjectName) { GameObject go = GameObject.Find(audioObjectName); if (go == null) { return null; } return go.GetComponent(); } protected virtual void VerticalPunch(float intensity) { iTween.ShakePosition(this.gameObject, new Vector3(0f, intensity, 0f), 0.5f); } protected virtual void HorizontalPunch(float intensity) { iTween.ShakePosition(this.gameObject, new Vector3(intensity, 0f, 0f), 0.5f); } protected virtual void Shake(float intensity) { iTween.ShakePosition(this.gameObject, new Vector3(intensity, intensity, 0f), 0.5f); } protected virtual void Shiver(float intensity) { iTween.ShakePosition(this.gameObject, new Vector3(intensity, intensity, 0f), 1f); } protected virtual void Flash(float duration) { CameraController cameraController = CameraController.GetInstance(); cameraController.screenFadeTexture = CameraController.CreateColorTexture(new Color(1f,1f,1f,1f), 32, 32); cameraController.Fade(1f, duration, delegate { cameraController.screenFadeTexture = CameraController.CreateColorTexture(new Color(1f,1f,1f,1f), 32, 32); cameraController.Fade(0f, duration, null); }); } public virtual void Clear() { ClearStoryText(); // Reset control variables currentSpeed = 60; currentPunctuationPause = 0.25f; boldActive = false; italicActive = false; colorActive = false; colorText = ""; // Kill any active write coroutine StopAllCoroutines(); } protected virtual void ClearStoryText() { if (storyText != null) { storyText.text = ""; } } protected virtual IEnumerator WaitForInput(Action onInput) { while (!wasPointerClicked) { yield return null; } wasPointerClicked = false; if (onInput != null) { // Stop all tweening portraits foreach( Character c in Character.activeCharacters ) { if (c.state.portraitImage != null) { if (LeanTween.isTweening(c.state.portraitImage.gameObject)) { LeanTween.cancel(c.state.portraitImage.gameObject, true); Portrait.SetRectTransform(c.state.portraitImage.rectTransform, c.state.position); if (c.state.dimmed == true) { c.state.portraitImage.color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1f); } else { c.state.portraitImage.color = Color.white; } } } } onInput(); } } protected virtual IEnumerator WaitForSecondsOrInput(float duration) { float timer = duration; while (timer > 0 && !wasPointerClicked) { timer -= Time.deltaTime; yield return null; } wasPointerClicked = false; } protected virtual void OnWaitForInputTag(bool waiting) {} // // IDialogInput implementation // public virtual void OnNextLineEvent() { wasPointerClicked = true; } } }