// #define IMITATE_BATCH_MODE //uncomment if you want to imitate batch mode behaviour in non-batch mode mode run using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using UnityEngine; using UnityTest.IntegrationTestRunner; using System.IO; #if UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; #endif namespace UnityTest { [Serializable] public class TestRunner : MonoBehaviour { static private int TestSceneNumber = 0; static private readonly TestResultRenderer k_ResultRenderer = new TestResultRenderer(); public TestComponent currentTest; private List<TestResult> m_ResultList = new List<TestResult>(); private List<TestComponent> m_TestComponents; public bool isInitializedByRunner { get { #if !IMITATE_BATCH_MODE if (Application.isEditor && !IsBatchMode()) return true; #endif return false; } } private double m_StartTime; private bool m_ReadyToRun; private string m_TestMessages; private string m_Stacktrace; private TestState m_TestState = TestState.Running; private TestRunnerConfigurator m_Configurator; public TestRunnerCallbackList TestRunnerCallback = new TestRunnerCallbackList(); private IntegrationTestsProvider m_TestsProvider; private const string k_Prefix = "IntegrationTest"; private const string k_StartedMessage = k_Prefix + " Started"; private const string k_FinishedMessage = k_Prefix + " Finished"; private const string k_TimeoutMessage = k_Prefix + " Timeout"; private const string k_FailedMessage = k_Prefix + " Failed"; private const string k_FailedExceptionMessage = k_Prefix + " Failed with exception"; private const string k_IgnoredMessage = k_Prefix + " Ignored"; private const string k_InterruptedMessage = k_Prefix + " Run interrupted"; public void Awake() { m_Configurator = new TestRunnerConfigurator(); if (isInitializedByRunner) return; TestComponent.DisableAllTests(); } public void Start() { if (isInitializedByRunner) return; if (m_Configurator.sendResultsOverNetwork) { var nrs = m_Configurator.ResolveNetworkConnection(); if (nrs != null) TestRunnerCallback.Add(nrs); } TestComponent.DestroyAllDynamicTests(); #if UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER var dynamicTestTypes = TestComponent.GetTypesWithHelpAttribute(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name); #else var dynamicTestTypes = TestComponent.GetTypesWithHelpAttribute(""); #endif foreach (var dynamicTestType in dynamicTestTypes) TestComponent.CreateDynamicTest(dynamicTestType); var tests = TestComponent.FindAllTestsOnScene(); InitRunner(tests, dynamicTestTypes.Select(type => type.AssemblyQualifiedName).ToList()); } public void InitRunner(List<TestComponent> tests, List<string> dynamicTestsToRun) { Application.logMessageReceived += LogHandler; // Init dynamic tests foreach (var typeName in dynamicTestsToRun) { var t = Type.GetType(typeName); if (t == null) continue; var scriptComponents = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(t) as MonoBehaviour[]; if (scriptComponents.Length == 0) { Debug.LogWarning(t + " not found. Skipping."); continue; } if (scriptComponents.Length > 1) Debug.LogWarning("Multiple GameObjects refer to " + typeName); tests.Add(scriptComponents.First().GetComponent<TestComponent>()); } // create test structure m_TestComponents = ParseListForGroups(tests).ToList(); // create results for tests m_ResultList = m_TestComponents.Select(component => new TestResult(component)).ToList(); // init test provider m_TestsProvider = new IntegrationTestsProvider(m_ResultList.Select(result => result.TestComponent as ITestComponent)); m_ReadyToRun = true; } private static IEnumerable<TestComponent> ParseListForGroups(IEnumerable<TestComponent> tests) { var results = new HashSet<TestComponent>(); foreach (var testResult in tests) { if (testResult.IsTestGroup()) { var childrenTestResult = testResult.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(TestComponent), true) .Where(t => t != testResult) .Cast<TestComponent>() .ToArray(); foreach (var result in childrenTestResult) { if (!result.IsTestGroup()) results.Add(result); } continue; } results.Add(testResult); } return results; } public void Update() { if (m_ReadyToRun && Time.frameCount > 1) { m_ReadyToRun = false; StartCoroutine("StateMachine"); } } public void OnDestroy() { if (currentTest != null) { var testResult = m_ResultList.Single(result => result.TestComponent == currentTest); testResult.messages += "Test run interrupted (crash?)"; LogMessage(k_InterruptedMessage); FinishTest(TestResult.ResultType.Failed); } if (currentTest != null || (m_TestsProvider != null && m_TestsProvider.AnyTestsLeft())) { var remainingTests = m_TestsProvider.GetRemainingTests(); TestRunnerCallback.TestRunInterrupted(remainingTests.ToList()); } Application.logMessageReceived -= LogHandler; } private void LogHandler(string condition, string stacktrace, LogType type) { if (!condition.StartsWith(k_StartedMessage) && !condition.StartsWith(k_FinishedMessage)) { var msg = condition; if (msg.StartsWith(k_Prefix)) msg = msg.Substring(k_Prefix.Length + 1); if (currentTest != null && msg.EndsWith("(" + currentTest.name + ')')) msg = msg.Substring(0, msg.LastIndexOf('(')); m_TestMessages += msg + "\n"; } switch (type) { case LogType.Exception: { var exceptionType = condition.Substring(0, condition.IndexOf(':')); if (currentTest != null && currentTest.IsExceptionExpected(exceptionType)) { m_TestMessages += exceptionType + " was expected\n"; if (currentTest.ShouldSucceedOnException()) { m_TestState = TestState.Success; } } else { m_TestState = TestState.Exception; m_Stacktrace = stacktrace; } } break; case LogType.Assert: case LogType.Error: m_TestState = TestState.Failure; m_Stacktrace = stacktrace; break; case LogType.Log: if (m_TestState == TestState.Running && condition.StartsWith(IntegrationTest.passMessage)) { m_TestState = TestState.Success; } if (condition.StartsWith(IntegrationTest.failMessage)) { m_TestState = TestState.Failure; } break; } } public IEnumerator StateMachine() { TestRunnerCallback.RunStarted(Application.platform.ToString(), m_TestComponents); while (true) { if (!m_TestsProvider.AnyTestsLeft() && currentTest == null) { FinishTestRun(); yield break; } if (currentTest == null) { StartNewTest(); } if (currentTest != null) { if (m_TestState == TestState.Running) { if(currentTest.ShouldSucceedOnAssertions()) { var assertionsToCheck = currentTest.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<AssertionComponent>().Where(a => a.enabled).ToArray(); if (assertionsToCheck.Any () && assertionsToCheck.All(a => a.checksPerformed > 0)) { IntegrationTest.Pass(currentTest.gameObject); m_TestState = TestState.Success; } } if (currentTest != null && Time.time > m_StartTime + currentTest.GetTimeout()) { m_TestState = TestState.Timeout; } } switch (m_TestState) { case TestState.Success: LogMessage(k_FinishedMessage); FinishTest(TestResult.ResultType.Success); break; case TestState.Failure: LogMessage(k_FailedMessage); FinishTest(TestResult.ResultType.Failed); break; case TestState.Exception: LogMessage(k_FailedExceptionMessage); FinishTest(TestResult.ResultType.FailedException); break; case TestState.Timeout: LogMessage(k_TimeoutMessage); FinishTest(TestResult.ResultType.Timeout); break; case TestState.Ignored: LogMessage(k_IgnoredMessage); FinishTest(TestResult.ResultType.Ignored); break; } } yield return null; } } private void LogMessage(string message) { if (currentTest != null) Debug.Log(message + " (" + currentTest.Name + ")", currentTest.gameObject); else Debug.Log(message); } private void FinishTestRun() { PrintResultToLog(); TestRunnerCallback.RunFinished(m_ResultList); LoadNextLevelOrQuit(); } private void PrintResultToLog() { var resultString = ""; resultString += "Passed: " + m_ResultList.Count(t => t.IsSuccess); if (m_ResultList.Any(result => result.IsFailure)) { resultString += " Failed: " + m_ResultList.Count(t => t.IsFailure); Debug.Log("Failed