using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Fungus { public class FungusScriptWindow : EditorWindow { static bool locked = false; static GUIStyle lockButtonStyle; static FungusScript activeFungusScript; public static List deleteList = new List(); protected List windowSequenceMap = new List(); // The ReorderableList control doesn't drag properly when used with GUI.DragWindow(), // so we just implement dragging ourselves. protected int dragWindowId = -1; protected Vector2 startDragPosition; protected Sequence selectedSequence; protected const float minZoomValue = 0.5f; protected const float maxZoomValue = 1f; // Set this flag to tell the context menu to appear. // The context menu is modal, so we need to defer displaying it if the background needs to be repainted public static bool showContextMenu; [MenuItem("Window/Fungus Script")] static void Init() { GetWindow(typeof(FungusScriptWindow), false, "Fungus Script"); } // Implementing this method causes the padlock image to display on the window // protected virtual void ShowButton(Rect position) { if (lockButtonStyle == null) { lockButtonStyle = "IN LockButton"; } locked = GUI.Toggle(position, locked, GUIContent.none, lockButtonStyle); } public virtual void OnInspectorUpdate() { Repaint(); } static public FungusScript GetFungusScript() { if (locked && activeFungusScript != null) { return activeFungusScript; } locked = false; if (Selection.activeGameObject != null) { activeFungusScript = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent(); return activeFungusScript; } return null; } protected virtual void OnGUI() { FungusScript fungusScript = GetFungusScript(); if (fungusScript == null) { GUILayout.Label("No Fungus Script scene object selected"); return; } // Delete any scheduled objects foreach (Sequence deleteSequence in deleteList) { foreach (Command command in deleteSequence.commandList) { Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(command); } Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(deleteSequence); fungusScript.selectedSequence = null; fungusScript.ClearSelectedCommands(); } deleteList.Clear(); DrawScriptView(fungusScript); DrawControls(fungusScript); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && showContextMenu) { ShowContextMenu(); showContextMenu = false; } } protected virtual void DrawControls(FungusScript fungusScript) { GUILayout.Space(8); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(8); if (GUILayout.Button(FungusEditorResources.texAddButton)) { Vector2 newNodePosition = new Vector2(50 - fungusScript.scrollPos.x, 50 - fungusScript.scrollPos.y); CreateSequence(fungusScript, newNodePosition); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); fungusScript.zoom = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(fungusScript.zoom, minZoomValue, maxZoomValue, GUILayout.Width(100)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } protected virtual void DrawScriptView(FungusScript fungusScript) { Sequence[] sequences = fungusScript.GetComponentsInChildren(true); foreach (Sequence s in sequences) { fungusScript.scrollViewRect.xMin = Mathf.Min(fungusScript.scrollViewRect.xMin, s.nodeRect.xMin - 400); fungusScript.scrollViewRect.xMax = Mathf.Max(fungusScript.scrollViewRect.xMax, s.nodeRect.xMax + 400); fungusScript.scrollViewRect.yMin = Mathf.Min(fungusScript.scrollViewRect.yMin, s.nodeRect.yMin - 400); fungusScript.scrollViewRect.yMax = Mathf.Max(fungusScript.scrollViewRect.yMax, s.nodeRect.yMax + 400); } // Calc rect for script view Rect scriptViewRect = new Rect(0, 0, this.position.width / fungusScript.zoom, this.position.height / fungusScript.zoom); EditorZoomArea.Begin(fungusScript.zoom, scriptViewRect); DrawGrid(fungusScript); GLDraw.BeginGroup(scriptViewRect); if (Event.current.button == 0 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown) { selectedSequence = fungusScript.selectedSequence; fungusScript.selectedSequence = null; if (!EditorGUI.actionKey) { fungusScript.ClearSelectedCommands(); } } // Draw connections foreach (Sequence s in sequences) { DrawConnections(fungusScript, s, false); } foreach (Sequence s in sequences) { DrawConnections(fungusScript, s, true); } GUIStyle windowStyle = new GUIStyle(); windowStyle.stretchHeight = true; BeginWindows(); windowSequenceMap.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < sequences.Length; ++i) { Sequence sequence = sequences[i]; // Hack to support legacy design where sequences were child gameobjects (will be removed soon) sequence.UpdateSequenceName(); sequence.nodeRect.height = CalcRectHeight(sequence.commandList.Count); if (!Application.isPlaying && Event.current.button == 0) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag && dragWindowId == i) { sequence.nodeRect.x +=; sequence.nodeRect.y +=; } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && dragWindowId == i) { Vector2 newPos = new Vector2(sequence.nodeRect.x, sequence.nodeRect.y); sequence.nodeRect.x = startDragPosition.x; sequence.nodeRect.y = startDragPosition.y; Undo.RecordObject(sequence, "Node Position"); sequence.nodeRect.x = newPos.x; sequence.nodeRect.y = newPos.y; dragWindowId = -1; } } Rect windowRect = new Rect(sequence.nodeRect); windowRect.x += fungusScript.scrollPos.x; windowRect.y += fungusScript.scrollPos.y; windowRect.width = 240; GUILayout.Window(i, windowRect, DrawWindow, "", windowStyle); GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; windowSequenceMap.Add(sequence); } EndWindows(); // Right click to drag view if (Event.current.button == 1 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag) { fungusScript.scrollPos +=; } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.ScrollWheel) { fungusScript.zoom -= * 0.01f; fungusScript.zoom = Mathf.Clamp(fungusScript.zoom, minZoomValue, maxZoomValue); } GLDraw.EndGroup(); EditorZoomArea.End(); } protected virtual void DrawGrid(FungusScript fungusScript) { float width = this.position.width / fungusScript.zoom; float height = this.position.height / fungusScript.zoom; // Match background color of scene view if (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin) { GUI.color = new Color32(71, 71, 71, 255); } else { GUI.color = new Color32(86, 86, 86, 255); } GUI.DrawTexture( new Rect(0,0, width, height), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture ); GUI.color = Color.white; Color color = new Color32(96, 96, 96, 255); float gridSize = 128f; float x = fungusScript.scrollPos.x % gridSize; while (x < width) { GLDraw.DrawLine(new Vector2(x, 0), new Vector2(x, height), color, 1f); x += gridSize; } float y = fungusScript.scrollPos.y % gridSize; while (y < height) { GLDraw.DrawLine(new Vector2(0, y), new Vector2(width, y), color, 1f); y += gridSize; } } /* protected virtual void ResizeViews(FungusScript fungusScript) { cursorChangeRect = new Rect(this.position.width - fungusScript.commandViewWidth, 0, 4f, this.position.height); GUI.color = Color.grey; GUI.DrawTexture(cursorChangeRect, EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture); GUI.color = Color.white; EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(cursorChangeRect, MouseCursor.ResizeHorizontal); if (Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDown && cursorChangeRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { resize = true; } if (resize) { fungusScript.commandViewWidth = this.position.width - Event.current.mousePosition.x; fungusScript.commandViewWidth = Mathf.Max(minViewWidth, fungusScript.commandViewWidth); fungusScript.commandViewWidth = Mathf.Min(this.position.width - minViewWidth, fungusScript.commandViewWidth); } if(Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp) { resize = false; } } protected virtual void DrawSequenceView(FungusScript fungusScript) { GUILayout.Space(5); fungusScript.commandScrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(fungusScript.commandScrollPos); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Box("Sequence", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (fungusScript.selectedSequence == null) { GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); } if (GUILayout.Button(fungusScript.selectedSequence == null ? "Create Sequence" : "Create", fungusScript.selectedSequence == null ? EditorStyles.miniButton : EditorStyles.miniButtonLeft)) { Vector2 newPosition; if (fungusScript.selectedSequence == null) { newPosition = newNodePosition; } else { Rect selectedRect = fungusScript.selectedSequence.nodeRect; newPosition = new Vector2(selectedRect.position.x + selectedRect.width + 20, selectedRect.y); } CreateSequence(fungusScript, newPosition); } if (fungusScript.selectedSequence == null) { GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); } else { if (GUILayout.Button("Delete", EditorStyles.miniButtonMid)) { DeleteSequence(fungusScript, fungusScript.selectedSequence); } if (GUILayout.Button("Duplicate", EditorStyles.miniButtonRight)) { DuplicateSequence(fungusScript, fungusScript.selectedSequence); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (fungusScript.selectedSequence != null) { EditorGUILayout.Separator(); SequenceEditor sequenceEditor = Editor.CreateEditor(fungusScript.selectedSequence) as SequenceEditor; sequenceEditor.DrawSequenceGUI(fungusScript); DestroyImmediate(sequenceEditor); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); } */ public static Sequence CreateSequence(FungusScript fungusScript, Vector2 position) { Sequence newSequence = fungusScript.CreateSequence(position); Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(newSequence, "New Sequence"); fungusScript.selectedSequence = newSequence; fungusScript.ClearSelectedCommands(); newSequence.nodeRect.width = 240; return newSequence; } protected virtual void DeleteSequence(FungusScript fungusScript, Sequence sequence) { foreach (Command command in sequence.commandList) { Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(command); } Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(sequence); fungusScript.selectedSequence = null; fungusScript.ClearSelectedCommands(); } protected virtual void DrawWindow(int windowId) { Sequence sequence = windowSequenceMap[windowId]; FungusScript fungusScript = sequence.GetFungusScript(); // Select sequence when node is clicked if (!Application.isPlaying && (Event.current.button == 0 || Event.current.button == 1) && (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown)) { // Check if might be start of a window drag if (Event.current.button == 0 && Event.current.mousePosition.y < 26) { dragWindowId = windowId; startDragPosition.x = sequence.nodeRect.x; startDragPosition.y = sequence.nodeRect.y; } if (windowId < windowSequenceMap.Count) { Undo.RecordObject(fungusScript, "Select"); if (sequence != selectedSequence || !EditorGUI.actionKey) { int commandIndex = CalcCommandIndex(Event.current.mousePosition.y); if (commandIndex < sequence.commandList.Count && fungusScript.selectedCommands.Contains(sequence.commandList[commandIndex])) { // Right clicking on an already selected command does not clear the selected list } else { fungusScript.ClearSelectedCommands(); } } if (selectedSequence != sequence && Event.current.mousePosition.x > sequence.nodeRect.width - 30f) { Event.current.Use(); } fungusScript.selectedSequence = sequence; GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0; // Fix for textarea not refeshing (change focus) } } if (fungusScript.selectedSequence == sequence || fungusScript.executingSequence == sequence) { GUI.backgroundColor =; Rect highlightRect = new Rect(0, 0, sequence.nodeRect.width, 24); GUIStyle highlightStyle = new GUIStyle(); highlightStyle.normal.background = FungusEditorResources.texCommandBackground; = 1; highlightStyle.border.bottom = 1; highlightStyle.border.left = 1; highlightStyle.border.right = 1; GUI.Box(highlightRect, "", highlightStyle); GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; } GUILayout.BeginVertical(); SequenceEditor sequenceEditor = Editor.CreateEditor(sequence) as SequenceEditor; sequenceEditor.DrawCommandListGUI(sequence.GetFungusScript()); DestroyImmediate(sequenceEditor); GUILayout.EndVertical(); } protected virtual void DrawConnections(FungusScript fungusScript, Sequence sequence, bool highlightedOnly) { if (sequence == null) { return; } List connectedSequences = new List(); bool sequenceIsSelected = (fungusScript.selectedSequence == sequence); foreach (Command command in sequence.commandList) { if (command == null) { continue; } bool commandIsSelected = false; foreach (Command selectedCommand in fungusScript.selectedCommands) { if (selectedCommand == command) { commandIsSelected = true; break; } } bool highlight = command.IsExecuting() || (sequenceIsSelected && commandIsSelected); if (highlightedOnly && !highlight || !highlightedOnly && highlight) { continue; } connectedSequences.Clear(); command.GetConnectedSequences(ref connectedSequences); foreach (Sequence sequenceB in connectedSequences) { if (sequenceB == null || sequenceB.GetFungusScript() != fungusScript) { continue; } Rect startRect = new Rect(sequence.nodeRect); startRect.y += CalcRectHeight(sequence.commandList.Count); startRect.height = 0; startRect.x += fungusScript.scrollPos.x; startRect.y += fungusScript.scrollPos.y; Rect endRect = new Rect(sequenceB.nodeRect); endRect.height = 22; endRect.x += fungusScript.scrollPos.x; endRect.y += fungusScript.scrollPos.y; DrawRectConnection(startRect, endRect, highlight); } } } protected virtual void DrawRectConnection(Rect rectA, Rect rectB, bool highlight) { Vector2[] pointsA = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(rectA.xMin,, new Vector2(rectA.xMin + rectA.width / 2, rectA.yMax + 15), new Vector2(rectA.xMax, }; Vector2[] pointsB = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(rectB.xMin, + 4), new Vector2(rectB.xMin + rectB.width / 2, rectB.yMin), new Vector2(rectB.xMax, + 4) }; Vector2 pointA =; Vector2 pointB =; float minDist = float.MaxValue; foreach (Vector2 a in pointsA) { foreach (Vector2 b in pointsB) { float d = Vector2.Distance(a, b); if (d < minDist) { pointA = a; pointB = b; minDist = d; } } } Color color = Color.grey; if (highlight) { color =; } GLDraw.DrawConnectingCurve(pointA, pointB, color, 1.025f); Rect dotARect = new Rect(pointA.x - 5, pointA.y - 5, 10, 10); GUI.Label(dotARect, "", new GUIStyle("U2D.dragDotActive")); Rect dotBRect = new Rect(pointB.x - 5, pointB.y - 5, 10, 10); GUI.Label(dotBRect, "", new GUIStyle("U2D.dragDotActive")); } protected virtual float CalcRectHeight(int numCommands) { return (numCommands * 20) + 34; } protected virtual int CalcCommandIndex(float mouseY) { return Math.Max(0, (int)(mouseY - 34 + 7) / 20); } public static void ShowContextMenu() { FungusScript fungusScript = GetFungusScript(); if (fungusScript == null) { return; } bool showCut = false; bool showCopy = false; bool showDelete = false; bool showPaste = false; if (fungusScript.selectedCommands.Count > 0) { showCut = true; showCopy = true; showDelete = true; } CommandCopyBuffer commandCopyBuffer = CommandCopyBuffer.GetInstance(); if (commandCopyBuffer.HasCommands()) { showPaste = true; } GenericMenu commandMenu = new GenericMenu(); if (showCut) { commandMenu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Cut"), false, Cut); } else { commandMenu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent ("Cut")); } if (showCopy) { commandMenu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Copy"), false, Copy); } else { commandMenu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent ("Copy")); } if (showPaste) { commandMenu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Paste"), false, Paste); } else { commandMenu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent ("Paste")); } if (showDelete) { commandMenu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Delete"), false, Delete); } else { commandMenu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent ("Delete")); } commandMenu.AddSeparator(""); commandMenu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Select All"), false, SelectAll); commandMenu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Select None"), false, SelectNone); commandMenu.AddSeparator(""); commandMenu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Delete Sequence"), false, DeleteSequence); commandMenu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Duplicate Sequence"), false, DuplicateSequence); commandMenu.ShowAsContext(); } protected static void SelectAll() { FungusScript fungusScript = GetFungusScript(); if (fungusScript == null || fungusScript.selectedSequence == null) { return; } fungusScript.ClearSelectedCommands(); Undo.RecordObject(fungusScript, "Select All"); foreach (Command command in fungusScript.selectedSequence.commandList) { fungusScript.AddSelectedCommand(command); } } protected static void SelectNone() { FungusScript fungusScript = GetFungusScript(); if (fungusScript == null || fungusScript.selectedSequence == null) { return; } Undo.RecordObject(fungusScript, "Select None"); fungusScript.ClearSelectedCommands(); } protected static void Cut() { Copy(); Delete(); } protected static void Copy() { FungusScript fungusScript = GetFungusScript(); if (fungusScript == null || fungusScript.selectedSequence == null) { return; } CommandCopyBuffer commandCopyBuffer = CommandCopyBuffer.GetInstance(); commandCopyBuffer.Clear(); foreach (Command command in fungusScript.selectedCommands) { System.Type type = command.GetType(); Command newCommand = Undo.AddComponent(commandCopyBuffer.gameObject, type) as Command; System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(); foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo field in fields) { field.SetValue(newCommand, field.GetValue(command)); } } } protected static void Paste() { FungusScript fungusScript = GetFungusScript(); if (fungusScript == null || fungusScript.selectedSequence == null) { return; } CommandCopyBuffer commandCopyBuffer = CommandCopyBuffer.GetInstance(); // Find where to paste commands in sequence (either at end or after last selected command) int pasteIndex = fungusScript.selectedSequence.commandList.Count; if (fungusScript.selectedCommands.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < fungusScript.selectedSequence.commandList.Count; ++i) { Command command = fungusScript.selectedSequence.commandList[i]; foreach (Command selectedCommand in fungusScript.selectedCommands) { if (command == selectedCommand) { pasteIndex = i + 1; } } } } foreach (Command command in commandCopyBuffer.GetCommands()) { System.Type type = command.GetType(); Command newCommand = Undo.AddComponent(fungusScript.selectedSequence.gameObject, type) as Command; System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(); foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo field in fields) { field.SetValue(newCommand, field.GetValue(command)); } Undo.RecordObject(fungusScript.selectedSequence, "Paste"); fungusScript.selectedSequence.commandList.Insert(pasteIndex++, newCommand); } } protected static void Delete() { FungusScript fungusScript = GetFungusScript(); if (fungusScript == null || fungusScript.selectedSequence == null) { return; } for (int i = fungusScript.selectedSequence.commandList.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Command command = fungusScript.selectedSequence.commandList[i]; foreach (Command selectedCommand in fungusScript.selectedCommands) { if (command == selectedCommand) { Undo.RecordObject(fungusScript.selectedSequence, "Delete"); fungusScript.selectedSequence.commandList.RemoveAt(i); Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(command); break; } } } Undo.RecordObject(fungusScript, "Delete"); fungusScript.ClearSelectedCommands(); fungusScript.selectedSequence = null; } public static void DeleteSequence() { FungusScript fungusScript = GetFungusScript(); if (fungusScript == null || fungusScript.selectedSequence == null) { return; } FungusScriptWindow.deleteList.Add(fungusScript.selectedSequence); } protected static void DuplicateSequence() { FungusScript fungusScript = GetFungusScript(); if (fungusScript == null || fungusScript.selectedSequence == null) { return; } Vector2 newPosition = new Vector2(fungusScript.selectedSequence.nodeRect.position.x + fungusScript.selectedSequence.nodeRect.width + 20, fungusScript.selectedSequence.nodeRect.y); Sequence oldSequence = fungusScript.selectedSequence; Sequence newSequence = FungusScriptWindow.CreateSequence(fungusScript, newPosition); newSequence.sequenceName = oldSequence.sequenceName + " (Copy)"; foreach (Command command in oldSequence.commandList) { System.Type type = command.GetType(); Command newCommand = Undo.AddComponent(fungusScript.gameObject, type) as Command; System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(); foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo field in fields) { field.SetValue(newCommand, field.GetValue(command)); } newSequence.commandList.Add(newCommand); } } } }