using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; namespace Fungus { [System.Serializable] public class StringVar { public string key; public string value; } [System.Serializable] public class IntVar { public string key; public int value; } [System.Serializable] public class FloatVar { public string key; public float value; } [System.Serializable] public class BoolVar { public string key; public bool value; } [System.Serializable] public class SavePointData { public string sceneName; public string flowchartName; public string resumeBlockName; public List stringVars = new List(); public List intVars = new List(); public List floatVars = new List(); public List boolVars = new List(); public static SavePointData Create(Flowchart flowchart, string resumeBlockName) { var saveData = new SavePointData(); // Store the scene, flowchart and block to execute on resume saveData.sceneName = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name; saveData.flowchartName =; saveData.resumeBlockName = resumeBlockName; for (int i = 0; i < flowchart.Variables.Count; i++) { var v = flowchart.Variables[i]; // Save string var stringVariable = v as StringVariable; if (stringVariable != null) { var d = new StringVar(); d.key = stringVariable.Key; d.value = stringVariable.Value; saveData.stringVars.Add(d); } // Save int var intVariable = v as IntegerVariable; if (intVariable != null) { var d = new IntVar(); d.key = intVariable.Key; d.value = intVariable.Value; saveData.intVars.Add(d); } // Save float var floatVariable = v as FloatVariable; if (floatVariable != null) { var d = new FloatVar(); d.key = floatVariable.Key; d.value = floatVariable.Value; saveData.floatVars.Add(d); } // Save bool var boolVariable = v as BooleanVariable; if (boolVariable != null) { var d = new BoolVar(); d.key = boolVariable.Key; d.value = boolVariable.Value; saveData.boolVars.Add(d); } } return saveData; } public static void ResumeSavedState(SavePointData saveData) { var go = GameObject.Find(saveData.flowchartName); if (go == null) { return; } var flowchart = go.GetComponent(); if (flowchart == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < saveData.boolVars.Count; i++) { var boolVar = saveData.boolVars[i]; flowchart.SetBooleanVariable(boolVar.key, boolVar.value); } for (int i = 0; i < saveData.intVars.Count; i++) { var intVar = saveData.intVars[i]; flowchart.SetIntegerVariable(intVar.key, intVar.value); } for (int i = 0; i < saveData.floatVars.Count; i++) { var floatVar = saveData.floatVars[i]; flowchart.SetFloatVariable(floatVar.key, floatVar.value); } for (int i = 0; i < saveData.stringVars.Count; i++) { var stringVar = saveData.stringVars[i]; flowchart.SetStringVariable(stringVar.key, stringVar.value); } flowchart.ExecuteBlock(saveData.resumeBlockName); } } }