// This code is part of the Fungus library (http://fungusgames.com) maintained by Chris Gregan (http://twitter.com/gofungus).
// It is released for free under the MIT open source license (https://github.com/snozbot/fungus/blob/master/LICENSE)
using UnityEngine;
using MoonSharp.Interpreter;
namespace Fungus
/// Wrapper for a prime Lua table that persists across scene loads.
/// This is useful for transferring values from one scene to another. One one LuaStore component may exist
/// in a scene at a time.
public class LuaStore : LuaBindingsBase
protected Table primeTable;
/// A Lua table that can be shared between multiple LuaEnvironments.
public virtual Table PrimeTable { get { return primeTable; } }
protected bool initialized;
protected static LuaStore instance;
public void Start()
/// Initialize the LuaStore component.
/// This component behaves somewhat like a singleton in that only one instance
/// is permitted in the application which persists until shutdown.
protected virtual bool Init()
if (initialized)
return true;
if (instance == null)
// This is the first instance of the LuaStore, so store a static reference to it.
instance = this;
else if (instance != this)
// This is an extra instance of LuaStore. We only need one in the scene, so delete this one.
return false;
// We're now guaranteed that this instance of LuaStore is the first and only instance.
primeTable = DynValue.NewPrimeTable().Table;
// DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root objects
transform.parent = null;
initialized = true;
return true;
/// Callback to bind this LuaStore component with the "unity" table in a LuaEnvironment component.
public override void AddBindings(ILuaEnvironment luaEnv)
if (!Init())
MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script interpreter = luaEnv.Interpreter;
Table globals = interpreter.Globals;
if (globals == null)
Debug.LogError("Lua globals table is null");
// If the fungus global table is defined then add the store to it
Table fungusTable = globals.Get("fungus").Table;
if (fungusTable != null)
fungusTable["store"] = primeTable;
// Add the store as a global
globals["store"] = primeTable;