// This code is part of the Fungus library (http://fungusgames.com) maintained by Chris Gregan (http://twitter.com/gofungus). // It is released for free under the MIT open source license (https://github.com/snozbot/fungus/blob/master/LICENSE) using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Fungus { /// /// Display story text in a visual novel style dialog box. /// public class SayDialog : MonoBehaviour { [Tooltip("Duration to fade dialogue in/out")] [SerializeField] protected float fadeDuration = 0.25f; [Tooltip("The continue button UI object")] [SerializeField] protected Button continueButton; [Tooltip("The canvas UI object")] [SerializeField] protected Canvas dialogCanvas; [Tooltip("The name text UI object")] [SerializeField] protected Text nameText; [Tooltip("The story text UI object")] [SerializeField] protected Text storyText; public virtual Text StoryText { get { return storyText; } } [Tooltip("The character UI object")] [SerializeField] protected Image characterImage; public virtual Image CharacterImage { get { return characterImage; } } [Tooltip("Adjust width of story text when Character Image is displayed (to avoid overlapping)")] [SerializeField] protected bool fitTextWithImage = true; [Tooltip("Close any other open Say Dialogs when this one is active")] [SerializeField] protected bool closeOtherDialogs; protected float startStoryTextWidth; protected float startStoryTextInset; protected WriterAudio writerAudio; protected Writer writer; protected CanvasGroup canvasGroup; protected bool fadeWhenDone = true; protected float targetAlpha = 0f; protected float fadeCoolDownTimer = 0f; protected Sprite currentCharacterImage; // Most recent speaking character protected static Character speakingCharacter; protected StringSubstituter stringSubstituter = new StringSubstituter(); // Cache active Say Dialogs to avoid expensive scene search protected static List activeSayDialogs = new List(); protected void Awake() { if (!activeSayDialogs.Contains(this)) { activeSayDialogs.Add(this); } } protected void OnDestroy() { activeSayDialogs.Remove(this); } protected Writer GetWriter() { if (writer != null) { return writer; } writer = GetComponent(); if (writer == null) { writer = gameObject.AddComponent(); } return writer; } protected CanvasGroup GetCanvasGroup() { if (canvasGroup != null) { return canvasGroup; } canvasGroup = GetComponent(); if (canvasGroup == null) { canvasGroup = gameObject.AddComponent(); } return canvasGroup; } protected WriterAudio GetWriterAudio() { if (writerAudio != null) { return writerAudio; } writerAudio = GetComponent(); if (writerAudio == null) { writerAudio = gameObject.AddComponent(); } return writerAudio; } protected void Start() { // Dialog always starts invisible, will be faded in when writing starts GetCanvasGroup().alpha = 0f; // Add a raycaster if none already exists so we can handle dialog input GraphicRaycaster raycaster = GetComponent(); if (raycaster == null) { gameObject.AddComponent(); } // It's possible that SetCharacterImage() has already been called from the // Start method of another component, so check that no image has been set yet. // Same for nameText. if (nameText != null && nameText.text == "") { SetCharacterName("", Color.white); } if (currentCharacterImage == null) { // Character image is hidden by default. SetCharacterImage(null); } } protected void OnEnable() { // We need to update the cached list every time the Say Dialog is enabled // due to an initialization order issue after loading scenes. stringSubstituter.CacheSubstitutionHandlers(); } protected virtual void LateUpdate() { UpdateAlpha(); if (continueButton != null) { continueButton.gameObject.SetActive( GetWriter().IsWaitingForInput ); } } protected virtual void UpdateAlpha() { if (GetWriter().IsWriting) { targetAlpha = 1f; fadeCoolDownTimer = 0.1f; } else if (fadeWhenDone && Mathf.Approximately(fadeCoolDownTimer, 0f)) { targetAlpha = 0f; } else { // Add a short delay before we start fading in case there's another Say command in the next frame or two. // This avoids a noticeable flicker between consecutive Say commands. fadeCoolDownTimer = Mathf.Max(0f, fadeCoolDownTimer - Time.deltaTime); } CanvasGroup canvasGroup = GetCanvasGroup(); if (fadeDuration <= 0f) { canvasGroup.alpha = targetAlpha; } else { float delta = (1f / fadeDuration) * Time.deltaTime; float alpha = Mathf.MoveTowards(canvasGroup.alpha, targetAlpha, delta); canvasGroup.alpha = alpha; if (alpha <= 0f) { // Deactivate dialog object once invisible gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } protected virtual void ClearStoryText() { if (storyText != null) { storyText.text = ""; } } #region Public members /// /// Currently active Say Dialog used to display Say text /// public static SayDialog ActiveSayDialog { get; set; } /// /// Returns a SayDialog by searching for one in the scene or creating one if none exists. /// public static SayDialog GetSayDialog() { if (ActiveSayDialog == null) { SayDialog sd = null; // Use first active Say Dialog in the scene (if any) if (activeSayDialogs.Count > 0) { sd = activeSayDialogs[0]; } if (sd != null) { ActiveSayDialog = sd; } if (ActiveSayDialog == null) { // Auto spawn a say dialog object from the prefab GameObject prefab = Resources.Load("Prefabs/SayDialog"); if (prefab != null) { GameObject go = Instantiate(prefab) as GameObject; go.SetActive(false); go.name = "SayDialog"; ActiveSayDialog = go.GetComponent(); } } } return ActiveSayDialog; } /// /// Stops all active portrait tweens. /// public static void StopPortraitTweens() { // Stop all tweening portraits var activeCharacters = Character.ActiveCharacters; for (int i = 0; i < activeCharacters.Count; i++) { var c = activeCharacters[i]; if (c.State.portraitImage != null) { if (LeanTween.isTweening(c.State.portraitImage.gameObject)) { LeanTween.cancel(c.State.portraitImage.gameObject, true); PortraitController.SetRectTransform(c.State.portraitImage.rectTransform, c.State.position); if (c.State.dimmed == true) { c.State.portraitImage.color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1f); } else { c.State.portraitImage.color = Color.white; } } } } } /// /// Sets the active state of the Say Dialog gameobject. /// public virtual void SetActive(bool state) { gameObject.SetActive(state); } /// /// Sets the active speaking character. /// /// The active speaking character. public virtual void SetCharacter(Character character) { if (character == null) { if (characterImage != null) { characterImage.gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (nameText != null) { nameText.text = ""; } speakingCharacter = null; } else { var prevSpeakingCharacter = speakingCharacter; speakingCharacter = character; // Dim portraits of non-speaking characters var activeStages = Stage.ActiveStages; for (int i = 0; i < activeStages.Count; i++) { var stage = activeStages[i]; if (stage.DimPortraits) { var charactersOnStage = stage.CharactersOnStage; for (int j = 0; j < charactersOnStage.Count; j++) { var c = charactersOnStage[j]; if (prevSpeakingCharacter != speakingCharacter) { if (c != null && !c.Equals(speakingCharacter)) { stage.SetDimmed(c, true); } else { stage.SetDimmed(c, false); } } } } } string characterName = character.NameText; if (characterName == "") { // Use game object name as default characterName = character.GetObjectName(); } SetCharacterName(characterName, character.NameColor); } } /// /// Sets the character image to display on the Say Dialog. /// public virtual void SetCharacterImage(Sprite image) { if (characterImage == null) { return; } if (image != null) { characterImage.sprite = image; characterImage.gameObject.SetActive(true); currentCharacterImage = image; } else { characterImage.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (startStoryTextWidth != 0) { storyText.rectTransform.SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge(RectTransform.Edge.Left, startStoryTextInset, startStoryTextWidth); } } // Adjust story text box to not overlap image rect if (fitTextWithImage && storyText != null && characterImage.gameObject.activeSelf) { if (Mathf.Approximately(startStoryTextWidth, 0f)) { startStoryTextWidth = storyText.rectTransform.rect.width; startStoryTextInset = storyText.rectTransform.offsetMin.x; } // Clamp story text to left or right depending on relative position of the character image if (storyText.rectTransform.position.x < characterImage.rectTransform.position.x) { storyText.rectTransform.SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge(RectTransform.Edge.Left, startStoryTextInset, startStoryTextWidth - characterImage.rectTransform.rect.width); } else { storyText.rectTransform.SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge(RectTransform.Edge.Right, startStoryTextInset, startStoryTextWidth - characterImage.rectTransform.rect.width); } } } /// /// Sets the character name to display on the Say Dialog. /// Supports variable substitution e.g. John {$surname} /// public virtual void SetCharacterName(string name, Color color) { if (nameText != null) { var subbedName = stringSubstituter.SubstituteStrings(name); nameText.text = subbedName; nameText.color = color; } } /// /// Write a line of story text to the Say Dialog. Starts coroutine automatically. /// /// The text to display. /// Clear any previous text in the Say Dialog. /// Wait for player input before continuing once text is written. /// Fade out the Say Dialog when writing and player input has finished. /// Stop any existing voiceover audio before writing starts. /// Voice over audio clip to play. /// Callback to execute when writing and player input have finished. public virtual void Say(string text, bool clearPrevious, bool waitForInput, bool fadeWhenDone, bool stopVoiceover, AudioClip voiceOverClip, Action onComplete) { StartCoroutine(DoSay(text, clearPrevious, waitForInput, fadeWhenDone, stopVoiceover, voiceOverClip, onComplete)); } /// /// Write a line of story text to the Say Dialog. Must be started as a coroutine. /// /// The text to display. /// Clear any previous text in the Say Dialog. /// Wait for player input before continuing once text is written. /// Fade out the Say Dialog when writing and player input has finished. /// Stop any existing voiceover audio before writing starts. /// Voice over audio clip to play. /// Callback to execute when writing and player input have finished. public virtual IEnumerator DoSay(string text, bool clearPrevious, bool waitForInput, bool fadeWhenDone, bool stopVoiceover, AudioClip voiceOverClip, Action onComplete) { var writer = GetWriter(); if (writer.IsWriting || writer.IsWaitingForInput) { writer.Stop(); while (writer.IsWriting || writer.IsWaitingForInput) { yield return null; } } if (closeOtherDialogs) { for (int i = 0; i < activeSayDialogs.Count; i++) { var sd = activeSayDialogs[i]; if (sd.gameObject != gameObject) { sd.SetActive(false); } } } gameObject.SetActive(true); this.fadeWhenDone = fadeWhenDone; // Voice over clip takes precedence over a character sound effect if provided AudioClip soundEffectClip = null; if (voiceOverClip != null) { WriterAudio writerAudio = GetWriterAudio(); writerAudio.OnVoiceover(voiceOverClip); } else if (speakingCharacter != null) { soundEffectClip = speakingCharacter.SoundEffect; } yield return StartCoroutine(writer.Write(text, clearPrevious, waitForInput, stopVoiceover, soundEffectClip, onComplete)); } /// /// Tell the Say Dialog to fade out once writing and player input have finished. /// public virtual bool FadeWhenDone { get {return fadeWhenDone; } set { fadeWhenDone = value; } } /// /// Stop the Say Dialog while its writing text. /// public virtual void Stop() { fadeWhenDone = true; GetWriter().Stop(); } /// /// Stops writing text and clears the Say Dialog. /// public virtual void Clear() { ClearStoryText(); // Kill any active write coroutine StopAllCoroutines(); } #endregion } }