using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Serialization; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Fungus { [CommandInfo("Narrative", "Menu", "Displays a button in a multiple choice menu")] [AddComponentMenu("")] public class Menu : Command, ILocalizable { [Tooltip("Text to display on the menu button")] public string text = "Option Text"; [Tooltip("Notes about the option text for other authors, localization, etc.")] public string description = ""; [FormerlySerializedAs("targetSequence")] [Tooltip("Block to execute when this option is selected")] public Block targetBlock; [Tooltip("Hide this option if the target block has been executed previously")] public bool hideIfVisited; [Tooltip("If false, the menu option will be displayed but will not be selectable")] public BooleanData interactable = new BooleanData(true); [Tooltip("A custom Menu Dialog to use to display this menu. All subsequent Menu commands will use this dialog.")] public MenuDialog setMenuDialog; protected static bool eventSystemPresent; public override void OnEnter() { CheckEventSystem(); if (setMenuDialog != null) { // Override the active menu dialog MenuDialog.activeMenuDialog = setMenuDialog; } bool hideOption = (hideIfVisited && targetBlock != null && targetBlock.GetExecutionCount() > 0); if (!hideOption) { MenuDialog menuDialog = MenuDialog.GetMenuDialog(); if (menuDialog != null) { menuDialog.gameObject.SetActive(true); string displayText = text; menuDialog.AddOption(displayText, interactable, targetBlock); } } Continue(); } void OnLevelWasLoaded(int level) { // Reset the flag for checking for an event system as there may not be one // in the newly loaded scene. eventSystemPresent = false; } // There must be an Event System in the scene for Menu input to work. // This function will automatically instantiate one if none exists. protected virtual void CheckEventSystem() { if (eventSystemPresent) { return; } EventSystem eventSystem = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(); if (eventSystem == null) { // Auto spawn an Event System from the prefab GameObject prefab = Resources.Load("EventSystem"); if (prefab != null) { GameObject go = Instantiate(prefab) as GameObject; = "EventSystem"; } } eventSystemPresent = true; } public override void GetConnectedBlocks(ref List connectedBlocks) { if (targetBlock != null) { connectedBlocks.Add(targetBlock); } } public override string GetSummary() { if (targetBlock == null) { return "Error: No target block selected"; } if (text == "") { return "Error: No button text selected"; } return text + " : " + targetBlock.blockName; } public override Color GetButtonColor() { return new Color32(184, 210, 235, 255); } // // ILocalizable implementation // public virtual string GetStandardText() { return text; } public virtual void SetStandardText(string standardText) { text = standardText; } public virtual string GetDescription() { return description; } public virtual string GetStringId() { // String id for Menu commands is MENU.. return "MENU." + GetFlowchartLocalizationId() + "." + itemId; } } }