using UnityEditor; using UnityEditorInternal; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.Events; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Rotorz.ReorderableList; namespace Fungus { [CustomEditor (typeof(Portrait))] public class PortraitEditor : CommandEditor { protected SerializedProperty stageProp; protected SerializedProperty displayProp; protected SerializedProperty characterProp; protected SerializedProperty replacedCharacterProp; protected SerializedProperty portraitProp; protected SerializedProperty offsetProp; protected SerializedProperty fromPositionProp; protected SerializedProperty toPositionProp; protected SerializedProperty facingProp; protected SerializedProperty useDefaultSettingsProp; protected SerializedProperty fadeDurationProp; protected SerializedProperty moveSpeedProp; protected SerializedProperty shiftOffsetProp; protected SerializedProperty waitUntilFinishedProp; protected SerializedProperty moveProp; protected SerializedProperty shiftIntoPlaceProp; protected virtual void OnEnable() { stageProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("stage"); displayProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("display"); characterProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("character"); replacedCharacterProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("replacedCharacter"); portraitProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("portrait"); offsetProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("offset"); fromPositionProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("fromPosition"); toPositionProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("toPosition"); facingProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("facing"); useDefaultSettingsProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("useDefaultSettings"); fadeDurationProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("fadeDuration"); moveSpeedProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("moveSpeed"); shiftOffsetProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("shiftOffset"); waitUntilFinishedProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("waitUntilFinished"); moveProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("move"); shiftIntoPlaceProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("shiftIntoPlace"); } public override void DrawCommandGUI() { serializedObject.Update(); Portrait t = target as Portrait; if (Stage.activeStages.Count > 1) { CommandEditor.ObjectField(stageProp, new GUIContent("Portrait Stage", "Stage to display the character portraits on"), new GUIContent(""), Stage.activeStages); } else { t.stage = null; } // Format Enum names string[] displayLabels = StringFormatter.FormatEnumNames(t.display,""); displayProp.enumValueIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Display", (int)displayProp.enumValueIndex, displayLabels); string characterLabel = "Character"; if (t.display == DisplayType.Replace) { CommandEditor.ObjectField(replacedCharacterProp, new GUIContent("Replace", "Character to replace"), new GUIContent(""), Character.activeCharacters); characterLabel = "With"; } CommandEditor.ObjectField(characterProp, new GUIContent(characterLabel, "Character to display"), new GUIContent(""), Character.activeCharacters); bool showOptionalFields = true; Stage s = t.stage; // Only show optional portrait fields once required fields have been filled... if (t.character != null) // Character is selected { if (t.character.portraits == null || // Character has a portraits field t.character.portraits.Count <= 0 ) // Character has at least one portrait { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This character has no portraits. Please add portraits to the character's prefab before using this command.", MessageType.Error); showOptionalFields = false; } if (t.stage == null) // If default portrait stage selected { if (t.stage == null) // If no default specified, try to get any portrait stage in the scene { s = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(); } } if (s == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("No portrait stage has been set.", MessageType.Error); showOptionalFields = false; } } if (t.display != DisplayType.None && t.character != null && showOptionalFields) { if (t.display != DisplayType.Hide && t.display != DisplayType.MoveToFront) { // PORTRAIT CommandEditor.ObjectField(portraitProp, new GUIContent("Portrait", "Portrait representing character"), new GUIContent(""), t.character.portraits); if (t.character.portraitsFace != FacingDirection.None) { // FACING // Display the values of the facing enum as <-- and --> arrows to avoid confusion with position field string[] facingArrows = new string[] { "", "<--", "-->", }; facingProp.enumValueIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Facing", (int)facingProp.enumValueIndex, facingArrows); } else { t.facing = FacingDirection.None; } } else { t.portrait = null; t.facing = FacingDirection.None; } string toPositionPrefix = ""; if (t.move) { // MOVE EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(moveProp); } if (t.move) { if (t.display != DisplayType.Hide) { // START FROM OFFSET EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(shiftIntoPlaceProp); } } if (t.move) { if (t.display != DisplayType.Hide) { if (t.shiftIntoPlace) { t.fromPosition = null; // OFFSET // Format Enum names string[] offsetLabels = StringFormatter.FormatEnumNames(t.offset,""); offsetProp.enumValueIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("From Offset", (int)offsetProp.enumValueIndex, offsetLabels); } else { t.offset = PositionOffset.None; // FROM POSITION CommandEditor.ObjectField(fromPositionProp, new GUIContent("From Position", "Move the portrait to this position"), new GUIContent(""), s.positions); } } toPositionPrefix = "To "; } else { t.shiftIntoPlace = false; t.fromPosition = null; toPositionPrefix = "At "; } if (t.display == DisplayType.Show || (t.display == DisplayType.Hide && t.move) ) { // TO POSITION CommandEditor.ObjectField(toPositionProp, new GUIContent(toPositionPrefix+"Position", "Move the portrait to this position"), new GUIContent(""), s.positions); } else { t.toPosition = null; } if (!t.move && t.display != DisplayType.MoveToFront) { // MOVE EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(moveProp); } if (t.display != DisplayType.MoveToFront) { EditorGUILayout.Separator(); // USE DEFAULT SETTINGS EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(useDefaultSettingsProp); if (!t.useDefaultSettings) { // FADE DURATION EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(fadeDurationProp); if (t.move) { // MOVE SPEED EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(moveSpeedProp); } if (t.shiftIntoPlace) { // SHIFT OFFSET EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(shiftOffsetProp); } } } else { t.move = false; t.useDefaultSettings = true; EditorGUILayout.Separator(); } EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(waitUntilFinishedProp); if (t.portrait != null && t.display != DisplayType.Hide) { Texture2D characterTexture = t.portrait.texture; float aspect = (float)characterTexture.width / (float)characterTexture.height; Rect previewRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetAspectRect(aspect, GUILayout.Width(100), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); if (characterTexture != null) { GUI.DrawTexture(previewRect,characterTexture,ScaleMode.ScaleToFit,true,aspect); } } if (t.display != DisplayType.Hide) { string portraitName = ""; if (t.portrait != null) { portraitName =; } string portraitSummary = " " + portraitName; int toolbarInt = 1; string[] toolbarStrings = {"<--", portraitSummary, "-->"}; toolbarInt = GUILayout.Toolbar (toolbarInt, toolbarStrings, GUILayout.MinHeight(20)); int portraitIndex = -1; if (toolbarInt != 1) { for(int i=0; i 0) { t.portrait = t.character.portraits[--portraitIndex]; } else { t.portrait = null; } } if (toolbarInt == 2) { if(portraitIndex < t.character.portraits.Count-1) { t.portrait = t.character.portraits[++portraitIndex]; } } } } serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } } }