// <summary>
//   SfxrEditor implements a Unity window to generate sounds with usfxr
//   using a more friendly GUI.
// </summary>
// <copyright file="SfxrGenerator.cs">
//   Copyright 2013 Tiaan Geldenhuys, 2014 Zeh Fernando
//   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
//   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
//   You may obtain a copy of the License at
//       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
//   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
//   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
//   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
//   limitations under the License.
// </copyright>
using System;
using System.IO;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

/// <summary>
/// Implements a Unity window to generate sounds and their parameters with usfxr.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Open the generator from the Window menu. You can then create a sound and
/// when you are ready, copy the equivalent parameters to the clipboard to be
/// used inside your game.
/// </remarks>
public class SfxrGenerator : EditorWindow {

	/// <summary>
	/// Open the usfxr's sound-effects generator window.
	/// </summary>

	// Enums
	public enum WaveType : uint {
		Square = 0,
		Sawtooth = 1,
		Sine = 2,
		Noise = 3,
		Triangle = 4,
		PinkNoise = 5,
		Tan = 6,
		Whistle = 7,
		Breaker = 8

	// Properties
	private Vector2 scrollPosition;		// Position of the scroll window
	private Vector2 scrollPositionRoot;
	private SfxrParams soundParameters;

	private string suggestedName;
	private SfxrSynth synth;

	// ================================================================================================================
	// PUBLIC INTERFACE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	[MenuItem("Tools/Fungus/Utilities/Generate usfxr Sound Effects")]
	public static void Initialize() {
		var window = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<SfxrGenerator>();
		window.title = window.name = "Sound Effects";

	protected virtual void OnGUI() {
		// Initializations
		if (soundParameters == null) {
			soundParameters = new SfxrParams();
		if (synth == null) {
			synth = new SfxrSynth();

		bool soundChanged = false;

		// Begin UI
		scrollPositionRoot = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPositionRoot);

		// Left column (generator buttons, copy & paste)
		soundChanged = RenderLeftColumn(soundParameters) || soundChanged;

		// Main settings column
		soundChanged = RenderSettingsColumn(soundParameters) || soundChanged;

		// Ends the UI
		// Play sound if necessary
		if (soundChanged) {


	public void PlaySound() {
		// Just play the current sound
	public void CreateWavePreview() {
		// Creates an image with a preview of the wave
		// Create the texture and set its colour.
		Texture2D blackTexture = new Texture2D(1,1);
		// Use the texture.
		GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0,0,Screen.width,Screen.height), blackTexture);
		// Anti alias line: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xiaolin_Wu's_line_algorithm


	public bool RenderLeftColumn(SfxrParams parameters) {
		bool soundChanged = false;

		// Begin generator column
		GUILayout.BeginVertical("box", GUILayout.Width(110));
		GUILayout.Label("GENERATOR", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

		if (GUILayout.Button("PICKUP/COIN")) {
			suggestedName = "PickupCoin";
			soundChanged = true;
		if (GUILayout.Button("LASER/SHOOT")) {
			suggestedName = "LaserShoot";
			soundChanged = true;
		if (GUILayout.Button("EXPLOSION")) {
			suggestedName = "Explosion";
			soundChanged = true;
		if (GUILayout.Button("POWERUP")) {
			suggestedName = "Powerup";
			soundChanged = true;
		if (GUILayout.Button("HIT/HURT")) {
			suggestedName = "HitHurt";
			soundChanged = true;
		if (GUILayout.Button("JUMP")) {
			suggestedName = "Jump";
			soundChanged = true;
		if (GUILayout.Button("BLIP/SELECT")) {
			suggestedName = "BlipSelect";
			soundChanged = true;


		if (GUILayout.Button("MUTATE")) {
			soundChanged = true;
		if (GUILayout.Button("RANDOMIZE")) {
			suggestedName = "Random";
			soundChanged = true;


		if (GUILayout.Button("COPY (OLD)")) {
			EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = parameters.GetSettingsStringLegacy();
		if (GUILayout.Button("COPY")) {
			EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = parameters.GetSettingsString();
		if (GUILayout.Button("PASTE")) {
			suggestedName = null;
			soundChanged = true;


		if (GUILayout.Button("PLAY SOUND")) {


		if (GUILayout.Button("EXPORT WAV")) {
			var path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Export as WAV", "", getSuggestedName() + ".wav", "wav");
			if (path.Length != 0) {
				SfxrSynth synth = new SfxrSynth();
				File.WriteAllBytes(path, synth.GetWavFile());

		// End generator column

		return soundChanged;
	public bool RenderSettingsColumn(SfxrParams parameters) {
		bool soundChanged = false;

		// Begin manual settings column
		GUILayout.Label("MANUAL SETTINGS", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

		scrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition);
		soundChanged = RenderParameters(soundParameters) || soundChanged;

		// End manual settings column

		return soundChanged;