tests: " + string.Join(", ", m_ResultList.Where(t => t.IsFailure).Select(result => result.Name).ToArray())); } if (m_ResultList.Any(result => result.IsIgnored)) { resultString += " Ignored: " + m_ResultList.Count(t => t.IsIgnored); Debug.Log("Ignored tests: " + string.Join(", ", m_ResultList.Where(t => t.IsIgnored).Select(result => result.Name).ToArray())); } Debug.Log(resultString); } private void LoadNextLevelOrQuit() { if (isInitializedByRunner) return; TestSceneNumber += 1; string testScene = m_Configurator.GetIntegrationTestScenes(TestSceneNumber); if (testScene != null) { #if UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER SceneManager.LoadScene(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(testScene)); #endif } else { TestRunnerCallback.AllScenesFinished(); k_ResultRenderer.ShowResults(); #if UNITY_EDITOR var prevScenes = m_Configurator.GetPreviousScenesToRestore(); if(prevScenes!=null) { UnityEditor.EditorBuildSettings.scenes = prevScenes; } #endif if (m_Configurator.isBatchRun && m_Configurator.sendResultsOverNetwork) Application.Quit(); } } public void OnGUI() { k_ResultRenderer.Draw(); } private void StartNewTest() { m_TestMessages = ""; m_Stacktrace = ""; m_TestState = TestState.Running; m_StartTime = Time.time; currentTest = m_TestsProvider.GetNextTest() as TestComponent; var testResult = m_ResultList.Single(result => result.TestComponent == currentTest); if (currentTest != null && currentTest.IsExludedOnThisPlatform()) { m_TestState = TestState.Ignored; Debug.Log(currentTest.gameObject.name + " is excluded on this platform"); } // don't ignore test if user initiated it from the runner and it's the only test that is being run if (currentTest != null && (currentTest.IsIgnored() && !(isInitializedByRunner && m_ResultList.Count == 1))) m_TestState = TestState.Ignored; LogMessage(k_StartedMessage); TestRunnerCallback.TestStarted(testResult); } private void FinishTest(TestResult.ResultType result) { m_TestsProvider.FinishTest(currentTest); var testResult = m_ResultList.Single(t => t.GameObject == currentTest.gameObject); testResult.resultType = result; testResult.duration = Time.time - m_StartTime; testResult.messages = m_TestMessages; testResult.stacktrace = m_Stacktrace; TestRunnerCallback.TestFinished(testResult); currentTest = null; if (!testResult.IsSuccess && testResult.Executed && !testResult.IsIgnored) { #if UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER k_ResultRenderer.AddResults(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name, testResult); #else k_ResultRenderer.AddResults(Application.loadedLevelName, testResult); #endif } } #region Test Runner Helpers public static TestRunner GetTestRunner() { TestRunner testRunnerComponent = null; var testRunnerComponents = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(TestRunner)); if (testRunnerComponents.Count() > 1) foreach (var t in testRunnerComponents) DestroyImmediate(((TestRunner)t).gameObject); else if (!testRunnerComponents.Any()) testRunnerComponent = Create().GetComponent<TestRunner>(); else testRunnerComponent = testRunnerComponents.Single() as TestRunner; return testRunnerComponent; } private static GameObject Create() { var runner = new GameObject("TestRunner"); runner.AddComponent<TestRunner>(); Debug.Log("Created Test Runner"); return runner; } private static bool IsBatchMode() { #if !UNITY_METRO const string internalEditorUtilityClassName = "UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility, UnityEditor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"; var t = Type.GetType(internalEditorUtilityClassName, false); if (t == null) return false; const string inBatchModeProperty = "inBatchMode"; var prop = t.GetProperty(inBatchModeProperty); return (bool)prop.GetValue(null, null); #else // if !UNITY_METRO return false; #endif // if !UNITY_METRO } #endregion enum TestState { Running, Success, Failure, Exception, Timeout, Ignored } } }