	/// <summary>
	/// Renders the specified SFXR parameters in the editor.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="parameters">The current parameters to be rendered.</param>
	/// <remarks>
	/// This method is called automatically for the standalone editor window
	/// when a game-object with parameters is selected.  However, this public
	/// method can also be called by CustomEditor implementations for specific
	/// game-components to render the editor in the Inspector window
	/// (see UnityEditor.Editor for details).  Also, this method can be used
	/// from PropertyDrawer implementations; future releases of the code may
	/// include such a default drawer (once SfxrSynth and SfxrParams supports
	/// native serialization for Unity).
	/// </remarks>
	public bool RenderParameters(SfxrParams parameters) {
		bool soundChanged = false;

		GUIStyle waveTypeStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.popup);
		waveTypeStyle.fontSize = 12;
		waveTypeStyle.fixedHeight = 22;

		try {
			WaveType waveTypeAsEnum = (WaveType)parameters.waveType;
			waveTypeAsEnum = (WaveType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(new GUIContent("Wave Type", "Shape of the wave"), waveTypeAsEnum, waveTypeStyle);
			parameters.waveType = (uint)waveTypeAsEnum;

			//RenderPopup(waveTypeOptions, ((int)(parameters.waveType)), (value => parameters.waveType = ((uint)(value))), new GUIContent("Wave Type", "Shape of the wave"));
			bool isSquareWaveType = (parameters.waveType == 0);
			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.masterVolume, (value => parameters.masterVolume = value), new GUIContent("Volume", "Overall volume of the sound (0 to 1)"));

			RenderHeading("Wave Envelope");
			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.attackTime, (value => parameters.attackTime = value), new GUIContent("Attack Time", "Length of the volume envelope attack (0 to 1)"));
			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.sustainTime, (value => parameters.sustainTime = value), new GUIContent("Sustain Time", "Length of the volume envelope sustain (0 to 1)"));
			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.sustainPunch, (value => parameters.sustainPunch = value), new GUIContent("Sustain Punch", "Tilts the sustain envelope for more 'pop' (0 to 1)"));
			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.decayTime, (value => parameters.decayTime = value), new GUIContent("Decay Time", "Length of the volume envelope decay (yes, I know it's called release) (0 to 1)"));

			// BFXR
			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.compressionAmount, (value => parameters.compressionAmount = value), new GUIContent("Compression", "Pushes amplitudes together into a narrower range to make them stand out more. Very good for sound effects, where you want them to stick out against background music (0 to 1)"));

			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.startFrequency, (value => parameters.startFrequency = value), new GUIContent("Start Frequency", "Base note of the sound (0 to 1)"));
			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.minFrequency, (value => parameters.minFrequency = value), new GUIContent("Minimum Frequency", "If sliding, the sound will stop at this frequency, to prevent really low notes (0 to 1)"));
			RenderSlider(-1, +1, parameters.slide, (value => parameters.slide = value), new GUIContent("Slide", "Slides the note up or down (-1 to 1)"));
			RenderSlider(-1, +1, parameters.deltaSlide, (value => parameters.deltaSlide = value), new GUIContent("Delta Slide", "Accelerates the slide (-1 to 1)"));
			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.vibratoDepth, (value => parameters.vibratoDepth = value), new GUIContent("Vibrato Depth", "Strength of the vibrato effect (0 to 1)"));
			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.vibratoSpeed, (value => parameters.vibratoSpeed = value), new GUIContent("Vibrato Speed", "Speed of the vibrato effect (i.e. frequency) (0 to 1)"));

			// BFXR
			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.overtones, (value => parameters.overtones = value), new GUIContent("Harmonics", "Overlays copies of the waveform with copies and multiples of its frequency. Good for bulking out or otherwise enriching the texture of the sounds (warning: this is the number 1 cause of usfxr slowdown!) (0 to 1)"));
			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.overtoneFalloff, (value => parameters.overtoneFalloff = value), new GUIContent("Harmonics falloff", "The rate at which higher overtones should decay (0 to 1)"));

			RenderHeading("Tone Change/Pitch Jump");
			// BFXR
			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.changeRepeat, (value => parameters.changeRepeat = value), new GUIContent("Change Repeat Speed", "Larger Values means more pitch jumps, which can be useful for arpeggiation (0 to 1)"));

			RenderSlider(-1, +1, parameters.changeAmount, (value => parameters.changeAmount = value), new GUIContent("Change Amount 1", "Shift in note, either up or down (-1 to 1)"));
			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.changeSpeed, (value => parameters.changeSpeed = value), new GUIContent("Change Speed 1", "How fast the note shift happens (only happens once) (0 to 1)"));

			// BFXR
			RenderSlider(-1, +1, parameters.changeAmount2, (value => parameters.changeAmount2 = value), new GUIContent("Change Amount 2", "Shift in note, either up or down (-1 to 1)"));
			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.changeSpeed2, (value => parameters.changeSpeed2 = value), new GUIContent("Change Speed 2", "How fast the note shift happens (only happens once) (0 to 1)"));

			RenderHeading("Square Waves");
			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.squareDuty, (value => parameters.squareDuty = value), new GUIContent("Square Duty", "Controls the ratio between the up and down states of the square wave, changing the tibre (0 to 1)"), isSquareWaveType);
			RenderSlider(-1, +1, parameters.dutySweep, (value => parameters.dutySweep = value), new GUIContent("Duty Sweep", "Sweeps the duty up or down (-1 to 1)"), isSquareWaveType);

			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.repeatSpeed, (value => parameters.repeatSpeed = value), new GUIContent("Repeat Speed", "Speed of the note repeating - certain variables are reset each time (0 to 1)"));

			RenderSlider(-1, +1, parameters.phaserOffset, (value => parameters.phaserOffset = value), new GUIContent("Phaser Offset", "Offsets a second copy of the wave by a small phase, changing the tibre (-1 to 1)"));
			RenderSlider(-1, +1, parameters.phaserSweep, (value => parameters.phaserSweep = value), new GUIContent("Phaser Sweep", "Sweeps the phase up or down (-1 to 1)"));

			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.lpFilterCutoff, (value => parameters.lpFilterCutoff = value), new GUIContent("Low-Pass Cutoff", "Frequency at which the low-pass filter starts attenuating higher frequencies (0 to 1)"));
			RenderSlider(-1, +1, parameters.lpFilterCutoffSweep, (value => parameters.lpFilterCutoffSweep = value), new GUIContent("Low-Pass Cutoff Sweep", "Sweeps the low-pass cutoff up or down (-1 to 1)"));
			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.lpFilterResonance, (value => parameters.lpFilterResonance = value), new GUIContent("Low-Pass Resonance", "Changes the attenuation rate for the low-pass filter, changing the timbre (0 to 1)"));
			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.hpFilterCutoff, (value => parameters.hpFilterCutoff = value), new GUIContent("High-Pass Cutoff", "Frequency at which the high-pass filter starts attenuating lower frequencies (0 to 1)"));
			RenderSlider(-1, +1, parameters.hpFilterCutoffSweep, (value => parameters.hpFilterCutoffSweep = value), new GUIContent("High-Pass Cutoff Sweep", "Sweeps the high-pass cutoff up or down (-1 to 1)"));

			RenderHeading("Bit Crushing");

			// BFXR
			RenderSlider(+0, +1, parameters.bitCrush, (value => parameters.bitCrush = value), new GUIContent("Bit Crush", "Resamples the audio at a lower frequency (0 to 1)"));
			RenderSlider(-1, +1, parameters.bitCrushSweep, (value => parameters.bitCrushSweep = value), new GUIContent("Bit Crush Sweep", "Sweeps the Bit Crush filter up or down (-1 to 1)"));
		} finally {
			if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) {
				parameters.paramsDirty = true;
				soundChanged = true;

		return soundChanged;

	protected static void RenderHeading(string heading) {
		EditorGUILayout.LabelField(heading, EditorStyles.boldLabel);

	protected static bool RenderButton(
		GUIContent content = null,
		Action valueChangeAction = null,
		bool? isEnabled = null,
		params GUILayoutOption[] options)
		if (content == null)
			content = GUIContent.none;

		bool isClicked = false;
		return RenderGenericEditor(
			ref isClicked,
			() => GUILayout.Button(content, options),

	protected static bool RenderButton(
		string text,
		Action valueChangeAction = null,
		bool? isEnabled = null,
		params GUILayoutOption[] options)
		return RenderButton(
			new GUIContent(text), valueChangeAction, isEnabled, options);

	protected static bool RenderPopup(
		GUIContent[] selectionOptions,
		int value,
		Action<int> valueChangeAction = null,
		GUIContent label = null,
		bool? isEnabled = null)
		if (label == null)
			label = GUIContent.none;

		return RenderGenericEditor(
			ref value,
			() => EditorGUILayout.Popup(label, value, selectionOptions),

	protected static bool RenderSlider(
		float minValue,
		float maxValue,
		float value,
		Action<float> valueChangeAction = null,
		GUIContent label = null,
		bool? isEnabled = null)
		if (label == null)
			label = GUIContent.none;

		return RenderGenericEditor(
			ref value,
			() => EditorGUILayout.Slider(label, value, minValue, maxValue),

	private static bool RenderGenericEditor<T>(
		ref T value,
		Func<T> valueEditFunction,
		Action<T> valueChangeAction = null,
		bool? isEnabled = null)
		bool isChanged;
		if (valueEditFunction == null)
			isChanged = false;
			bool? wasEnabled;
			if (isEnabled.HasValue)
				wasEnabled = GUI.enabled;
				GUI.enabled = isEnabled.Value;
				wasEnabled = null;

					value = valueEditFunction();
					isChanged = EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck();

				if (isChanged
					&& (valueChangeAction != null))
				if (wasEnabled.HasValue)
					GUI.enabled = wasEnabled.Value;

		return isChanged;

	private static bool RenderGenericEditor<T>(
		ref T value,
		Func<T> valueEditFunction,
		Action valueChangeAction,
		bool? isEnabled = null)
		Action<T> valueChangeActionWrapped = null;
		if (valueChangeAction != null)
			valueChangeActionWrapped = (dummyValue) => valueChangeAction();

		return RenderGenericEditor(
			ref value, valueEditFunction, valueChangeActionWrapped, isEnabled);

	private string getSuggestedName() {
		return suggestedName != null && suggestedName.Length > 0 ? suggestedName : "Audio";